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PM set for testing week of talks
Papandreou to meet heads of IMF and European Commission as well as EU’s monetary affairs chief

Prime Minister George Papandreou faces one of the toughest tests of his leadership and diplomatic skills next week, when he will meet with the head of the European Commission, the International Monetary Fund and the European Union’s commissioner for monetary affairs, while hoping that a rally due to take place in central Athens on Monday does not cause unrest.

Papandreou, who has just completed a week of trips to various European destinations, will be heading for Brussels on Monday to meet with European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso. Talks between the two men are expected to focus on how Athens is progressing in improving the state of its economy and meeting the targets it has been set by the Commission, the European Central Bank and the IMF.

It is likely that Papandreou will also raise the issue of Greece possibly being given longer to repay the 110 billion euros in emergency loans that it is borrowing from the EU and the IMF. European Monetary Affairs Commissioner Olli Rehn has indicated that the EU is prepared to consider lengthening the repayment period for Greece’s loans from three years to seven-and-a-half. This would bring Greece’s loan package in line with the one recently agreed upon for Ireland and would mean Athens repaying the last of its loan installments in 2024.

Papandreou will raise the same subject with IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn when the pair hold talks in Athens on Tuesday. The Frenchman has already indicated that he is not averse to the idea of extending Greece’s repayment period if it is on track to meet the fiscal targets it has been set.

On Thursday, Papandreou will meet with Rehn in Athens to brief him on the measures being taken by the PASOK government but to also discuss the issue of the loan repayment period.

Despite the importance of these meetings, Papandreou will also be concerned about any fallout from the protests planned to mark the second anniversary of the murder of teenager Alexis Grigoropoulos by a policeman, which had sparked riots that attracted the attention of the international media. Government sources expressed concern that as the rally takes place a day before Strauss-Kahn’s visit, some protesters might use it as an opportunity to voice their opposition to the IMF’s presence in Greece, with the possibility that violence might break out.


Sarà una settimana intensa per Papandreou ...



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Unions oppose contract bypass

An impasse is looming between the government and the General Confederation of Greek Labor (GSEE), the country’s private sector umbrella union, over the issue of allowing struggling businesses to bypass the collective contracts that apply to various sectors of the economy.

The European Union and the International Monetary Fund have asked Greece as part of its emergency loan memorandum to pass legislation that would allow firms in sectors where employees are covered by collective contracts to reduce workers’ wages by reaching individual agreements with them.

According to the draft law being prepared by the Labor Ministry, businesses that meet certain financial criteria would be allowed to offer their employees new, individual contracts with an annual pay cut of 10 to 12 percent. It is possible that this will be accompanied by a commitment not to fire any workers for a given period of time.

GSEE is opposed to the bill because it fears that it will be used as a method for canceling collective contracts, which provide for minimum wages in various sectors and set guidelines for severance pay, for good. However, the union, which represents some 2 million workers, has indicated it is willing to compromise if the government allows collective contracts to apply in sectors of the economy where they do not currently exist.

The government has not been able to commit to this because the EU-IMF memorandum stipulates that the system of collective contracts should not be extended while Greece is receiving loans from its lenders.

The unions received backing yesterday from the leader of the Democratic Left, Fotis Kouvelis, who accused the government of “flattening workers’ rights.” With the bill having to be ready by next week, it seems unlikely that unionists and government officials will be able to reach a compromise.



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Banks will be reviewing...

Banks will be reviewing the profile of customers with credit cards at the end of the year, or at the start or 2011, in a move that is likely to result in a drop in the number of cards issued by 10 to 15 percent.

The review will be carried out with tougher criteria than in the past, given the deepening recession.
The assessment may result in a cut of some 500,000 credit cards, bringing the total number issued by banks to 5 million.
Bank of Greece data show that Greeks owed 9.5 billion euros on plastic at the end of 2009.





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S&P warns Greece of downgrade

Finance Ministry suprised by decision, saying it ignores steps taken so far; brokers play down news

By Stelios Bouras - Kathimerini English Edition / [email protected]

Ratings agency Standard and Poor’s (S&P) put Greece on watch for a possible downgrade on concerns the country will be included in a European Union support mechanism that may force private bond holders to accept a discount on their investments.

S&P said that it placed Greece’s BB+ long-term sovereign rating on credit watch with negative implications since Greece may be included in the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) in addition to the 110-billion-euro in aid from the EU and International Monetary Fund.

If Greece is included in the ESM after the EU-IMF package expires in 2013, then private bond holders may have to be forced to take a haircut if the country is declared insolvent by EU nations, according to the agency.

S&P’s comments follow a decision by Eurogroup finance ministers last month that sovereign bonds issued as of 2013 would carry collective action clauses – an instrument allowing a country to restructure its debt with the agreement of a certain percentage of creditors. The mechanism would also allow the ESM’s shareholders to trigger debt restructurings on a case-by-case basis.

“We believe that the multilateral political prerogative to trigger private debt restructuring could be subject to political rather than objective financial considerations,” it said in a statement. The agency plans to make a final decision on the possible downgrade in three months after analyzing the ESM’s final details, it added.

Investment bank Nomura International said S&P’s move may force policymakers to alter the terms of the ESM.
“S&P’s warning about a potential downgrade of Greece’s debt could cause a rethink of the current crisis-resolution structures,” a team of London-based analysts wrote in a note, Bloomberg reported.

Greece’s Finance Ministry was “surprised” by S&P’s decision, saying that it ignores steps taken by the Greek government to implement fiscal reform.

“The decision rests exclusively on developments abroad,” the ministry said. “In any case, S&P’s approach relates only to countries that cannot access markets after 2013 and this does not apply to Greece, which is already receiving assistance to solve its debt problems with very good results so far.”

Brokers played down the immediate impact of the S&P announcement, saying that current ratings are a non-item as Greece is not issuing bonds and does not expect to do so until 2011-12. In a daily note, EFG Eurobank Securities said that given all the fiscal consolidation effort so far, it had expected rating agencies to be more satisfied. In Athens, stocks advanced 0.84 percent yesterday while the Greek 10-year yield declined 18 basis points to 11.67 percent.


Un commento sulle recenti iniziative di S&P.


Triplo Panico: comprare
Complimenti sinceri a Tommy


Ho paragonato più volte il campo strategico della "Grande Guerra" rispetto ai nostri Bond GGB.
Una lunga ed estenuante guerra di posizione fatta di offensive e controffensive, di generali inetti che mandano al massacro le truppe, di disfatte totali e baluardi invalicabili.
La conseguente vittoria finale, a prezzi indicibili, traccerà un solco tra il vecchio mondo ottocentesco e il secolo breve.

Dopo tante risalite e discese, false partenze accompagnate da facili entusiasmi, ci ritroviamo ancora al punto di partenza ).......

:ciao: Tommy, hai descritto lo stato dell'arte della situazione attuale! Hai usato immagini metaforiche di grande efficacia (la grande guerra). Se mi consenti di dare un giudizio (anche a me piace scrivere bene e chiaro e sono un cultore della lingua italiana: mio padre era professore di lettere), hai una prosa di grande efficacia e chiarezza, immediatamente comprensibile anche ai meno preparati. Hai una fortissima predisposizione alla sintesi, che non trascura però i dettagli importanti. Tutto questo, unito ad una profonda preparazione della nostra materia ed a una ricerca maniacale delle notizie, oltre alla tua generosità di mettere a disposizione di tutti queste tue non comuni qualità, fa di te uno dei più preziosi commentatori ed equilibrati analisti di questo forum (gli altri non me ne abbiano a male).
Spero che tu svolga un lavoro adeguato alle tue capacità, capacità che scodelli con modestia agli occhi di tutti noi ogni giorno!
E' veramente quello che penso (e, credo, pensiamo in molti), senza nessuna esagerazione strumentale: è la verità.
Ciao, ciao, Giuseppe


Forumer storico
:ciao: Tommy, hai descritto lo stato dell'arte della situazione attuale! Hai usato immagini metaforiche di grande efficacia (la grande guerra). Se mi consenti di dare un giudizio (anche a me piace scrivere bene e chiaro e sono un cultore della lingua italiana: mio padre era professore di lettere), hai una prosa di grande efficacia e chiarezza, immediatamente comprensibile anche ai meno preparati. Hai una fortissima predisposizione alla sintesi, che non trascura però i dettagli importanti. Tutto questo, unito ad una profonda preparazione della nostra materia ed a una ricerca maniacale delle notizie, oltre alla tua generosità di mettere a disposizione di tutti queste tue non comuni qualità, fa di te uno dei più preziosi commentatori ed equilibrati analisti di questo forum (gli altri non me ne abbiano a male).
Spero che tu svolga un lavoro adeguato alle tue capacità, capacità che scodelli con modestia agli occhi di tutti noi ogni giorno!
E' veramente quello che penso (e, credo, pensiamo in molti), senza nessuna esagerazione strumentale: è la verità.
Ciao, ciao, Giuseppe

Ti ringrazio per le tue parole di grande generosità.
Lavoro modesto, ma si cerca di migliorare.


Forumer storico
:ciao: Tommy, hai descritto lo stato dell'arte della situazione attuale! Hai usato immagini metaforiche di grande efficacia (la grande guerra). Se mi consenti di dare un giudizio (anche a me piace scrivere bene e chiaro e sono un cultore della lingua italiana: mio padre era professore di lettere), hai una prosa di grande efficacia e chiarezza, immediatamente comprensibile anche ai meno preparati. Hai una fortissima predisposizione alla sintesi, che non trascura però i dettagli importanti. Tutto questo, unito ad una profonda preparazione della nostra materia ed a una ricerca maniacale delle notizie, oltre alla tua generosità di mettere a disposizione di tutti queste tue non comuni qualità, fa di te uno dei più preziosi commentatori ed equilibrati analisti di questo forum (gli altri non me ne abbiano a male).
Spero che tu svolga un lavoro adeguato alle tue capacità, capacità che scodelli con modestia agli occhi di tutti noi ogni giorno!
E' veramente quello che penso (e, credo, pensiamo in molti), senza nessuna esagerazione strumentale: è la verità.
Ciao, ciao, Giuseppe

Condivido in pieno le parole di Giuseppe... :)

ed ancora un grazie a Tommy per il suo eccellente lavoro.
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