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Enel Green Power has begun construction activities at Greece's 28 MW wind energy project

http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php...greece&as_qdr=h&as_drrb=q&cf=all&start=0&tt=0 http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php...greece&as_qdr=h&as_drrb=q&cf=all&start=0&tt=0 http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php...greece&as_qdr=h&as_drrb=q&cf=all&start=0&tt=0

Balkan Business News Correspondent - 14.04.2011

Enel Green Power (EGP) has begun construction activities at its 28 MW wind project in the areas of Chlogos (19 MW) and Prophet Elias (9 MW), located near the city of Corinth, in the north-east of Peloponnese, Greece. The Corinth wind farm is expected to become operational by October 2011. Once fully up and running, the wind farm will be capable of producing 57 million kWh of electricity annually, enough to meet the energy needs of 14,100 households while avoiding the emission of 62,500 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere.
“Thanks to its renewable potential, Greece is a country of strategic importance for Enel Green Power” commented Francesco Starace, CEO and General Manager of Enel Green Power. “Therefore, we remain committed to this country, which is actively promoting renewables as one of the ways to exit from the current financial crisis”.
Enel Green Power is already widely present in the Greek renewables’ sector. EGP’s wind farms with total capacity of 130 MW are mainly located in Thrace, but also in Peloponnese, Evia, Crete and Dodecanese islands. In addition, EGP operates small hydro power plants in three major Greek peripheries – Central Greece, Western Greece and Thessaly – for a total installed capacity of 13 MW.
Enel Green Power is the Enel Group company dedicated to the development and management of power generation from renewable resources around the world, with a presence in Europe, North America and Latin America. It is an industry leader worldwide thanks to some 22 billion kilowatt hours generated from water, sun, wind and geothermal, meeting the energy needs of some 8 million households and avoiding 16 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions each year. The company has an installed capacity of more than 6,100 MW, with over 620 facilities around the world and a generation mix that includes wind, solar, hydro, geothermal and biomass.

Source; Enel



New Membro
Non so se si è postato ma lo metto lo stesso.

Pyrinos, tu se greco?

Volevo chiedere, a te e a tutti coloro che hanno contatti con la "vita comune" in Grecia, quale è il sentiment dei greci? Cosa si aspettano possa accadere in caso di default/haircut/ ristrutturazione? C'è più rassegnazione o voglia di farcela? C'è la sensazione del gravissimo danno, non solo economico, ma anche di immagine? Per quanto ne so io i greci sono abbastanza orgogliosi, come si sentirebbero se equiparati ai ladrones argentini? In fondo ancora oggi per parlare di "fregature" si parla di bond argentini....
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Gov't calls for explanations by Siemens

(ANA-MPA) -- Justice Minister Haris Kastanidis on Wednesday announced that the Greek state will impose fines on German multinational Siemens before the end of May for violation of laws against money laundering.
Kastanidis made the announcement while addressing Parliament on the amended ministerial liability law, while he clarified that on Monday he will send a letter to Siemens' management, demanding explanations within the next 15 days.
"The German side has an obligation to compensate the Greek side regardless of the court ruling that will be issued in the Siemens bribery case. The usually judgmental Germans will stand accused, because their own companies are champions of corruption worldwide," Kastanidis said.
Main opposition New Democracy (ND) Parliamentary spokesman Prokopis Pavlopoulos also lashed out at German justice, underlining that the Greek justice system should not take the entire blame for procrastination when, essentially, it was the German justice system that covered up the cases in question.
Opposition Popular Orthodox Rally (LA.O.S) president George Karatzaferis characterised the draft law under discussion as "declaration of remorse delayed by 10 years". He also accused the two major political parties of being responsible for the fact that "nobody was sent to jail and nobody will be". He also stated that former defence minister Akis Tsohatzopoulos should not be the only one to appear before a parliamentary preliminary examination committee.
In response, the ND parliamentary spokesman stated that the payments made by ND ministers were in accordance with contracts signed under the Simitis government.




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Notte a tutti :)

Sono nuovo qui :D

....e non ho nessuna intenzione di farmi tagliare i capelli :D
Benvenuto nobody's,
E' evidente che non ti accontenti della sola cedola, e ti aspetti che i titoli risalgano al nominale, pertanto, il tuo gruppo di appartenenza mi pare quello dei ragionevolmente positivi.
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Ex-minister convicted over undeclared Siemens cash

Mantelis given suspended sentence as justice minister prepares to tie up loose ends with German firm


Former Transport Minister Tasos Mantelis became on Wednesday the first politician to receive a prison sentence, albeit a suspended one, in connection to accepting money from the German electronics and engineering giant Siemens, which is alleged to have paid millions of euros in bribes to Greek political figures, parties and public servants to secure state contracts.
Mantelis’s conviction came on the same day that Justice Minister Haris Kastanidis revealed that he is about to write to Siemens in a bid to reach an out-of-court settlement with the company in relation to the damages suffered by the Greek state as a result of the bribes paid to its officials.
An Athens appeals court handed Mantelis a three-year suspended sentence for submitting a false source-of-wealth declaration. The former minister was called to testify after revealing before a parliamentary committee last year that he had accepted money from Siemens, although he insisted that it was an election campaign contribution rather than a bribe.
Mantelis is alleged to have accepted the equivalent of about 200,000 euros from Siemens in two payments. The former minister argued that the money was never used and that it did not technically belong to him as it was paid into a friend’s bank account. The court, however, rejected his argument and said that he should have declared the money. It also imposed a 7,500-euro fine on Mantelis and withdrew his voting rights for a year.
Mantelis has yet to stand trial as part of the main investigation into the Siemens investigation. He faces charges of money laundering, which is a felony, and has been bailed pending his appearance in court.
Apart from the outstanding judicial investigation, the Siemens scandal continues to be an open wound for Greece as it has not reached any settlement with the German company. Kastanidis said that he would be sending a letter to Siemens on Monday to ask the firm to provide details about any illegal activities in Greece with a view to reaching a financial settlement.
Sources said that Kastanidis would ask Siemens to cooperate by the end of May or else face the prospect of being fined by the Greek government in accordance with the country’s anti-money laundering legislation.

ekathimerini.com , Wednesday April 13, 2011 (22:50)


Forumer storico
Mah, non so con che avverbio qualificare il mio ottimismo, cmq sto acquistando piano piano il ggb 2040, sono arrivata sinora a 40k, conto d'arrivare a 50.
bonacieux, il titolo che stai seguendo è sicuramente tra quelli ritenuti meno a rischio, tanto è vero che nell'ultimo periodo non ha sofferto e si è mantenuto intorno al valore di 55, scontando un taglio, rispetto al nominale del 45%.
Sinceramente, non credo che anche tu ti accontenti delle sole cedole, ma hai l'aspettativa che il titolo recuperi, almeno in parte, il valore nominale.
Anche per il fatto che ancora stai valutando di incrementare la quota in ggb, come non definirti ragionevolmente positivo...


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Restructuring denial not convincing

Minister says reforms will lead to growth, make debt sustainable; S&P sees 1 in 3 chance of default
Greece’s continual denial that it is looking into restructuring its debt is failing to ease concerns regarding the possibility of investors being stuck with losses on Greek bond holdings.
Finance Minister Giorgos Papaconstantinou on Wednesday ruled out any restructuring of the country's crippling debt burden, saying that reforms being put in place in Greece would lead to growth and make debt sustainable.
“We can generate jobs and investments and we are not changing track,” Papaconstantinou told a conference.
The major reforms that are taking place will “lead to growth that will avoid the need for restructuring,” he said.
He said that exports were recovering and repeated a forecast that the country would see growth in the final quarter of this year.
As the minister spoke in Athens, Greek government bonds declined, sending the 10-year yield six basis points higher to a record 12.93 percent.
Rating agency Standard & Poor’s said that the chance of a general debt restructuring by Greece is «almost one-third."
The head of European sovereign debt analysis at Standard & Poor's Ratings Group, Moritz Kraemer, told German weekly Die Zeit in an interview published on Wednesday that for a restructuring to be effective, creditors may have to forgo between 50 and 70 percent of their claims.
Kraemer said he expected the European Union first to examine the possibility of lightening Greece's burden by lengthening debt maturities and cutting the interest rates payable.
However, he said this would make little sense if the end effect would only be to cut Greece's debt load to 130 percent of gross domestic product from 160 percent.
Meanwhile, the lawyer who advised Uruguay on the successful restructuring of the South American country’s sovereign debt in 2003 says that any fundamental restructuring of Greece's debt before June 2013 will have severe repercussions across the eurozone, Reuters reported on Wednesday.
Lee Buchheit, partner at law firm Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton, warns that a «full monty approach» without obtaining voluntary consent from bondholders would provoke «a major tremor... felt in Lisbon, Madrid and elsewhere in peripheral Europe."

ekathimerini.com , Wednesday April 13, 2011 (17:07)

Il punto sulla questione "ristrutturazione".

Questa mattina gli spread hanno aperto piuttosto in alto, ora siamo attorno ai 970 pb. rompendo il trading range abituale.
Vediamo se, contestualmente all'apertura dei mercati, ci sarà poi un restringimento.
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Forumer storico
la cosa giusta è di alleggerire ulteriormente e rientrare quando le cose sono più chiare
frmaoro, hai ragione ad essere prudente; sicuramente la tua esposizione in ggb è stata molto alta, con il rischio di una carenza di diversificazione del portafoglio. Quello che stai tentando di mettere in pratica, con un alleggerimento della posizione, è chiaro e comprensibile. Rimani comunque nel gruppo dei ragievolmente ottimisti?....


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Greece FinMin:Return To Financial Markets May Be Delayed - FT

FRANKFURT (MNI) - Greece may not be able to return to financial markets by next year as originally planned, Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou suggested to the Financial Times.

"I think a judgment cannot be reached before the summer and before Portugal closes its deal," the minister said in an interview published in Thursday's edition of the business daily.

"I can understand those who look at the current situation and say 'you'll never have a market for [for Greek debt],' but I can also point to the picture in October and November last year when spreads went down 350 basis points within 40 days."

Noting that the country would need to raise E25-30 billion next year, the minister conceded that more time was needed. "There is no question about that. But more time not in terms of a new programme, but to convince," he said.

To that end, the country will present on Friday a revamped version of its fiscal consolidation program, which will include an additional E23 billion in spending cuts and revenue increases over the next three years, Papaconstantinou said.

"It is an unprecedented fiscal effort," the minister continued. "It has proved difficult to put in place all the structural reforms, but if you look at the programme we are on track with everything we said."

In the medium term, the goal is to reduce the budget deficit below 3% of GDP by 2014. Last year, the budgetary shortfall was measured at almost 10.6%, the FT noted.

However, while noting that some measures would be put in place to bring the deficit under control, Papaconstantinou said that it would be "counter-productive" to inact further tax increases beyond last year's VAT increase to 23%.

"o, we are talking about broadening the tax base and re-examining various tax allowances and reductions that are on the books with a view to abolishing them," the minister said.

Papaconstantinou outlined details of the program, including streamlining public sector wages, reducing defense spending and trimming away outdated state entities. He also highlighted plans to raise E50 billion in revenues by 2015 through the sale of equity stakes in state utilities, as well as concessions for the development of public land.

"What you have is a rethinking of the public sector in terms of how it works," he said.

Papaconstantinou was hopeful that the Greek economy would return to growth by the third or fourth quarter of this year and could see a further modest recovery in 2012. However, the country's three-year long recession would make it difficult for people to be optimistic, he conceded.

"In a recession, people cannot see the way out - you have a sense of futility that may be gaining ground," Papaconstantinou said.

However, suggestions made by the minister himself during the interview that the country may not return to financial markets next year as initially planned, are likely only to chip away further at confidence.


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Comandante Gerard

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Ciao Maratoneta
questo sondaggio si fa sempre più interessante, però proporrei ora di definire un pò meglio le categorie che si sono delineate con alcuni parametri chiari.

Mi spiego: da quanto capisco io chi è ragionevolmente positivo non vede ristrutturazione quindi rimborso a 100.

All'opposto chi è ragionevolmente negativo vede default con haircut pesante.

Il moderatamente negativo, come me, vede una ristrutturazione inevitabile senza tagli pesanti, ma con altre cose tipo taglio cedole, allungamenti e quant'altro da inventare.

La posizione dell'equidistante è altrettanto chiara per definizione.

Non mi è del tutto chiaro chi è moderatamente positivo che cosa si aspetta...
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