Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (5 lettori)

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quello che scrive Pimco, che magari sta shortando?!
in ogni caso aspetterei gennaio, ora gli scambi sono al lumicino, pochi k al giorno, il mercato è di fatto fermo
poi sono scelte personali
Ok aspetto Gennaio con la speranza che non scendano ancora, nuovo anno magari nuove notizie (speriamo positive), grazie Ferdo per il consiglio


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Greece cuts budget deficit 27.1 percent in Jan-Nov

Dec 20, 2010 8:13 PM GMT+0100 Mon Dec 20 19:13:42 GMT 2010
By The Associated Press

ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Greece's efforts to cut the bloated budget deficit are lagging behind annual targets although the shortfall has been cut by more than a quarter in the first 11 months of the year, the finance ministry said Monday.

A ministry statement said overspending in the January-November reached euro18.7 billion ($24.6 billion), down from euro25.6 billion ($33.6 billion) in the first 11 months of 2009.

However, this 27.1 percent reduction falls short of the 33.2 percent cut targeted for the whole of the year, as the increase in revenues remained sluggish despite significant spending cuts.

The ministry said revenues, which rose 4.8 percent in the first 11 months — up from 3.7 percent in January-October — are expected to pick up further this month, mainly because of end-of-year road tax receipts and a tax amnesty extension.

Greece was saved from bankruptcy in May with a euro110 billion ($144 billion) rescue loan package. In return, the Socialist government launched a deep austerity program, slashing pensions and salaries while raising taxes and retirement ages.

Athens has pledged to lower its budget deficit from 15.4 percent of gross domestic product in 2009 to 2.6 percent in 2014.

Le entrate continuano ad essere molto deboli, inferiori alle attese.
Pesa il contesto fortemente recessivo.


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China frets about spreading EU debt woes

Tue Dec 21, 2010 2:37am EST

By Langi Chiang and Kevin Yao

BEIJING (Reuters) - China urged European authorities to back their tough talk with action on Tuesday by showing they can contain the euro zone's simmering debt problems and pull the bloc out of its crisis soon.

China, which has invested an undisclosed portion of its $2.65 trillion reserves in the euro, said it backed steps taken by European authorities so far to tackle the region's debt problems, but made clear it would like to see the measures having more effect.

"We are very concerned about whether the European debt crisis can be controlled," Chinese Commerce Minister Chen Deming said at a trade dialogue between China and the European Union.

"We want to see if the EU is able to control sovereign debt risks and whether consensus can be translated into real action to enable Europe to emerge from the financial crisis soon and in a good shape," he said.

Concerns that Europe's debt problems will spread beyond euro zone's periphery to engulf bigger economies such as Spain and Italy have weighed on global financial markets this year and taken a toll on the euro.
In part to protect its investments, China has repeatedly expressed its support for the single currency.

In October, Premier Wen Jiabao promised to buy Greek government bonds once Greece returned to debt markets, in a show of support for the country whose debt burden pushed the euro zone into a crisis and required an international bailout.

China's Vice Premier Wang Qishan said on Tuesday Beijing has done its part to help ease Europe's problems and held out hope that the crisis could soon be resolved.

"China supports the slew of measures by EU and IMF to stabilize financial markets, and China has taken concrete actions to help some European countries deal with their sovereign debt crisis," Wang said at the opening of the trade dialogue.
"The EU has taken active measures to deal with the debt crisis, and we hope the measures can achieve some results as soon as possible," he said.

But he noted risks abound, given weak global demand and volatile financial markets that are awash in excessive liquidity.
On its part, Wang said China would pursue a prudent monetary policy and active fiscal policy to ensure the world's second-largest economy can continue to grow at a solid and a sustainable pace.


The annual trade talks between China and the European Union is a chance for the two major economies to seek compromise on a number of issues that have raised tensions in recent months.

China, for one, is concerned by what it sees as growing European protectionism and trade tariffs.
Minister Chen said Beijing hoped the European Union could recognize China as a market economy as soon as possible.

China is keen for that recognition as that would make it less vulnerable to anti-dumping charges under rules of the World Trade Organization.

Separately, Wang said China also hoped Europe would lift its restrictions on hi-tech exports to China.
Europe, in exchange, urged China to keep its markets open for European firms.

"China brought European consumers a large array of affordable products. This has benefited both of us. But now it is essential for both our economies that China has an open and welcoming business climate," said European Commission Vice-President Joaquin Almunia.


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Greece : PM Papandreou Consultant - Ex ECB member, Italy minister Padoa-Schioppa dies

Gavin Jones and Nigel Tutt ROME - 21.12.2010

Former European Central Bank Executive Board member and Italian Economy Minister Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, an architect of the euro and one of Italy's most respected figures, died on Saturday evening of a heart attack.

As a top official at the European Commission and the Bank of Italy in the 1980s and 90s, Padoa-Schioppa played a key part in the creation of the single currency but always believed greater economic integration was needed for it to be successful. European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso called him "a great European" and "one of the fathers of the euro."

In August, 70-year-old Padoa-Schioppa was named as adviser to Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou on a range of issues from the economy to banking, as part of Greece's efforts to fix its financial problems.

"He was among the first who believed in our efforts to tackle the crisis and spoke publicly on this," Papandreou said.
"We will remember him with love and gratitude."

ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet said Padoa-Schioppa, who was responsible for financial stability matters on the ECB board from 1998 to 2005, made an "outstanding contribution to the establishment and consolidation" of the Frankfurt-based bank.

"European Monetary Union is losing a man of reflection, of action and of vision, fully dedicated to European unity," he said in a statement issued by the ECB.

Current ECB board-member Lorenzo Bini Smaghi described his predecessor as a "euro-optimist," who saw the euro zone's current debt crisis as an opportunity to make progress towards political unity.

As economy minister in Romano Prodi's centre-left cabinet between 2006 and 2008 he consolidated public finances, but as an unelected official with no party affiliation he often appeared isolated in the weak and fractious coalition government.

He created a storm as economy minister when he said in a television interview that taxes were "wonderful," a remark that went down badly in a nation where tax evasion is almost a national sport.

In an article in Sunday's Messaggero daily, Prodi said Padoa-Schioppa believed an important task of political institutions was to "tame" often irrational financial markets.

Padoa-Schioppa, who studied economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was also head of Italy's market watchdog Consob in 1997-98.

Last week he was appointed to the board of Fiat Industrial, the newly created company that will be responsible for Fiat's industrial and agricultural vehicles.


Un ricordo del consulente di Papandreou.


Forumer attivo
Dopo annuncio moody's su portogallo gli spread grecia si allargano

La chiusura del Vertice di Bruxelles ha partorito un topolino ed i mercati hanno iniziato a soffiare sui Periferici.

Gli ellenici sono ormai pronti, sul piano legislativo, ad approvare la riforma del mercato del lavoro in mezzo a scioperi e manifestazioni.
Nonostante le difficoltà il piano programmato procede senza sosta, gli esperti del FMI non hanno potuto fare altro che apprezzare ed elogiare gli sforzi dell'esecutivo ellenico.

Il fronte Irlanda è sempre molto instabile: ieri le perplessità del FMI in merito alla difficoltà di Dublino per ripagare i debiti contratti e rientrare entro un deficit/Pil del 3% entro i termini previsti.
Sempre precaria la situazione per i bondisti impiegati in banche irish, piuttosto male invece per i subordinati.

E' prevista un'ondata di downgrade sulle banche spagnole e sui titoli delle stesse, anche quelle con garanzia governativa ( e perciò "blindati").
Riprende a salire anche il Portogallo assieme al Belgio.
La nostra italietta rimane stabile: finestre e porte a tenuta di spifferi. Semprechè non si alzi la tempesta ...

Mercati ormai in clima festivo con volumi molto sottili.

Grecia 903 pb. (887)
Irlanda 571 pb. (553)
Portogallo 362 pb. (345)
Spagna 258 pb. (248)
Italia 168 pb. (167)
Belgio 102 pb. (93)

Moody's mette rating Portogallo 'A1' sotto revisione

Vediamo se le quotazioni tengono o oggi aihmè, inizia la discesa.


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MARKET TALK VALUTE: euro perde terreno contro usd dopo annuncio Moody's
MF-Dow Jones - 21/12/2010 09:36:55

Prima dell'annuncio di Moody's sul Portogallo, l'euro era in rialzo contro le principali valute sull'ottimismo generato dai commenti del vice premier cinese Wang. Quest'ultimo ha infatti espresso il plauso del suo Paese nei confronti delle misure prese dalle autorita' Ue e dal Fmi per assicurare la stabilita' finanziaria dell'Eurozona. Dopo i commenti di Pechino l'euro aveva superato quota 1,32. Quando stamani e' arrivato l'annuncio di Moody's in merito a un possibile taglio del rating sul Portogallo, il cambio euro/usd e' passato da 1,3190 a 1,3145.

Attualmente il cross euro/usd e' a 1,3144.


Forumer attivo
vabbè giu il 37 praticamente è già a livello greco. Chi l'aveva preso lo terrà specie se in quantità modeste. I cuori forti o i ben informati, magari, ne compreranno :)

secondo me le lunghe 37/40 scontano già una ristrutturazione "forte".

Ci lamentiamo dei GGb ma da Settembre ad oggi sono scesi tutti i titoli di stato europei (quindi saliti i rendimenti), compresi quelli dei crucchi.

Sembra una corsa a svalutare l'€, utilizzando in particolar modo la "periferia"


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MARKET TALK BOND: Cds Portogallo in aumento dopo annuncio Moody's
MF-Dow Jones - 21/12/2010 09:50:43

MILANO (MF-DJ)--Il Credit default swap (Cds) a 5 anni sul debito portoghese e' incrementato di 10 punti base a 480/500 punti, dopo la notizia che Moody's ha messo in revisione il rating a breve e lungo termine sul debito del Paese per un possibile downgrade. Secondo un analista, la decisione di Moody's era attesa dal mercato.
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