Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (13 lettori)

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Forumer storico
parlando di haircut, ho provato a calcolare il rendimento lordo di alcune emissioni ipotizzando che alla scadenza:
1) nulla cambi, colonna J
2) taglio del 70% del solo nominale, colonna L
3) taglio del 50% del solo nominale, colonna M
4) taglio del 70% del nominale e cedole, colonna N
5) sospensione delle cedole per i prossimi tre anni, colonna O

Che ne pensate ?
Futile esercizio mentale o spunto di riflessione ?


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Forumer storico
Athens Stocks Post Mild Profits

Greek market rebounded mildly on Tuesday, as the General Index regained 1,500 units with profits of 0.97% in a session with weak trading activity and thin turnover.

Hellenic Postbank topped FTSE20, posting profits of more than 6%, while MIG, OTE and Titan followed, gaining 4.05%, 3.98% and 3.73% respectively. However, banks failed to maintain intraday profits of 2.55%, despite an impressive rebound from early losses of 2%.

The auction of Greek government treasury bills was given a cold reception despite the coverage ratio and the rather moderate increase of uniform yield, given the news regarding the deficit in 2010 and the alarming course of state revenues.

Market analysts commented that the continuing statements by analysts and officials on Greek debt restructuring scenarios have enhanced investors’ avoid-risk stance, while Kyprou Securities noted in its morning report that investors with higher than average appetite for risk can gradually, slowly and cautiously build a small position on the ASE at the current price level.

“The market sentiment remains largely unchanged”, according to Eurobank Equities, which added that in the absence of any market moving news flow, ASE would probably trade around current levels with low trading volumes.

More importantly, the domestic market accelerates its descending dynamic, as talks over a possible restructuring of Greece’s international bailout gain momentum, said Pegasus Securities.

Across the board, the General Index ended at 1,506.25 units, up 0.97% after a fluctuation into a margin of 2.52%. Approximately 18.72 million units worth €71.95m were traded on Tuesday, while a total amount of 68 shares rose, 67 declined and 147 remained unchanged.

Banks recorded small profits of 0.28% at 1,203.23 units. Attica Bank, Bank of Cyprus and Alpha Bank rose by 3.16%, 2.50% and 2.26% respectively. On the other hand, National Bank fell by 1.32%, while Eurobank and Geniki Bank declined by 0.97% and 0.78% respectively.



Forumer storico
parlando di haircut, ho provato a calcolare il rendimento lordo di alcune emissioni ipotizzando che alla scadenza:
1) nulla cambi, colonna J
2) taglio del 70% del solo nominale, colonna L
3) taglio del 50% del solo nominale, colonna M
4) taglio del 70% del nominale e cedole, colonna N
5) sospensione delle cedole per i prossimi tre anni, colonna O

Che ne pensate ?
Futile esercizio mentale o spunto di riflessione ?

Può essere uno spunto di riflessione per chi si accinge ad entrare ora.

mago gambamerlo

Xx Phuket xX
E' da un anno che mi sento moderatamente preso x il c.... da questo anda e rianda europeo e cio' nonostante mi ritengo ancora "ragionevolmente" ottimista . :D

discepolo, grazie per la partecipazione a questo minisondaggio; per il ragionamento espresso si capisce che mantieni il tuo investimento senza particolari preoccupazioni o patemi, perciò dovresti schierarti dalla parte degli irriducibili ottimisti, quindi ragionevolmente ottimisti.


New Membro
parlando di haircut, ho provato a calcolare il rendimento lordo di alcune emissioni ipotizzando che alla scadenza:
1) nulla cambi, colonna J
2) taglio del 70% del solo nominale, colonna L
3) taglio del 50% del solo nominale, colonna M
4) taglio del 70% del nominale e cedole, colonna N
5) sospensione delle cedole per i prossimi tre anni, colonna O
Che ne pensate ?
Futile esercizio mentale o spunto di riflessione ?

molto utile, ma qualcosa mi sfugge...la prime due colonne, L e M, sono valori negativi?
Ultima modifica:


Forumer storico
Greece does not need debt restructuring -France

PARIS, April 11 | Tue Apr 12, 2011 11:47am EDT

PARIS, April 11 (Reuters) - French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde said in a newspaper interview released on Tuesday that Greece would not go bankrupt and did not need its debt to be restructured.
"We are betting that the austerity programmes will allow the Greeks to return to the financial markets and that the country is solvent," she told French newspaper La Croix. "Greece will not go bankrupt, so it does not need the volume of its debt reduced."
Ultima modifica:


Forumer storico
European Council president pushes for reforms

Van Rompuy gives nod to efforts but calls for more reforms, privatization; debt restructuring ruled out


European Council President Herman Van Rompuy on Tuesday congratulated the Greek government and people for an ongoing austerity drive but encouraged authorities to push ahead with unpopular structural reforms and an ambitious privatization program to get the economy back on track.
The key is to continue implementing the courageous reforms and privatizations that have been agreed in a timely and effective manner,” Van Rompuy told a joint press conference at the Maximos Mansion following talks with Prime Minister George Papandreou.
The top European Union official emphasized that all these measures were unavoidable and should have been implemented long ago, but “are in Greece’s long-term interest.” He also reiterated his confidence in the commitment of Papandreou’s administration to push through key structural reforms and the privatization program.
On the eventuality of Greece's debt being restructured - the subject of feverish speculation in Greece and Europe in recent weeks - Van Rompuy did not mince his words. «Not only is it not on the agenda, it is out of the question,» he said.
Papandreou, who has been facing growing strife within the ranks of his Socialist party, is to provide details about the privatization plan and his government’s medium-term reform plan on Friday.
Addressing reporters with Van Rompuy on Tuesday, Papandreou noted that “the efforts being made by Greek citizens are painful but they are bearing fruit.” He added that the goal of the reforms being promoted by his government was the resumption of growth to “provide jobs for our young people.”
Earlier in the day, Van Rompuy also met with President Karolos Papoulos, who appeared less upbeat.
He told the European Council chief that Greece’s economic crisis, and the austerity measures being taken to counter it, had dealt a serious blow to social cohesion. The president thanked Van Rompuy for “helping promote some of Greece’s requests in this great struggle” but noted that, nevertheless, “the weaker social classes are suffering.”
As for Van Rompuy’s support for Greece’s positions, Papoulias indicated that he expected more, remarking, “One swallow does not a summer make.”

ekathimerini.com , Tuesday April 12, 2011 (16:40)


Utente Senior
quando leggo questi articoli mi vien voglia di comprare comprare comprare ... fermatemi

fermati...il Consiglio Europeo conta sega....:D

In effetti, non conta poi molto.

Un paio di orette fa la Cina ha confermato l'interesse nell'acquisto dei Bonos spagnoli. Altrettanto ben disposta pare essere nell'acquisto di bond del EFSF.

Greece does not need debt restructuring -France

PARIS, April 11 | Tue Apr 12, 2011 11:47am EDT

PARIS, April 11 (Reuters) - French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde said in a newspaper interview released on Tuesday that Greece would not go bankrupt and did not need its debt to be restructured.
"We are betting that the austerity programmes will allow the Greeks to return to the financial markets and that the country is solvent," she told French newspaper La Croix. "Greece will not go bankrupt, so it does not need the volume of its debt reduced."

E ora posso comprare e comprare, e comprare ed ancora comprare ?! :lol:
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