Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (14 lettori)

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Clashes in Greece on anniversary of teen's police killing
Groups of hooded students hurled stones and blocks of wood at windows of banks and shops. -AFP

Mon, Dec 06, 2010
ATHENS - Clashes erupted between Greek security forces and students in Athens on Monday during protests to mark the second anniversary of the killing of a teenager who was shot dead by police, witnesses said.
Groups of hooded students hurled stones and blocks of wood at windows of banks and shops in the centre of the Greek capital as they marched towards the parliament building to commemorate the death of Alexis Grigoropoulos.
At one stage, a group of protestors threw a molotov cocktail at a luxury hotel near the parliament as well as at a nearby police cordon before riot squad officers moved in, and split them into two.
The 15-year-old's killing in the Athens district of Exarchia on December 6, 2008, sparked days of urban unrest across Greece, with initial anger at the police compounded by the country's worsening economic situation.
In October, a court in the town of Amfissa convicted policeman Epaminondas Korkoneas of culpable homicide and sentenced him to life in prison for killing Grigoropoulos.
Il clima in Grecia è sempre sul filo del rasoio, se qualcuno avesse dubbi...

Non lasciarti fuorviare dai soliti manifestanti con le molotov. Sono degli habituès.
L'ordine pubblico è sempre rimasto sotto controllo.


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ECB’s Orphanides: Optimistic on Greece, says Greek govt shown determination

|| December 6, 2010 at 10:32 GMT
  • Must not under-estimate solidarity which exists within the EU
  • ECB will maintain its supportive role and intervene where warranted
  • Crisis is not over yet, vigilance still needed
  • Declines comment when asked if Portugal should seek aid, says trusts govt to take right decision


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Iran FM due in Greece for talks
Mon Dec 6, 2010 6:14AM

Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki has left Tehran for the Greek capital of Athens for a two-day official visit to hold talks with senior officials of the European country.

The top Iranian diplomat is expected to discuss bilateral relations and regional and international developments with top Greek officials.

Mottaki is scheduled to meet with Greek President Karolos Papoulias and his counterpart Dimitris Droutsas during his two-day stay in the country.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had earlier praised growing Tehran-Athens relations saying, "The Islamic Republic sets no obstacle in the way of bolstering cooperation between the two countries in all fields.”

In a meeting with Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly meeting in New York on September, President Ahmadinejad added that Iran and Greece enjoy a common stance on regional and international issues and called for the further expansion of ties to establish sustainable peace and security.



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Zona euro, ministri discuteranno di meccanismo crisi- Reynders

lunedì 6 dicembre 2010 13:49

BRUXELLES, 6 dicembre (Reuters) - I ministri delle Finanze della zona euro dovrebbero discutere delle dimensioni del meccanismo di salvataggio permanente per i paesi che si trovano di fronte a una crisi finanziaria nella riunione di oggi.
Lo ha detto il ministro delle Finanze belga Didier Reynders, il cui paese detiene la presidenza di turno dell'Ue.
Reynders ha anche detto che i ministri potrebbero discutere anche dell'attuale meccanismo di stabilità finanziaria.
"Per quanto riguarda il meccanismo permanente, dovremmo discutere la questione. Forse dovremmo anche discutere del meccanismo provvisorio", ha detto ai giornalisti Reynders. "Se facciamo progressi su questo tema (il meccanismo permanente), possiamo anche discutere del meccanismo temporaneo".
I ministri delle Finanze e i funzionari delle 16 nazioni dell'area euro si riuniscono oggi a Bruxelles.


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La clausola di creditore "privilegiato" è indipendente dalle clausole che applicheranno ai nuovi bond.
Che poi saranno clausole che entreranno in vigore dal 2011 o dal 2013 lo sapremo strada facendo.
Come ripeto, si parla molto ma non c'è ancora nulla ... messo nero su bianco.

Scusa Tommy,
ma nel caso in cui entrassero in vigore, sarebbero retroattive e varrebbero sui nostri bond?


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Scusa Tommy,
ma nel caso in cui entrassero in vigore, sarebbero retroattive e varrebbero sui nostri bond?

In teoria queste nuove regole sui bond (non solo Grecia, ma su tutta l'area moneta unica) con le clausole di "subordinazione" (chiamiamole così) dovrebbero essere applicate solo sulle nuove emissioni a partire dal 2013 (alcuni fanno pressione già per il 2011).

Questo non significa affatto che il vecchio debito non possa fare "default" ... sono norme per avere un quadro giuridico più definito.


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Elmec Signs Agreement With Zegna Group

Elmec has signed an agreement with Ermenegildo Zegna Group, leading multinational in men΄s luxury clothing, to develop the branch network in Greece, according to an Elmec’s announcement.

As noted in the statement, Zegna’s stores are already operational as its head store is located on Vukourestiou street. New store openings are about to come in northern suburbs as well as points of sale “Z Zegna” and “Z Sport” inside Attica Stores, in Athens centre.



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Germany Snubs Pleas to Increase Aid Fund, Introduce Joint Bonds

December 06, 2010, 8:47 AM EST

By James G. Neuger and Tony Czuczka

Dec. 6 (Bloomberg) -- Germany rejected calls to increase the European Union’s 750 billion-euro ($1 trillion) aid fund or introduce joint bond sales, signaling its refusal to bear extra costs to stamp out the debt crisis.

With EU finance ministers gathering in Brussels today for their monthly meeting, German Chancellor Angela Merkel rebuffed pleas from Belgium and central bankers to boost the emergency fund to save countries such as Portugal and Spain from falling prey to speculation.

“Right now I see no need to expand the fund,” Merkel told reporters in Berlin today. She said EU treaties bar joint bond sales, which might force up Germany’s borrowing costs, the lowest in Europe.

European political discord pushed down bonds in Spain and Portugal today, reversing gains made last week after purchases by the European Central Bank briefly eased concern about the spreading crisis.

The yield on Spain’s 10-year notes climbed 14 basis points to 5.13 percent as of 1:35 p.m. in London. Portugal’s 10-year yield increased 2 basis points to 5.73 percent. The euro halted a three-session rally, dipping 1.2 percent to $1.3253.

Countries including Greece are “in denial” in saying they’ll be able to repay their full borrowing bills, Kenneth Rogoff, a Harvard University professor and former International Monetary Fund chief economist, told Bloomberg Television today. “We’d be very lucky to avoid restructuring.”

Merkel’s Role

Under pressure to shield taxpayers in Europe’s largest economy, Merkel is drifting back into the role she played in the early stages of the crisis, when Germany held out against an aid package for Greece.

The political standoff may saddle the ECB with more of the crisis-management burden, said Citigroup Inc. economists including Juergen Michels and Michael Saunders in London in a Dec. 3 e-mailed note.

“Eventually the ECB will be forced to increase its contribution to the rescue packages substantially,” the economists wrote. “We expect that after another round of market tensions, the European fiscal policy makers will eventually come up with additional measures to fight the crisis.”

Greece won a 110 billion-euro EU-IMF rescue in May, leading the EU to create the three-year facility that was first tapped by Ireland with an 85 billion-euro program last month.

ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet indicated last week that the EU might need to top up the emergency fund, a position echoed Dec. 4 by Belgian Finance Minister Didier Reynders.

IMF Boost

Reynders said the IMF also wants the EU to put up more money and would boost its 250 billion-euro share. IMF spokesman William Murray declined to comment. Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn will attend tonight’s Brussels meeting.

Belgium’s central bank governor, Guy Quaden, today called for an increase, telling reporters in Brussels: “It’s up to politicians to decide that, but personally I’m rather in favor.”

Belgium, with the third-highest debt in the euro area, came under speculative attack last week. Its 10-year borrowing costs rose as high as 139 basis points over Germany’s on Nov. 30, the widest spread in at least 17 years.

Germany also sought to stifle public debate over possible joint bond sales after Italy announced its backing for “E- Bond” proposals by Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker, the chairman of tonight’s euro meeting.

Merkel said the European consultations “should be goal- oriented and conducted internally, because anything else causes renewed anxiety.”

E-Bond Call

In a Financial Times commentary, Juncker and Italian Finance Minister Giulio Tremonti urged the creation of jointly sold securities to cover as much as half of the borrowing of euro-area governments.

To deal with German opposition to subsidizing the fiscally weak, bonds of countries with higher budget deficits could be converted into European bonds at a discount, Juncker and Tremonti said.

Finance ministers from the 16 euro countries meet at 5 p.m. today in Brussels to consider the next steps, including the shape of a permanent crisis-resolution framework to replace the temporary fund when it runs out in 2013.

The two-day Brussels meetings conclude tomorrow when ministers from all 27 EU countries give formal approval to Ireland’s aid package, designed to stabilize the banking system and push down the deficit.



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Bce, acquisti bond in crescita ma dati non incorporano tutto

lunedì 6 dicembre 2010 15:58

FRANCOFORTE, 6 dicembre (Reuters) - Gli acquisti di titoli di Stato della Banca centrale europea sono aumentati leggermente la scorsa settimana ma si dovrà attendere il prossimo set di dati per capire se la Bce abbia spinto l'acceleratore sul discusso programma di acquisto di attività. In base ai dati odierni gli acquisti sono ammontati a 1,965 miliardi di euro nella settimana al 3 dicembre, da 1,348 miliardi di euro la settimana prima. Si tratta del più significativo ammontare su base settimanale da fine giugno e porta il totale del programma a 69 miliardi di euro.
Tuttavia le cifre potrebbero non fornire il quadro completo. La Bce infatti precisa sempre che il totale possa essere superiore in quanto il regolamento delle operazioni richiede 2-3 giorni.
In particolare la Bce ha aggiunto una riga alla sua comunicazione settimanale precisando che gli acquisti effettuati tra mercoledì 1 e venerdì 3 non sono incorporati nel totale.

La Bce può acquistare titoli di Stato e corporate in base al programma che non ha un tetto nè una durata predefiniti.
Questi acquisti rappresentano il contributo principale della banca al pacchetto di aiuti da 750 miliardi di euro messo a punto da Ue e Fmi in maggio per rispondere alla crisi dell'eurozona che all'epoca aveva il suo epicentro in Grecia.
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