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Greece, Israel draw closer following Turkey spat
by Jay Bushinsky The Jewish Chronicle

JERUSALEM — Moving quickly to fill the diplomatic and economic vacuum created by the deterioration of relations between Turkey and Israel, a new regional partnership is being formed by Israel and Greece.

With Cyprus as a catalyst for rapprochement and wide-ranging cooperation, the ultimate goal is a new multinational bloc that could include Bulgaria and Albania.

The University of Piraeus’ Professor Aristotle Tziampiris described the new links between Athens and Jerusalem as an informal alliance that “has the potential to bring Israel closer to Europe and act as a source of regional stability.”

Eventually, he told a recent academic gathering at Bar-Ilan University near Tel Aviv, Greece could help reduce tension that was spawned by Israel’s airborne operation last May against ships that set sail from Turkey to run the Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip. Nine Turkish passengers aboard the Comoros-flageed Mavi Marmara were killed in clashes with Israeli commandos.

While it may seem surprising that Athens could play a constructive role in mollifying the Turks, Tziampiris said, it should be borne in mind that “Athens maintains good relations with Ankara. ... The elimination of all strained regional relations is ultimately in its (Greece) best interest.”

The newly upgraded contacts between Greece and Israel already have produced tangible results. Trade between the two countries totaled $500 million this past year and is increasing. The Israelis export computer software as well as electronic and medical equipment; the Greeks, raw materials and agricultural products.

In addition, Israeli tourism to Greece has increased by 50 percent in the same time frame.

This upsurge came in the wake of Prime Minister George Papandreou’s official visit to Jerusalem and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s reciprocal visit to Athens. Netanyahu’s trip, which took place last August, marked the first time an Israeli prime minister was hosted officially in the Greek capital.

There also has been a little publicized, but significant meeting in Athens between leaders of the American-Jewish community and Greek government officials. (Seguito da noi sul forum ... ndr)

Israel’s foreign ministry spokesman, Yigal Palmor, quoted members of Greece’s resident Jewish community as saying their status in Greek society has been enhanced by the current diplomatic initiatives. He said Israel’s foreign ministry’s staff has been seeking ways to further expand and improve relations.

Long-range Greek interest in Israel’s natural gas is a major, if not dominant, catalyst in the ongoing rapprochement. With the main impetus evidently coming from Cyprus, which would be one of the projected recipients, experts from all three countries have been preparing blueprints for these underwater conduits. They could link Israel’s Leviathian natural gas field to Crete as well as Cyprus.

From the strategic standpoint, this could be a “game changer,” Tziampiris said. “It certainly would alter Israel’s position vis-a-vis Europe and lessen the continent’s energy dependence on Russia (especially significant now, since the Nabucco gas pipeline project appears problematic).

Tziampiris cited several concrete steps taken by Greece in the spirit of the new relationship with Israel. Referring to the forest fire that devastated the Carmel Mountain Range near Haifa two months ago, he recalled that Greece mounted a 70-member rescue operation of pilots, firefighters and several planes.

Routinely, the Greek and Israeli air forces and navies have conducted joint exercises in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea.

The United States evidently is favorably disposed to the positive turn in Greco-Israeli relations and has been nurturing it. This is a reflection of its having won strong congressional support.

One of the potential impediments to a genuine rapprochement is the degree that anti-Semitism persists within Greece’s body politic. However, Tziampiris contends that it is limited to “the far left and far right” while the overwhelming majority of Greece’s population is immune to it. He noted that a Greek Orthodox archbishop was recently chastised publicly for derogatory comments regarding Jews.

There is a significant historical precedent for the positive trend in Greco-Israeli relations. Greece’s initial entry to the Holy Land under the command of Alexander the Great had a major cultural impact on the Kingdom of Judea, which he conquered 2,300 years ago. It fostered a revision of religious concepts especially in the more affluent segment of Judean society and caused a sharp division between Hellenists and Chasidim. It also led to the incorporation of many Greek words into Hebrew, an effect still evident in modern Hebrew as spoken and written in contemporary Israel.

(Jay Bushinsky, an Israel-based political columnist can be reached at [email protected].)

Read more: The Jewish Chronicle - Greece Israel draw closer following Turkey spat

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frmaoro ciao ciao tommy l'azione decisa e rapida non mi vorrei sbagliare sara' alla riunione di fine marzo come a maggio scorso dopo prenderemo le nostre decisioni per adesso attendiamo inermi mi accontento che mantengano questi prezzi

La riunione sarà a fine marzo, ma le decisioni verranno prese entro l'11 marzo per la questione finlandese delle elezioni.


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Greek Banks Push ASE Higher

Athens market moved upwards on Thursday, in an enhanced turnover compared with the recent sessions.

The General Index ended close to session’s high with only six shares of its composition ending in red, while banks had been posting intraday gains of 3.96% as ATE Bank, MIG and Eurobank topped FTSE20’s profits.

Athens Exchange was barely affected by European accumulation trends, while the unrest in Middle East and North Africa didn’t weigh on the domestic market.

However, market analysts commented that the today’s course of the General Index fits to the recent thin turnover pattern, expecting volatility to maintain in the near future.

They note that the Greek market hasn’t found any reliable catalyst to maintain a clear trend, mainly because of the delays and disagreements among European members to proceed with measures against the euro debt crisis.

We are seeing a delayed positive impact because Greece is thinking of exploiting assets to cut debt and boost growth," Kostas Zouzoulas, head of analysis at Axia Ventures Group, told Dow Jones Newswires.

"The key themes for the Athens bourse in the next few months will be state asset development, the prospects of a comprehensive EU bailout and the domestic implementation of structural reforms", he added.

Across the board, the General Index ended at 1662.62 units, up 2.7%. Approximately 39.46mn units worth EUR130mn were traded, while a total amount of 126 shares rose, 115 remained unchanged and 43 declined.

Banks climbed by 3.48%, ending at 1453.23 units. ATE Bank and Eurobank stood out, soaring 10.39% and 6.13% respectively, while Hellenic Postbank and Attica Bank gained 5.85% and 4.81% respectively. Alpha Bank and Piraeus Bank rose by 4.32% and 3.85%, while National Bank and Bank of Cyprus posted profits of 3.17% and 2.5% respectively.



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Borsa Atene: Ase chiude a +2,7%, bene i bancari

MILANO (MF-DJ)--L'indice Ase della Borsa di Atene termina le contrattazioni in rialzo del 2,7% a quota 1662,6 punti, trainata dalle buone performance dei titoli bancari. I volumi si attestano a 130,4 mln euro.
Il sotto-indice dei bancari guadagna il 3,3%. In particolare, AteBank sale a +10,3%, Hellenic Postbank a +5,8% e Bank of Attica a +4,8%.
In territorio positivo anche Eurobank a +6,1%, Alpha a +4,3%, Ppc a +3,8%, Piraeus a +3,8%, Hellenic Telecoms a +3,2% e National a +3,1%.


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Greek banks hold 3-3.5 times their equity in Greek government. This doesn't even include private loans made by Greek banks, many of which are also dicey. There is a 35% Greek govie haircut version similar to the "Brady plan" making the rounds. This would leave Greece still struggling and officially wipe out the equity of Greek banks

Io mi terrei parecchio alla larga dalle banche greche :rolleyes:


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Verso la chiusura, lo spread - calando le contrattazioni - è tornato a scendere come abitudinariamente faceva.
Ora siamo intorno a 864 pb.


Forumer storico
Greek banks hold 3-3.5 times their equity in Greek government. This doesn't even include private loans made by Greek banks, many of which are also dicey. There is a 35% Greek govie haircut version similar to the "Brady plan" making the rounds. This would leave Greece still struggling and officially wipe out the equity of Greek banks

Io mi terrei parecchio alla larga dalle banche greche :rolleyes:

Hai letto?
Mi sembra un pò eccessivo parlare di haircut al 50%.
Poi magari avrà anche ragione ... ma credo più realistico un altro percorso.

Per quanto riguarda le banche greche sono strettamente correlate con i GGB (non è una novità) ma rispetto a quelle Irlandesi c'è un abisso.

Per un possibile "taglio", in concambio sulla falsariga di un piano Brady, credo si aggirerà intorno al 20/25%. Ma anche qui, tutto dipenderà da cosa si deciderà a livello europeo.
Oppure potrà essere alla pari del nominale, allungando le scadenza e tagliando le cedole. Si tratterà però di un titolo tripla AAA.
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