Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (2 lettori)

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Pimco: ristrutturazione e uscire dalla zona euro

Ο Άντριου Μπόσομγουρθ, κορυφαίος μάνατζερ της επενδυτικής εταιρίας Pimco, θεωρεί αναμενόμενη την αναδιάρθρωση του χρέους των τριών χωρών της περιφέρειας της Ευρωζώνης Ελλάδα, Ιρλανδία, και Πορτογαλία και προτείνει την έξοδο αυτών των χωρών από το ευρώ. Andrew Bosomgourth, un manager di azienda leader Pimco investimento, ritiene che la prevista ristrutturazione del debito di tre paesi della regione della zona euro Grecia, Irlanda, Portogallo e suggerisce di lasciare questi paesi dell'euro.

"Ενόψει του αυξανόμενου ρίσκου για Ελλάδα, Πορτογαλία και Ιρλανδία δεν ρίχνουμε πλέον χρήμα στις τρεις χώρες και έχουμε αποσυρθεί κατά μεγάλο μέρος από αυτές", λέει κ. Μπόσομγουρθ σε συνέντευξή του στη σημερινή Süddeutsche Zeitung.​
"In vista della maggior rischio per la Grecia, Portogallo e Irlanda non buttare più soldi in tre paesi e sono in gran parte ritirato da loro", dice il signor Bosomgourth in un'intervista di oggi Süddeutsche Zeitung.

"Δεν επενδύουμε ούτε σε χώρες που κινδυνεύουν να μολυνθούν μολονότι είναι φερέγγυες, όπως η Ισπανία και η Ιταλία, έχουμε μειώσει αισθητά το βάρος αυτών των χωρών", αποκαλύπτει ο μάνατζερ της Pimco, της μεγαλύτερης εταιρίας επενδύσεων σε κρατικά ομόλογα παγκοσμίως.​
"Siamo entrambi investire nei paesi a rischio di infezione anche se è solvente, come la Spagna e l'Italia, noi di ridurre significativamente l'onere di questi paesi," rivela manager di Pimco, la società più grande investimento in titoli di Stato in tutto il mondo.

Ο κ. Μπόσομγουρθ, ο οποίος διαχειρίζεται 122 δισ. ευρώ επενδύσεων σε κρατικά ομόλογα λέει για τους υπουργούς Οικονομικών Ελλάδας και Ιρλανδίας ότι "κάνουν δύσκολη δουλειά σε δύσκολους καιρούς" και σε περίπτωση αποτυχίας "δεν θα είναι δική τους η ευθύνη".​
Mr. Bosomgourth, che gestisce 122 miliardi di investimenti in titoli di Stato, dice il ministri delle finanze di Grecia e Irlanda che "fare il lavoro duro nei momenti difficili" e fallimento "non sarà la loro responsabilità".

Ο κ. Μπόσομγουρθ θεωρεί ότι με την απόφαση του τελευταίου Ευρωπαϊκού Συμβουλίου για το μόνιμο μηχανισμό στήριξης από το 2013 δεν λύνεται το πρόβλημα, αλλά η Ευρωζώνη "αγοράζει χρόνο" με την ελπίδα ότι η Ελλάδα, η Ιρλανδία και η Πορτογαλία θα μπορέσουν κάποτε να λύσουν τα προβλήματά τους.​
Mr. Bosomgourth ritiene che la decisione del Consiglio europeo per un meccanismo permanente per sostenere nel 2013 non ha risolto il problema, ma la zona euro "prendere tempo" con la speranza che la Grecia, l'Irlanda e il Portogallo sarà mai in grado di risolvere i loro problemi.

"Έχω αμφιβολίες ότι θα έρθει η ανάπτυξη, για κάτι τέτοιο θα χρειαζόταν ένα θαύμα", λέει ο κ. Μπόσομβουρθ.​
"Dubito che verrà a svilupparsi, per ci sarebbe voluto un miracolo", dice Bosomvourth.

Ειδικά για την Ελλάδα προσθέτει ότι "δεν υπάρχει στην ιστορία ούτε ένα παράδειγμα χώρας, η οποία να έκανε τις απαιτούμενες προσαρμογές μέσα σε ένα σύστημα σταθερών ισοτιμιών".​
Soprattutto per la Grecia, aggiungendo che "non c'è storia o un esempio di un paese, che renderebbe i necessari adeguamenti entro un sistema di cambi fissi.

Ο μάνατζερ της Pimco εκτιμά ότι οι Έλληνες, Ιρλανδοί και Πορτογάλοι "δεν θα δεχτούν να πληρώσουν ένα τόσο μεγάλο αντίτιμο για το ευρώ", που συνεπάγεται το εφαρμοζόμενο σήμερα "σχέδιο Α", γιατί "εξυπηρετεί κυρίως τις τράπεζες που πήραν στο παρελθόν λάθος επενδυτικές αποφάσεις και όχι τους πολίτες στις υπερχρεωμένες χώρες.​
Il gestore di Pimco ritiene che i greci, irlandesi e portoghesi "non sarebbe disposto a pagare un grande prezzo per l'euro", il che significa oggi applicabile, "Plan A", perché "serve soprattutto le banche che ha passato le decisioni di investimento sbagliate e non la gente in paesi indebitati.

Ο κ. Μπόσομγουρθ προτείνει το "σχέδιο Β", δηλαδή Ελλάδα, Ιρλανδία και Πορτογαλία να προχωρήσουν σε αναδιάρθρωση του χρέους τους και να εγκαταλείψουν το ευρώ.​
Mr. Bosomgourth proposto 'Plan B', vale a dire la Grecia, l'Irlanda e il Portogallo per ristrutturare il loro debito e di abbandonare l'euro.

Υπολογίζει ότι "255 δισ. ευρώ χρέη πρέπει να διαγραφούν προκειμένου οι τρεις χώρες να ανταποκριθούν και πάλι στα κριτήρια του Συμφώνου Σταθερότητας".​
Stima che 255 miliardi di debito deve essere rimosso in modo che i tre paesi si incontrano nuovamente sui criteri del Patto di stabilità.

Ταυτόχρονα - λέει - "οι εναπομείνασες χώρες του πυρήνα της ευρωζώνης θα πρέπει να εγγυηθούν τα ομόλογα Ισπανίας και Ιταλίας" - πρόκειται για μία ευρωπαϊκή εκδοχή των ΄Brady Bonds΄, που βοήθησαν τις χώρες της λατινικής Αμερικής στη δεκαετία του 80 να βγούν από τα τέλμα των χρεών.​
Allo stesso tempo - dice - "i paesi core rimanenti della zona euro dovranno garantire le obbligazioni Spagna e Italia" - è una versione europea di Brady Bond, che ha aiutato i paesi dell'America Latina negli anni 80 per uscire dal pantano debiti.



il Fankazzista
TEXT-Greek Finance Minister's interview with Reuters
Reuters - 04/01/2011 16:31:25
ATHENS, Jan 4 (Reuters) - Greece will weather its debt crisis, is confident it will keep getting EU/IMF aid tranches and is not discussing debt restructuring with creditors, Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou told Reuters on Tuesday.

Here are excerpts from his interview, including details on privatisation plans and outlook for the economy.

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"On the fiscal side one of the biggest worries is the expenditure outside the central government. However, from the beginning of the year we have already in operation a new budget IT system, which follows on a daily basis central government expenditures by budget code.

"This is being extended to the general government and together with the requirements for the dissemination of information that we have ... this gives us assurances that we will have closer control.

"Obviously, revenues, especially from cracking down on tax evasion, are an important element as well as are to make sure that the recession doesn't hurt revenues as much as it did last year.

"On the structural reform side, we have a very complete and complicated programme, very heavy and compressed in time. It stretches the capacity of the public administration to implement it. The concern is to keep up the pace of the implementation.

"You cannot command growth, you cannot push a button and create growth. There would be an alternative if Greece was able to keep access to international markets. To the extent that it cannot the only way to move forward is to have a drastic deficit reduction programme.

"This entails of course some loss in economic activity in the short term. But this is the fastest way to bring back confidence, therefore investments, therefore growth. In fact, our policies represent a shortcut to get growth going.

"We see the external sector picking up more or being more of a growth driver than it was in the past. And we are seeing some hopeful signs already of exports picking up October figures just released for example, show a 25 percent increase in exports.

"We are beginning to see a change in economic sentiment. It's by no means a huge change at the moment but we are seeing the bottom of it. So the sentiment is beginning to move and it is going to be driven by mostly exports, some resumption in investment ... and we are hoping that private consumption will start recovering after mid-2011.

"The pace of recovery will depend also on what is going on in the rest of the euro zone.

"One of the first things that are coming up is the extension of the concession of the Athens International Airport (AIA) and as a next move changing the stake in the shareholding of the airport.

"Following that we have the regional airports and we are in a process of hiring advisers, creating corporate entities out of them and then finding strategic investors.

"We have the entire gaming and betting complex where the new legal framework will be passed into law by February... There is a range from water to ports, to electricity, to DEPA (gas company), to the post office to name just a few.

"We will be using a very flexible methodology. We will ask financial advisers to scope out the interest ... in certain areas we want to maintain public control in the infrastructure itself but we want to attract strategic investors including management in certain cases and outright sales in others.

"What we have announced already is a spade of roughly 12 properties that we are frontloading, because they are the most mature, outright sales or long-term leases because those are the alternatives.

"Among these is of course the mega project of Hellenikon (former Athens airport site), where we are creating a company to handle its development and hiring advisers to do so.

"We finished the year well with an overall increase in revenues, around 5.5 percent compared with last year, very close to our target. This has been helped also by tax settlement which produced overall 2 billion euros, of which 1 billion this year and another billion is going to be paid next year.

"We have seen increased compliance by enterprises in their VAT returns even though retail trade has been falling.

"We are reasonably satisfied with the progress by the tax police, however we are about to unveil in January an action plan against tax evasion and the legal element of which will be included in the tax bill that will pass in February.

"It will bring tax evasion closer to a criminal offence and will make jail sentences easier for tax offenders. It will include a new, faster mechanism to settle tax disputes, which will help a lot in reducing time between penalties and actual payment. It will include a new method for assessing and replacing, if necessary, tax officials.


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Borsa Atene: Ase chiude a -1,6%, Piraeus Bank -12%

MILANO (MF-DJ)--L'indice Ase di Atene termina la seduta in ribasso dell'1,6% a 1396,58 punti.
Le forti vendite su Piraeus Bank, che chiude in calo del 12%, hanno spinto la borsa locale al di sotto della soglia psicologica dei 1400 punti.
Male l'intero comparto bancario con National Bank e Eurobank rispettivamente a -1,3% e -4,6%.

Brutti dati anche dalla Borsa di Atene ...



Forumer storico
Chiude sotto i 1400 punti l'indice ASE,

Του Δημήτρη Ζάντζα
Dimitris Zantza

Στο τέταρτο χαμηλότερο κλείσιμο από τις αρχές Μαρτίου του 2009 υποχρεώθηκε ο τραπεζικός δείκτης του Χ.Α., με «φόντο» τις νέες αυξήσεις κεφαλαίου στον κλάδο, την πορεία των δημοσίων εσόδων και την παραμονή των spreads σε υψηλά έξι μηνών.​
Nel chiudere quarto più basso dall'inizio di marzo 2009 l'indice bancario forzato della ASE, con "sfondo" di nuovi aumenti di capitale nel settore, l'andamento delle entrate pubbliche e il mantenimento di elevati differenziali in sei mesi.

Ο Γενικός Δείκτης ήταν αναμενόμενο να συμπαρασυρθεί σε απώλειες, με αποτέλεσμα να σημειώσει κλείσιμο κάτω από τις 1.400 μονάδες για πρώτη φορά από τη συνεδρίαση της 23ης Φεβρουαρίου του 1998...​
L'indice era atteso per essere spazzati via in perdite, con conseguente chiusura al di sotto 1.400 punti per la prima volta dopo la riunione del 23 febbraio 1998 ...

Στην πλειονότητά τους αναλυτές αναμένουν διατήρηση της εικόνας αδυναμίας στην ελληνική αγορά, κάνοντας λόγο για έλλειψη εγχώριων καταλυτών, περιορισμένη ρευστότητα, μηδενική διάθεση ανάληψης ρίσκου εκ μέρους των επενδυτών, χαμηλή «ορατότητα» και αβεβαιότητα για το τι μέλλει γενέσθαι αναφορικά με το δημόσιο χρέος.​
La maggior parte degli analisti si aspettano di mantenere l'immagine di debolezza nel mercato greco, facendo riferimento alla mancanza di catalizzatori domestici, bassa liquidità e zero propensione al rischio di visibilità 'basso' gli investitori e l'incertezza su cosa accadrà sul debito pubblico.

Συνθήκες που, όπως εξηγούν, προλειαίνουν το έδαφος για πτωτική αυτονόμηση της ελληνικής αγοράς έναντι των χρηματιστηρίων του εξωτερικού και διολίσθηση σε νέα χαμηλά.​
Condizioni, come spiegato, spianare la strada per diminuire l'autonomia del mercato azionario greco per stranieri e scivolata a nuovi minimi.

Η συνολική κεφαλαιοποίηση του Χ.Α.​
La capitalizzazione totale della ASE

ως ποσοστό επί του ΑΕΠ παραμένει σε ιστορικά χαμηλά επίπεδα, από τα οποία ακόμη δεν διακρίνονται ενδείξεις ανάκαμψης, ενώ η εικόνα που διαμορφώνεται στο ελληνικό ταμπλό προσφέρεται για βραχυπρόθεσμες κινήσεις που εκτιμάται ότι θα εντείνουν τη μεταβλητότητα στο επόμενο διάστημα.​
come percentuale del PIL rimane su livelli storicamente bassi, di cui nemmeno distinguere segnali di ripresa, mentre l'immagine formata sul tabellone greco è l'ideale per i movimenti a breve termine dovrebbe aumentare la volatilità nel futuro.

Σε κάθε περίπτωση, οι αμέσως επόμενες ημερομηνίες-κλειδιά τοποθετούνται στο τέλος του δεύτερου δεκαημέρου του Ιανουαρίου, οπότε και θα πραγματοποιηθούν οι συνεδριάσεις των Ecofin και Eurogroup.​
In ogni caso, subito dopo le date chiave sono collocati alla fine della seconda decade di gennaio e poi apportare le riunioni del Consiglio Ecofin e dell'Eurogruppo.

Παράλληλα, με ιδιαίτερη προσοχή θα παρακολουθείται τόσο η πορεία των spreads των ελληνικών ομολόγων, που «αντικρίζουν» νέα υψηλά, όσο και η εξέλιξη των συναλλακτικών όγκων στην αγορά των ελληνικών ομολόγων.​
Inoltre, particolare attenzione sarà monitorato sia l'andamento degli spread obbligazionari greco, che è 'fronte' nuovo massimo, e l'evoluzione dei volumi di negoziazione nel mercato dei titoli di Stato greco.

Στο ταμπλό του Χ.Α.​
Il Consiglio di ASE

ο Γενικός Δείκτης κινήθηκε πτωτικά σε όλη τη διάρκεια των συναλλαγών, υποχωρώντας έως και 2,03%, πριν κλείσει με απώλειες 1,63% στις 1.396,58 μονάδες.​
Indice generale è diminuita in tutto il trading, scendendo fino 2,03%, prima di chiudere con perdite del 1,63% a 1396,58 punti.

Συνολικά διακινήθηκαν 20,86 εκατ. τεμάχια αξίας 73,39 εκατ. ευρώ, ενώ 118 μετοχές υποχρεώθηκαν σε απώλειες, 39 ολοκλήρωσαν σε θετικό έδαφος και 131 παρέμειναν αμετάβλητες.​
Totale 20,86 milioni di unità spedite valore 73.390 mila parti e 118 erano le perdite, 39 finiti in territorio positivo e 131 sono rimasti invariati.

Απώλειες έως 4,48% βρέθηκε να καταγράφει ενδοσυνεδριακά ο δείκτης των τραπεζών, πριν κλείσει τις 1.213,42 μονάδες (-3,65%), το τέταρτο χαμηλότερο κλείσιμο του δείκτη από τις αρχές Μαρτίου του 2009.​
Perdite fino al 4,48% sono risultati record intraday indice delle banche, prima di essere chiuso 1.213,42 punti (-3,65%), il tasso di chiusura più bassa dal quarto dall'inizio del mese di marzo 2009.

Από τη σύνθεσή του, η μετοχή της Τρ. Πειραιώς υποχώρησε 11,76% (έως το -16,81% ενδοσυνεδριακά) στα 3,15 ευρώ, με τζίρο 13,92 εκατ. ευρώ.​
Dalla sua composizione, la quota della Banca del Pireo è sceso 11,76% (-16,81% a intraday) a 3,15 € su un fatturato di 13,92 milioni.

Ακολούθησαν οι Τρ. Κύπρου και Eurobank με πτώση 5,45% και 4,57%, ενώ άνω του 4% υποχώρησε και η ΑΤΕ στα 0,69 ευρώ.​
Seguita da Banca di Cipro e Eurobank a cadere 5,45% e 4,57%, mentre oltre il 4% e il ROI è diminuito a 0,69 euro.

Σε 3,60% και 3,36% διαμορφώθηκαν οι απώλειες των Marfin Popular Bank και Alpha Bank, ενώ η ΕΤΕ περιόρισε τις απώλειες σε 1,30%, στα 6,08 ευρώ, έχοντας βρεθεί στη διάρκεια των συναλλαγών να υποχωρεί μέχρι τα 5,99 ευρώ.​
Al 3,60% e 3,36% è arrivato come perdite di Marfin Popular Bank e Alpha Bank, mentre la Banca ha ridotto la perdita del 1,30% a 6,08 €, essendo stati trovati nel corso degli scambi in calo a 5 , 99 euro.



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INTERVIEW - Greece not discussing debt restructuring - finmin

2011-01-04 21:30:00​


The country, whose fiscal woes sparked the euro zone crisis last year, has cut debt and delivered reforms to meet the terms of a 110 billion euros ($147 billion) EU/IMF bailout and is not in talks with bond holders on extending repayment of outstanding debt.

"There are no such discussions," Papaconstantinou said, denying reports Greece was in talks with commercial banks.
"This would not help Greece, it would not help the Greek economy, the Greek banks, the Greek citizens or the European problem."

The minister said Greece was making solid progress in plugging its gaping budget hole and pushing on with unpopular reforms, ensuring the fourth, 15 billion euros tranche of the emergency funding will be disbursed in March.
"We are closing 2010 on target, the reforms are on schedule," he said. "There is no reason for me to doubt the next tranche or any other tranche as long as we do our job right."


Greece is introducing sweeping reforms, including toughening laws against rampant tax evasion, liberalising the labour market and opening up professions, and privatising state assets as part of its bailout deal.

Papaconstantinou said he was expecting revenues of one billion euros from the sale of state assets this year, and another six billion in 2012-13, including airports, utilities and real estate, as well as the sale of numerous betting licenses.
"Our process is very flexible. We do have a revenue goal but what is more important is the expertise the investment and the push the private capital will bring to those sectors," he said.

Greece's economy, plunged into its worst recession in 17 years, is expected to contract by 3 percent this year and return to growth in 2012 on what the minister said were encouraging signs from exports.

Implementing tough austerity measures, Greece cut its deficit to 9.4 percent of GDP last year and wants to bring it down to 7.4 percent in 2011.

But its total debt is expected to rise to 152.6 percent of GDP this year from 142.5 percent in 2011.


Greece is sticking to its plan to return to bond markets sometime in 2011, depending on market conditions, and also issue "diaspora" bonds to Greeks abroad, Papaconstantinou said.

Greece has been effectively shut out from debt markets by spiralling borrowing costs -- the spread of 10-year Greek bonds compared to benchmark German Bunds was 987 basis points on Tuesday -- but the minister said he hoped sound fiscal policies would restore credibility among investors.

He said discussions with China on buying Greek bonds, as agreed during a visit to Athens by Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao in October, were progressing but could say nothing about the amount or timing of any purchases.

The EU would discuss extending the repayment term of the emergency loan to Greece in January, to avoid a hump in 2014-15 and be more in line with Ireland, the second euro zone country to request help.

"We would like the lengthening to cover the entire (bailout) not only the part that has not been disbursed but also the part that has been disbursed. This is something that the Commission is positive about, we have to wait for the final decision by the Eurogroup," Papaconstantinou said.

He added he was confident the EU would come to an agreement on the issue of joint euro zone bonds in the near future and that the bloc would make the right decisions to exit the debt crisis.

E-bonds would effectively mean all 17 euro zone countries financing a portion of their debt together and sharing a credit rating, something Germany has strongly opposed.

"I'm absolutely confident for a very simple reason. Even though we are often late in reacting, I think that one thing we can all be absolutely sure about is that the EU always rallies and always finds the solutions to preserve its own construction which is the common currency," Papaconstantinou said.


I concetti un pò più estesi ...


Forumer storico
Stati Uniti: Riunione di Obama - Sarkozy sul 10 gennaio

Ο Αμερικανός πρόεδρος Μπαράκ Ομπάμα θα συναντηθεί με τον Γάλλο πρόεδρο Νικολά Σαρκοζί στον Λευκό Οίκο στις 10 Ιανουαρίου και θα συζητήσουν για τα ζητήματα της παγκόσμιας οικονομίας και της ασφάλειας, ανακοίνωσε σήμερα η αμερικανική διοίκηση.​
Il presidente Usa Barack Obama si incontrerà con il presidente francese Nicolas Sarkozy alla Casa Bianca il 10 gennaio e si confrontano su temi di economia globale e la sicurezza, ha annunciato oggi il governo degli Stati Uniti.

"Καθώς η Γαλλία αναλαμβάνει την προεδρία της G-8 και της G-20 για το 2011, ο πρόεδρος ανυπομονεί να συνεργαστεί με τον πρόεδρο Σαρκοζί για τη συνέχιση της ανάκαμψης της παγκόσμιας οικονομίας και της δημιουργίας θέσεων εργασίας " ανέφερε ανακοίνωση του Λευκού Οίκου.​
"Come la Francia assumerà la presidenza del G-8 e G-20 nel 2011, il Presidente auspica di lavorare con il presidente Sarkozy per il recupero continuo dell'economia globale e creare posti di lavoro," ha detto White House annuncio.

Οι δύο ηγέτες θα συζητήσουν επίσης για θέματα εξωτερικής πολιτικής και ασφάλειας.​
I due leader discuteranno anche di politica estera e di sicurezza.


Papandreou in questo momento si trova in Francia.


Forumer storico
Papakonstantinou: " Non discutiamo di ristrutturazione del debito"

Δεν θα βοηθούσαν την Ελλάδα τέτοιες συζητήσεις, τόνισε ο υπουργός.​
Esso contribuirà a tali discussioni Grecia, ha detto il ministro.

Ο υπουργός Οικονομικών Γ. Παπακωνσταντίνου, σε συνέντευξη που παραχώρησε στο Reuters, δήλωσε κατηγορηματικά πως η Ελλάδα δεν συζητά τυχόν αναδιάρθρωση του χρέους με τους πιστωτές της.​
Il ministro delle Finanze C. Papaconstantinou, in un'intervista con Reuters, ha affermato categoricamente che la Grecia non discutere di qualsiasi ristrutturazione del debito con i creditori.

Ο κ. Παπακωνσταντίνου σημείωσε εξάλλου πως η Ελλάδα θα ξεπεράσει την κρίση χρέους, βοηθούμενη από τα επτά δισ. που θα συγκεντρώσει από τις ιδιωτικοποιήσεις.​
Mr. Papaconstantinou ha inoltre osservato che la Grecia superare la crisi del debito, aiutato da sette miliardi saranno raccolti dalla privatizzazione.

«Δεν γίνονται συζητήσεις για αναδιάρθρωση του χρέους», δήλωσε χαρακτηριστικά ο κ. Παπακωνσταντίνου, αρνούμενος σχετικές επαφές με τραπεζικά ιδρύματα και ιδιώτες δανειστές.​
"Non ci sono discussioni sulla ristrutturazione del debito", ha affermato Papaconstantinou, ha rifiutato i contatti con banche e finanziatori privati.

«Αυτό δεν θα βοηθούσε ούτε την Ελλάδα ούτε την ελληνική οικονομία ούτε τις ελληνικές τράπεζες ούτε τους Έλληνες πολίτες, αλλά ούτε και το ευρωπαϊκό πρόβλημα».​
"Questo non aiuterà né la Grecia o l'economia greca, né le banche né i cittadini greci greco, né il problema europeo".

Ο υπουργός Οικονομικών σημείωσε πως η Ελλάδα πραγματοποιεί σταθερά βήματα προόδου, όσον αφορά στο χρέος, τονίζοντας πως «κλείσαμε το 2010 εντός του στόχου που έχει τεθεί, ενώ οι μεταρρυθμίσεις προχωρούν σύμφωνα με τα σχέδια.​
Il ministro delle finanze ha osservato che la Grecia ha fatto notevoli progressi per quanto riguarda il debito, sottolineando che "chiuso nel 2010 all'interno del set di destinazione, mentre le riforme stanno procedendo secondo i piani.

Προσωπικά, δεν πιστεύω πως θα υπάρξει πρόβλημα με την επόμενη ή με μελλοντική δόση δανείου, όσο εμείς θα συνεχίσουμε να κάνουμε τη δουλειά μας».​
Personalmente, non credo che ci sarà un problema con la prossima rata di un prestito o futuro, ma noi continueremo a fare il nostro lavoro. "



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Greece Isn’t in Debt Restructure Talks, Minister Tells Reuters

By Natalie Weeks - Jan 4, 2011 6:10 PM GMT+0100

Tue Jan 04 17:10:34 GMT 2011
Greece isn’t in talks with creditors on restructuring its debt, Reuters news agency said, citing an interview with Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou.
Papaconstantinou said talks with China on buying Greek bonds, as Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao pledged during a visit in October, are “progressing,” Reuters reported. The minister didn’t provide any further details, Reuters said.
A plan to extend the repayment of emergency loans received from the European Union and International Monetary Fund would ideally cover the total amount of 110 billion euros ($146 billion) and not just the remaining disbursements, Reuters cited Papaconstantinou as saying.

Sempre il nostro Papaconstantinou secondo la Bloomberg ...


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Il mercato scommette sul default della Grecia

Greece Isn’t in Debt Restructure Talks, Minister Tells Reuters

By Natalie Weeks - Jan 4, 2011 6:10 PM GMT+0100

Tue Jan 04 17:10:34 GMT 2011
Greece isn’t in talks with creditors on restructuring its debt, Reuters news agency said, citing an interview with Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou.
Papaconstantinou said talks with China on buying Greek bonds, as Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao pledged during a visit in October, are “progressing,” Reuters reported. The minister didn’t provide any further details, Reuters said.
A plan to extend the repayment of emergency loans received from the European Union and International Monetary Fund would ideally cover the total amount of 110 billion euros ($146 billion) and not just the remaining disbursements, Reuters cited Papaconstantinou as saying.

Sempre il nostro Papaconstantinou secondo la Bloomberg ...
Il mercato non crede a Papaconstantinou, i prezzi dei bond greci sono da default. Ad esempio il GR0338001531, 03/25 quota sotto i 40, ossia 39,00 su http://www.ariva.de. Senza soluzioni credibili e fermo restando l'opposizione agli eurobond, vedremo prezzi ancora più stracciati.
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