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First Bond Sale: Greece by Barvetii

Barvetii Wealth Consultants Spain

(openPR) - Greece has successfully sold government bonds in its first attempt since the huge EU-IMF loan bail-out was launched in early May.

Analysts at Barvetii International Wealth Consultants the international wealth consultants believe this first bond sale will test investors’ appetites after a recent downgrade by the credit rating agencies, which cut the country’s rating to "junk". The benchmark Greek 10-year bond yield trades at 10%, almost twice as much as Spain’s, and well above the UK’s 3.5%. At these levels, borrowing from capital markets is unaffordable.

Greece has a six month deadline to repay the bonds, with a return rate of 4.65%, which is lower than IMF loans. The controversial bail-out package is worth 110bn euros over three years. However, payments are on condition that Greece slashes public spending and boosts tax revenue.

Greece abandoned plans to sell 12-month bonds, which would probably have been seen as riskier.
“Barvetii International Wealth Consultants, Madrid, Spain” said that because the bonds sold had a very short maturity, the sale was not a good indication of how much faith investors had in Greece’s long-term prospects.

Austerity measures already announced include raising the retirement age, cracking down on tax evasion and ending public sector bonuses.

Barvetii International Wealth Consultants, Madrid, Spain believes Greece does not plan to restructure its debt, as investors seem to expect. A restructuring would mean losses for investors and further undermine confidence in the country. Such a move would also be a blow to German lenders, which have €45bn worth of Greek bonds.

Barvetii International Wealth Consultants Mission Statement. At Barvetii International Wealth Consultants we have one sole mission, to make sure we are the eminent leader in the global financial services industry, and that we will always achieve the best results for our clients.

openPR.com - Press release - Barvetii Wealth Consultants Spain - First Bond Sale: Greece by Barvetii


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Ma si tatterebbe sempre per i nuovi bond, dopo 2013?

O no?

La clausola di creditore "privilegiato" è indipendente dalle clausole che applicheranno ai nuovi bond.
Che poi saranno clausole che entreranno in vigore dal 2011 o dal 2013 lo sapremo strada facendo.
Come ripeto, si parla molto ma non c'è ancora nulla ... messo nero su bianco.


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Government To Participate In ATEBank’s Increase Without Cash

The Greek Government will participate in ATEBank’s capital increase by conversion of preferred shares into common without burdening the state’s budget, the Minister of Finance G. Papakonstantinou said in an interview with “Vima” newspaper.

The restructuring plan which will help the bank to reduce its operational costs and become competitive in the banking market is at the final stages, the Minister told the newspaper. In this context, a capital increase has been already announced, provided that it complies with EU΄s competition rules.




Forumer storico
the ESM could assign a preferred creditor status to future lending by euro area nations, hampering the ability of non-official holders of sovereign debt to be repaid.
ma vah ? ma che sorpresa ! :lol:
Semplice: perche' i prestiti del FMI (ed oggi aggiungo pure quelli della UE :lol:) si pagano (li ha pagati perfino l'Argentina) , mentre i bond sottoscritti dai risparmiatori, no .


Forumer storico
io continuo a dire che sulla grecia il miglior approccio é il seguente.

si compra una quantitá che non pesa. e non cambia nulla.

e si aspetta. se tutto va bene, si vende.

se tutto va male. non si incrementa mai, a meno di vedere quotazioni tipo 20

a quel punto si compra a valangate e si aspetta.

cosí facendo si guadagna in entrambi i casi


Forumer attivo


Forumer storico
io continuo a dire che sulla grecia il miglior approccio é il seguente.

si compra una quantitá che non pesa. e non cambia nulla.

e si aspetta. se tutto va bene, si vende.

se tutto va male. non si incrementa mai, a meno di vedere quotazioni tipo 20

a quel punto si compra a valangate e si aspetta.

cosí facendo si guadagna in entrambi i casi

Mi sembra una posizione molto realista.


Forumer storico
ASE: New Attempt Towards 1,500

Athens Stocks Exchange attempts again to reach 1,500 units in a low turnover session, while European bourses trade flat.

“Macro-economic developments and especially the possibility of the extension of the duration of Greece’s loan should be in the spotlight”, according to Marfin Analysis analysts who expect consolidation at current levels for today’s session, while ATE Securities forecasts a mild open for the domestic market, in anticipation of developments on the European political front.

ASE investors seem to follow a wait-and-see stance focusing on the developments about the Eurozone’s weak economies debt crisis. The ASE drifts very close to multi-year lows with Greece’s fiscal condition standing at a very weak point. Greece seems to follow the Stability and Growth Plan announced almost a year ago but the equity market needs more indications about a fast trimming of State’s deficit before buyers prevail on the ASE”, according to Kyprou Securities.

Pegasus Securities remains positive as to a possible lengthening of the GI΄s ascending trend during today΄s session, with the domestic market seeming to have digested the significant Wednesday gains.

The General Index is at 1,484.89 points, down 0.11%. So far the total turnover is 24.5 million euro with 74 shares rising, 62 declining and 52 remaining unchanged.

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