Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (3 lettori)

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Gli spread tra Grecia, Irlanda e Portogallo sono tutti molto distanti uno dall'altro.
Ovviamente segnalano una diversa percezione di possibilità di uscita dalla crisi.
Il mio orizzonte è che si arriverà ad un allineamento meno drastico di quello che vediamo attualmente: in fin dei conti siamo tutti sulla stessa barca :titanic:.


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Shops suffer as public transport strikes continue
More action planned for rest of week

Shop owners and businessmen pleaded yesterday with public transport workers to end the protest action they began some 10 days ago as it is inflicting severe damage on their crucial pre-Christmas trade and is threatening the livelihood of thousands of traders and store assistants.

There was a 24-hour strike on most of the public transport network yesterday, the third such day of action in the past two weeks. Only buses were running between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. The situation is due to continue this week as the public servants have planned a further day of action today. There will be no bus, trolley bus or tram services between noon and 4 p.m. today. Workers on the metro, the Kifissia-Piraeus electric railway (ISAP) and the Proastiakos suburban railway will stay away from work between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.

A 24-hour strike on the public transport network has been called for tomorrow, when the 2011 national budget is due to be voted through Parliament. On Thursday, only buses will be running between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. All other modes of transport will be on strike. On Friday (Christmas Eve), there will be no buses between noon and 4 p.m., while the metro, tram, Proastiakos and ISAP will stop between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.

The civil servants are protesting reforms that reduce their wages, allow for them to be transferred to other positions and which could lead to the privatization of some modes of debt-ridden public transport.

Transport Ministry general secretary Haris Tsiokas said the employees’ action was “excessive” but that there was still room to talk. “We have assured everyone involved there will be plenty of time to discuss the overhaul of suburban transport.”

His words were little comfort to store owners hoping to see trade pick up before Christmas. With more than 2.3 million Athenians using public transport each day, the traders claim they are being denied sorely needed customers by the strikes.

The Central Union of Chambers of Greece (KEEE) estimates shops will be 3 billion euros worse off than last Christmas due to higher taxes, people having less spending money and the impact of the strikes. Giorgos Kasimatis, president of KEEE, said 7,000 businesses could shut down this month.

December usually accounts for a quarter of stores’ annual turnover. The National Confederation of Greek Commerce (ESEE) and the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry (EBEA) called on transport workers to give stores a chance to attract some last-minute shoppers. “Once again, businesses and citizens of this country are suffering the collateral damage of the government’s dispute with the unions,” said EBEA president Constantinos Michalos.




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Turkish ire over Israel-Cyprus pact

Turkish authorities yesterday warned that a bilateral economic deal between Cyprus and Israel aimed at mutual prospecting for oil in the eastern Mediterranean could strain ongoing United Nations-mediated talks aimed at reunifying the divided island.

According to Turkey’s semiofficial Anatolia news agency, the Turkish Foreign Ministry’s undersecretary, Feridun Sinirlioglu, warned Gaby Levy, Israel’s ambassador to Turkey, that the deal would have a negative impact. Sinirlioglu argued that “such unilateral moves [on behalf of the Greek Cypriots] that ignore the will of the Turkish-Cypriot side will harm ongoing settlement talks on the island.”

Meanwhile, diplomatic sources told Kathimerini that Ankara aims to pressure Israel into breaking its pact with Cyprus. The sources said Ankara may use its ties with Lebanon and militant Shiite movement Hezbollah as a way of exerting pressure on Israel. Nicosia has made similar deals with Lebanon and Egypt, which Turkey also has urged the Arab nations to break.

Israel yesterday defended its decision. “This agreement is an issue between Israel and Cyprus and it in no way affects a third country,” Israel’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor was quoted as saying by Agence France-Presse. “We do not see how a third country would have anything to say about it,” he added. Another unidentified Israeli official accused Turkey of “monstrous chutzpah” for using “as an argument its occupation of the northern part of Cyprus to denounce the deal.”

The agreement defines the sea border between Cyprus and Israel and delineates an exclusive economic zone between the two countries, allowing them to prospect for oil together. Already the discovery of a huge gas deposit off the Israeli port of Haifa, and close to Cyprus, has fueled great interest in the region’s potential.


Assetti geostrategici in movimento ...


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Papandreou slams rating firms

Budget deficit narrows 27 percent in the year to November thanks to the reduction in state expenditures

Prime Minister George Papandreou slammed international credit rating agencies yesterday for their repeated downgrades of European economies such as Greece. At the same time he expressed optimism regarding the likelihood of an extension of the repayment period for the country’s 110-billion-euro bailout loan.

Moody’s and Fitch are both considering fresh downgrades to Greece’s rating, which is already close to junk level for investors. Papandreou railed at the “unacceptable logic on their part.” Speaking at a Cabinet meeting, he added that all the European Union leaders at last week’s summit in Brussels were positive about a possible extension to the time Greece will have to repay its emergency loan. He also blasted the EU countries who do not approve of the idea of a eurobond, saying that they were guilty of not assuming their responsibilities.

Meanwhile, Finance Ministry data showed yesterday that the budget deficit narrowed 27 percent in the first 11 months of the year to 18.7 billion euros, against a targeted annual reduction of 33.2 percent.

The deficit reduction during the January-November period is mainly due to a significant cut in spending. Budget expenditures declined by 6.4 percent year-over-year, while primary expenditures decreased by 10.1 percent against an estimated 9 percent annual decline. Public investment budget expenditures declined by 12.2 percent and PIB revenues by 6.8 percent, compared to the same period in 2009.

Ordinary budget net revenues in the year to November increased by 4.8 percent, which represents an improvement compared to the 3.7 percent increase over the first 10 months. This is mainly due to increased VAT receipts, reflecting higher tax rates as well as better tax compliance resulting from the battle against tax evasion and an incentives scheme for the settlement of outstanding tax cases. It is expected that total revenues in December will be further increased due to the payment of road tax, the extension of the tax settlement period and the expected inflow of PIB revenues at the end of the year.

The Finance Ministry announced yesterday that in the six weeks it has been running the tax amnesty program has netted 770 million euros from the settlement of tax cases spanning the 2000-09 period.


Analisi più dettagliata del deficit di bilancio.
Siamo sotto di circa 6 punti dalla tabella di marcia: il recupero rimane comunque impressionante.



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Bill set to open up closed-shop professions

The Cabinet will today approve a bill for the liberalization of six closed-shop professions, including pharmacists, in line with the requirements of the memorandum Greece has signed with its international creditors.

The other professions to be opened up are notaries, lawyers, architects, certified accountants and civil engineers. The bill, which lifts restrictions to entering the professions and to minimum payment, is certain to cause an uproar among those affected with lawyer associations already preparing to take industrial action. Lawyers are protesting the abolition of minimum payment in particular.

The memorandum further provides for the opening up of many more such professions, such as estate agents, bakers, hairdressers, press distributors, electricians, taxi owners, opticians and others. This will have to be implemented within the next three to six months.


Prosegue la marcia verso l'abolizione degli ordini professionali... un retaggio medioevale nella modernità.


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The government's surprise announcement of a decrease in the level of social security contributions, a rise in unemployment, ongoing strikes in the mass transit sector in and around Athens and retail market conditions ahead of the holidays mostly dominated the headlines on Tuesday in Athens' newspapers.

ADESMEFTOS TYPOS: "Internal transfers between public sector agencies launched".
AVGHI: "Explosion in lay-offs".
AVRIANI: "Greece's exit from eurozone".
ELEFTHEROTYPIA: "Alarm bell sounds for private insurance companies".
ELEFTHEROS TYPOS: "We will shut down the state if you open closed professions"
ESTIA: "Christmas with strikes".
ETHNOS: "Markets in despair - Dramatic fall in turnover".
IMERISSIA: "Up to 25 percent cuts in social security contributions".
KATHIMERINI: "Market in strikes' vortex".
LOGOS: "Merchants make dramatic plea".
NAFTEMPORIKI: "Accounting books code to be permanently abolished in 2012".
NIKI: "2,000 employees fired every day".
RIZOSPASTIS: "New bombshell against social security".
TA NEA: "Queuing up for transfers".
VRADYNI: "State assets up for sale".



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Unemployment 2.96% up

Unemployment increased by 2.96 percent in November 2010 relative to October 2010, according to figures released on Monday by the Greek Manpower Employment Agency OAED.

In the same month, dismissals, expiry of temporary work contracts and voluntary departures from jobs increased 4.2 percent relative to November 2009 and new hirings decreased by 20.52 percent.

The number of those registered as unemployed with OAED increased to 627,301 and subsidised unemployed numbered 206,779 in November 2010 (an increase of 23,618 or 12.89 percent relative to October 2010).


L'indice dell'occupazione fotografa lo stato del paese.


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PM optimistic on extension of repayment period

Prime Minister George Papandreou appeared optimistic that the repayment period for Greek loans will be extended while addressing the informal cabinet meeting on Monday. During his ministers unveiled their agenda for the upcoming period, as requested in a letter signed by the premier.

According to sources, Papandreou said that the first major legislation to be sponsored by the government will be the new investment law, while he put an emphasis on developments in Europe, stressing that Greece should be present and have voice.

He also underlined that the government ministries should act in coordination and MPs should have an active participation in the preparation of draft laws.



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Gov't: We have regained international credibility

Greece plays a leading role, provides solutions and ideas and nobody can criticize us anymore for we have regained international credibility," government spokesman George Petalotis stressed, commenting on Monday on the European Council decisions and the proposals submitted by Prime Minister George Papandreou on the Euro-bond and the stock exchange transactions tax.

Petalotis added that the decisions reached by the EU leaders are positive and referring to 2011 he said that it will be a milestone year, as well as a year of major reforms for the country's development.

Called to comment on the "occupation forces" reference included in a text that was distributed to churchgoers last Sunday, he stressed that some people do not realize the crucial decisions that are being made, adding that the text in question is out of touch with reality.

Responding to questions, Petalotis stated that the draft law on the so-called "closed professions" will be voted following a detailed discussion aimed at benefiting the people.



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Greece - MFA - Prime Minister Papandreou’s statement following the European Council

“We started off 14 months ago, as a newly elected government, under very difficult conditions, and at a fast pace we diagnosed the magnitude of the crisis, put forward proposals, pursued European policies, and at the same time fought to re-establish the credibility and strength of Greece’s voice.

Greece once again became a trusted collocutor, and we managed this through hard systematic work. We new that the basic, root causes of the crisis in our country lay in attitudes and practices that needed to change. And that is what we are doing: changing Greece.

But from the outset we noted that we needed the necessary time, first, to implement the changes and, second, to convince people that our course was the right one. And this required joint cooperation in Europe, and in the eurozone in particular.

So, we convinced our European partners that the problem and the solutions concern us, but that they also bear on the broader functioning, the decisiveness, the support and coordination of our policies on a European level.

That is why we were successful with the support mechanism. It was and is a shield for the time we will need for these changes. That is, until we can stand on our own feet – without “borrowed” strength – which we are trying to be able to do as soon as possible.

This mechanism allows us to focus on making major changes in Greece, vital changes, so that our country can come out of this crisis strong again. Changes strengthening just governance, transparency and social justice.

These support mechanisms ensure that we have the necessary lending, given that the markets are still guarded and – due to the broader crisis – hesitant. In fact, due to our participation in the single currency, the euro, this mechanism also ensures stability in the eurozone – the stability of the euro – as well as in the European Union.

This is why we identified and stressed the need for strong economic governance in the European Union, with the first step being the setting up of a permanent support mechanism that will effectively confront similar crises in EU member states. That is, member states that – from time to time, and due to broader insecurity in the global market – may have serious financial problems.

And, in this way, to keep the economy of a given member state and European cohesion out of jeopardy. And to deal with rumors – which circulate easily and function as self-fulfilling prophecies in the market – regarding the fall of the eurozone and many other things, including that Europe does not have the will or the ability to deal with such circumstances if they exist.

I think that the painful experience of this crisis is an opportunity. Not just for Greece to put its finances in order and come out as a stronger country with a stronger voice. It is also an opportunity for the European Union. An opportunity to take a new, big step in the integration of the European Union, in economic governance and the strengthening of the euro.

This was and is our stance. It is the Greek stance. With this stance, we are contributing pioneering proposals. Mechanisms are being created that will strengthen confidence both inside and outside the European Union. Europe is taking an important new step today.

The institutionalization of the permanent European support mechanism will ensure the financial stability of the eurozone as a whole. It will help accelerate the structural reforms and boost growth. This is a decision of the 27 member states and the institutions of the EU. It is an important decision, the implementation of which is a critical link in stability, the creation of jobs and transforming Europe into a sustainable and competitive economy.

This decision we have taken ensures the availability of adequate financial stability and funding for existing and future mechanisms. The amendment of the Treaty is bringing about a positive institutional shift that firmly establishes all of the above.

These decisions send a strong and convincing message to everyone. A message that the European Union is determined and has all of the necessary preventive tools and tools to ensure the stability of the eurozone and our economies. This is our decision.

This decision is expressly stated in the Council’s conclusions. And this decision is the cornerstone for all of the coming economic policy developments. I would like to underscore a few important points in this decision.

One point is in the introduction, regarding the measures we are taking. It says that the European Union will do whatever is necessary to safeguard the stability of the euro area as a whole. It welcomes the impressive progress made in the implementation of the Greek programme and talks about confronting excessive deficits in all of the member states, as well as about reforms that will boost economic growth.

It guarantees the availability of adequate funding support for the existing and new mechanism, the further strengthening of the banking financial system – by the European Union, that is – and support for the activities of the European Central Bank, which, as you know, has played an important role, intervening in markets, wherever necessary, for the bonds of many member states.

Through these decisions, we supported and achieved – together with our partners – everything we needed for stability, as well as the undertaking of new actions and initiatives in new directions, including, for example, green development. And within this framework we welcome the results in Cancun, where we, the European Union, played a decisive role in the Climate Change Conference.

The European Union is a frontrunner on green and clean energy and on climate change issues. We want to put Greece at the avant-garde of this “green revolution”. And we want to do this by exploiting the means at our disposal, investing in our human resources and creating new tools for dealing with the negative repercussions of the recession and the economic crisis we are facing today. We want to do this to create sustainable and human growth with quality jobs for young people and with improved quality of life for citizens.

The Greek proposal falls within this framework. The proposal that has been taken up and adopted by everyone, for the issuing of Eurobonds to be added to the means we will use to bring about real growth in the European Union.

Other, similar proposals have also been submitted, including a tax on carbon dioxide, or a tax on stock exchange transactions as a source of revenue for the EU and for funding growth.

This dialogue has started in society, in the parliaments, in the media, throughout Europe. The Eurobond debate comes following the very positive results we have already achieved as the European Union. The Eurobond debate is a challenge for further deepening of cooperation and coordination among the members and institutions of the Union.

A deepening of European integration that will be a guarantee for our future, for our international power, for our principles and values of democracy and social justice, for our security, and for the prosperity of our citizens.

At this critical turn of events, the European Council took vital decisions that just a few months ago seemed beyond our reach. The edifice that is the European Union is not stopping. It is continuing on its way, and Greece will be at the forefront.

Our government will be present everywhere, supporting our common interests and vision. Today, however, new and important foundations were laid for the strengthening and cohesion of our common family, and for ensuring the interests of the Greek people.”


Le idee di Papandreou.
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