Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (11 lettori)

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Non ho i dati a portata di mano ma sbaglio o il differenziale tra Grecia vs Irlanda/Portogallo si è ridotto nelle ultime settimane?

In ogni caso appena la contadina e soci capiranno di aver acceso un cerino sotto una polveriera penso che la situazione si normalizzerà.

Perlatro il fondo di stabilità avrebbe problemi solo nel caso di una crisi seria di Spagna o Italia, evento possibile ma non probabile. :ciao:

Si è ridotto il differenziale per "merito" altrui ...

I nostri ellenici viaggiano, a grandi linee, sempre intorno ai 900. Salvo le giornate "calde" dove hanno allargato sin verso i 950 pb., poi rientrati.


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Loss of another MP weakens ND
Conservatives fear growing influence of Bakoyannis’s Democratic Alliance after second exit this week

New Democracy lost its second MP in two days when Giorgos Kontoyiannis, a deputy from Ileia in the Peloponnese, resigned yesterday after blasting Antonis Samaras’s leadership of the party and prompting concerns within the conservative ranks that the newly formed Democratic Alliance is set to become a growing force.

Just 24 hours after Cretan MP Lefteris Avgenakis was ousted from ND for applauding some of the positions adopted by Democratic Alliance, formed by Dora Bakoyannis, another conservative outcast, Kontoyiannis, said he was leaving the opposition and would continue as an independent. However, ND sources said the party expects both Avgenakis and Kontoyiannis to join Democratic Alliance in due course.

Before stepping down, Kontoyiannis spoke out against Samaras in Parliament. “At such a difficult time for the country, ND’s leadership refuses to agree on the obvious with the government.” He accused the ND leader of creating “splits and factionalism” in his party.

In an interview with Sunday’s Kathimerini, Samaras had said that he was not willing to enter into talks with the government or any other party that supported the EU-IMF memorandum.

New Democracy dismissed Kontoyiannis’s departure as part of an organized plan aimed at destabilizing the conservative party and boosting Prime Minister George Papandreou. “Mr Papandreou is looking for cheap fodder from others – they are few but they are very willing,” Samaras told ND’s five regional governors elected in the local elections earlier this month. “This has been out in the open since Monday, at a time when the voters helped put New Democracy on a positive track again at the local elections.”

Kontoyiannis became the fifth ND deputy to leave the party since May and his departure is a serious blow to Samaras’s leadership and the party as a whole following a less-than-convincing performance in the local elections.

If Kontoyiannis and Avgenakis do cross over to Democratic Alliance, they will be following in the footsteps of two former conservative ministers, Costas Kiltidis and Christos Markoyiannakis, who have already left ND and declared their support for Bakoyannis’s party. This would give Democratic Alliance five seats in Parliament. However, the MPs will continue to be classified as independents unless the newly formed party can increase its supporters in the House to 10, in which case Parliament’s rules allow the creation of a parliamentary group. This, in turn, leads to the party being given a parliamentary office and being allowed to hire support staff. ND sources said there are fears within the party that another five MPs could leave to join Democratic Alliance in the coming weeks.


Il quadro politico è in movimento...


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Growth plan to offset austerity

Prime Minister George Papandreou is planning to draft an “alternative” memorandum outlining positive reforms aimed at boosting growth and improving public services as a counterbalance to the harsh measures set out in the austerity program agreed to by his debt-ridden government with its international creditors.

According to sources, Papandreou has asked all his ministers to submit a list of five priorities for 2011 by tomorrow. The premier aims to discuss these proposals with each of his ministers individually before chairing a Cabinet meeting that will draft a “national plan” for 2011 or – as some sources have described it – an “alternative memorandum.”

Unlike the memorandum signed by Greece and its creditors – the European Commission, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund – the new plan would seek to introduce changes that would boost the quality of life for citizens rather than compromising it. Some of the changes envisaged are the reform of Greece’s electoral law, the computerization of files at state hospitals, the reform of the state education system and the launch of projects aimed at boosting competitiveness and providing support for the unemployed.

Addressing a meeting of select ministers yesterday, Papandreou said his aim was to implement the plan alongside structural reforms that the government has pledged to undertake as part of a broader plan to revive the beleaguered economy.




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Key to privatizations in property

Gov’t to appoint adviser on real estate portfolio by end-2010, step up efforts to sell off nonlisted enterprises

By Sotiris Nikas - Kathimerini

The Finance Ministry is planning to appoint an adviser by the end of the year to help it sell off part of the government’s real estate portfolio, which could earn it between 3 and 5 billion euros.

The government is expected to shift its efforts to raise money from its real estate assets up a gear after representatives from the European Central Bank, European Commission and International Monetary Fund – dubbed the troika in the local press – called for additional revenues from the government’s sell-off plan.

Greece’s lenders called on the government earlier this week to boost targeted privatization revenues from now until 2013 to 7 billion euros, from the previous 3-billion-euro goal. In fact, the lenders had initially wanted the target raised to 9 billion euros but then settled for the 7-billion figure.

After choosing to leave untouched its stakes in listed companies such as betting company OPAP, power supplier PPC and OTE telecom, the government has decided to earn privatization revenues in one of two ways: either by making use of real estate assets or moving more aggressively to reduce its positions in companies such as Athens International Airport (AIA) or gas company DEPA.

The initial work to be completed by the adviser would involve putting together a detailed list of the real estate property owned by each ministry and state organization, along with the best way to make use of it. This will involve the adviser knocking on the door of each ministry, examining its real estate portfolio and creating a list of assets that can be developed.

This work would need to be completed by the end of the second quarter of 2011. It will be the first time the Greek state will complete such a task, as Finance Minister Giorgos Papaconstantinou admitted recently.
Regarding the development of state enterprises, the Finance Ministry is expected to appoint advisers on its stakes in AIA, DEPA and Hellenic Defense Systems in the coming days.

At the same time, the government expects to complete the sell-off of Trainose, the operational arm of the Hellenic Railways Organization (OSE) and mining company Larco in 2011, while also proceeding with the development of ports and regional airports.

Presto in campo vendite del patrimonio immobiliare e privatizzazioni.


out of time...
Non ho i dati a portata di mano ma sbaglio o il differenziale tra Grecia vs Irlanda/Portogallo si è ridotto nelle ultime settimane?

In ogni caso appena la contadina e soci capiranno di aver acceso un cerino sotto una polveriera penso che la situazione si normalizzerà.

Perlatro il fondo di stabilità avrebbe problemi solo nel caso di una crisi seria di Spagna o Italia, evento possibile ma non probabile. :ciao:

Se ricordate a maggio, la Spagna era il lista d'attesa per 250Mld .....


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PPC readies plan after profits drop

The Public Power Corporation (PPC), the country’s largest electricity company, said yesterday nine-month net profit fell 30 percent due to higher fuel costs and lower power consumption.
Net profit dropped to 520.2 million euros, but beat the expectations of analysts, who were looking for a figure of around 507 million.

Sales declined 2.8 percent to 4.47 billion euros as small businesses curbed electricity use during the recession or turned to cheaper rivals.
“In the third quarter, market loss from clients yielding high profit margins intensified,” Arthouros Zervos, PPC’s chief executive officer, said in a statement.

PPC’s market share in this customer segment fell to 87 percent from 90 percent in the previous quarter, Zervos said. Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) declined 18 percent to 1.22 billion euros. PPC paid 30 percent more for natural gas and 56 percent more for diesel fuel during the nine-month period, the company said.

Greece, which owns 51 percent of PPC, plans to present its strategy to open up the energy market by the end of 2010.
This was a condition of the 110-billion-euro rescue package provided by the European Union, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund.
PPC said it will announce its business plan after the government releases its program.

“PPC is currently faced with important changes that impact both the regulatory framework of the energy market and its operating model,” Zervos said.
Shares in PPC fell 3.52 percent to 11.52 euros on the Athens bourse yesterday, bringing its market capitalization to 2.67 billion euros, versus a 0.04 percent dip on the broader market.


Settore energetico, anche questo in via di liberalizzazione.



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Pimco’s El-Erian: "Greece΄s Bail-Out Hasn΄t Worked"

The EU/IMF bailout package for Greece hasn’t worked, while there should be some burden sharing from private investors, said Pimco’s chief.

"It is unreasonable to expect the Irish taxpayer... to bear all the costs," Mohamed El-Erian told the BBC World Service.

He added it was unfair for the Irish to pay for the cost of the banks "basically being taken over by the government".

In relation to Angela Merkel’s proposal that sovereign bondholders should bear a part of the costs, he argued that it is in the long-term interests [of private investors] to work towards a pre-emptive orderly restructuring of debt that is consistent with high growth."

He told the British broadcaster that crises should be dealt with over three stages. First is recognising the problem, then comes calming the markets and finally there is dealing with the underlying issue.

In his view, the Irish Republic is at stage two, as is Greece, which accepted an EU-led rescue six months ago. But he stressed there is an important difference between the two nations as "Greece΄s bail-out hasn΄t worked".



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ECB’s Weber: EU Bailout Could Be Increased

The European Union-led bailout fund could be increased in order to restore confidence in the euro, the European Central Bank council member Axel Weber said.

“Seven hundred and fifty billion should be enough to assure the markets,” Weber said at the German embassy in Paris late Wednesday, Bloomberg reports.

“If not, it will have to be increased.”

He added that governments will “do what is necessary to see the euro maintained.”

In order not to distort incentives for investors, private creditors shouldn’t be relieved of their responsibility,” said Weber, who heads Germany’s Bundesbank.

Future aid for euro- member states should be tied to “strict conditions” and only be used “when the stability of the monetary union as a whole is in danger,” he noted.


Le posizioni di Weber di ieri, riportate dalla stampa greca.


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Developments in main opposition New Democracy (ND) after a MP left the party, government promises to accelerate reforms, the issue of civil servants' transfers and the mergers of numerous state-run and loss-making enterprises and the course of the economy in Greece and Europe mostly dominated the headlines on Thursday.

ADESMEFTOS TYPOS: "Express transfers of 25,000 civil servants and 12,000 lay-offs in public sector".

AVGHI: "Not a single euro for growth".

AVRIANI: "People disgusted by the new apostasy (referring to a handful of ND deputies leaving the party)".

ELEFTHEROS: "Another four detention centres for illegal migrants to be established".

ELEFTHEROTYPIA: "Employers, bankers and businesspeople hiding behind troika".

ELEFTHEROS TYPOS: "Clear explanations"

ESTIA: "Unbelievable chaos prevails in public sector".

ETHNOS: "Prime Minister George Papandreou furious with ministers".

IMERISSIA: "Growth measures now, otherwise we sink".

KATHIMERINI: "Fear of domino in eurozone".

NAFTEMPORIKI: "Effort to start development".

LOGOS: "79 state-run agencies will shut down".

RIZOSPASTIS: "Local administration merger plan a guillotine for working class families".

TA NEA: "Closed professions- How they'll open, what will be abolished".

TO VIMA: "Additional 2 percent contribution".

VRADYNI: "Criminals killing for a few euros".



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riporto quanto ho postato ieri notte .......tenete in considerazione il fatto del debito italiano com'è distribuito tra i diversi stati europei + importanti

scusa ma.......vorrei fosse così fin da domani ...............ma ho qualche dubbio, questa forma di non coerenza informativa lascerà sicuramente grossi strascichi e anche quando la situazione dovesse materialmente volgersi verso una soluzione prima di veder duraturi e consistenti rimbalzi sui tds coinvolti e tra i tds coinvoti inserisco pure quelli italiani temo che passerà del tempo:rolleyes:
Temo purtroppo che siano stati fatti danni consistenti alla fiducia di grosse istituzioni nei confronti di diversi mercati e sopratutto nei confronti di diversi stati della zona euro.
Se questa brutta situazione e mi riferisco alla inconsitenza di una visione unitaria del problema e ad una inconsistenza in un agire unitario (che poi per fortuna si è avuto e spero si avrà in futuro) cmq queste lungaggini lasceranno strascichi importanti , hanno minato e mineranno la fiducia di fondi pensione, etf investiment grade , polizze assicurative riguardo diversi stati europei ......e dio non voglia rientri pure l'Italia.
Riguardo L'italia mi sento abbastanza sereno in quanto ben 500 mlrd di debito pubblico italiano sono in mano alla francia e 190 mlrd sono in mano alla germania......sarebbe un effetto domino devastante a livello prima europeo ...poi mondiale ....ma questo lo avevo già scritto.
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