Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (11 lettori)

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Γένοιο οἷος εἷ
Reuters - 09/06/2011 11:21:39


il Fankazzista
tante variabili non mi tornano euro/dollaro
euro/franco svizzero
ma qui gatta ci cova occhio
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Forumer storico
Eurozone outlines new, 90-bln-euro bailout for Greece

Luxembourg's Juncker holds conference call with finance ministers


Eurozone finance ministers launched formal talks on Wednesday by telephone over the details of a new Greek rescue package which an EU diplomat told Agence-France Presse will top 90 billion euros.
Eurogroup President Jean-Claude Juncker said in a statement that the finance ministers held a conference call Wednesday afternoon to exchange views on last week's assessment of Greece's situation by the troika of the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund. .
"We acknowledged the significant progress achieved so far by the Greek authorities, in particular as regards fiscal consolidation, although a reinvigoration of fiscal and broader structural reforms remains necessary,» Juncker said in a press release.
Juncker praised the Greek government's commitment to a 50-billion-euro privatization program and underlined the importance of cross-party political support in Greece.
"We share the view expressed by the troika that strict implementation will help restore fiscal sustainability, safeguard financial stability and boost competitiveness,» he said.
An EU diplomat told AFP that the sell-off program would be expected to contribute «one third» of the new bailout plan. Another third would come from eurozone and IMF loans, although it is not clear if that is on top of loans still to be paid out under the first bailout.
In a letter sent to eurozone partners also made public on Wednesday, German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said private banks must forego collecting Greek public debts for seven years as a condition for funnelling new financial aid to Athens.
An agreement could be reached «through a bond swap leading to a prolongation of the outstanding Greek sovereign bonds by seven years."

ekathimerini.com , Thursday June 9, 2011 (11:00)


Forumer storico
pensavo che i nostri politici fossero ladri, carogne ed irresponsabili...ma vedo che quelli greci probabilmente ci battono!!!

Purtroppo non conosco molto bene come ragionano i politici greci per cui non sò se idx stanno tirando la corda per avere qualcosa in cambio, oppure vogliono portare il paese al default dando poi la colpa alla sx di non aver saputo gestire la crisi.

Certo da noi la cosa sarebbe assai più semplice in un frangente del genere. Un bel governo di unità nazionale, magari con un tecnico e/o un politico al termine della sua vita politica ma abbastanza rappresentativo e poi giù di tasse sui risparmi, patrimoniali, imposte straordinarie sui beni immobili etc..
Pur di non perdere privilegi sarebbero tutti uniti.


Forumer storico
More calls for consenus but ND reluctant to agree

Juncker underlines need for agreement but ND says measures are wrong


The head of the Eurogroup, Jean-Claude Juncker, has reiterated calls for cross-party agreement on economic measures in Greece but a New Democracy spokesman has said that the conservatives have key disagreements with the policies the government has agreed with the troika and will only provide “targeted consensus”.
"We underlined the importance of cross-party support in Greece,» Juncker said in a statement after a teleconference with eurozone finance ministers.
"The adjustment of the Greek economy can only succeed when all relevant political parties subscribe to the objectives and main parameters of the programme."
New Democracy leader Antonis Samaras has been meeting European officials this week in a bid to present his ideas about the Greek economy but has invariable been told to be more supportive of the measures being agreed by the government and the troika.
Speaking to Skai TV on Thursday, ND’s Christos Staikouras, a spokesman for economic affairs, suggested that it would be difficult to achieve consensus given that the conservatives have some serious objections to the policies.
“We have a basic point of disagreement with the troika over how the economy should be revived,” he said, pointing to ND’s suggestion that there should be across-the-board tax cuts to stimulate economic activity. “The troika wants measures that will deliver results straight away.”
Staikouras insisted that the EU-IMF memorandum had failed and that its terms should be renegotiated.
“Two thirds of the sacrifices being made by Greeks are going to waste,” he said. “The recession is deep and long and we cannot return to the markets. They are asking us to follow the wrong recipe.
Who can say that the next loan instalment is guaranteed when the recipe is wrong?”
The ND official said that his party would not give carte blanch approval to measures but would support policies that it agrees with.
“We will provide targeted consenus,” he said. “We will vote for whatever we believe is right.”

ekathimerini.com , Thursday June 9, 2011 (11:23)


Γένοιο οἷος εἷ
Allarghiamo la panoramica

Spagna, sforzi continui Regioni per centrare deficit - Fitch
Reuters - 09/06/2011 11:33:39
MILANO, 9 giugno (Reuters) - Fitch Ratings sottolinea, in un nuovo studio, di avere alcune riserve sui risultati di bilancio per il primo trimestre di alcune regioni spagnole, così come resi noti dal ministero dell'Economia.

Alcune regioni devono ancora dimostrare di contenere in modo sufficiente le spese per centrare gli obiettivi di rapporto deficit-Pil all'1,3% per l'anno. Sebbene sia ancora presto per stabilire se tutte le regioni saranno in grado di restare nei limiti del deficit, i risultati finora mostrano che i ricavi correnti complessivi stanno continuando a scendere, rispetto allo stesso periodo del 2010, mentre la spesa corrente cresce.

Al momento, Fitch ha un outlook negativo per tutte le dieci comunità autonome spagnole sottoposte a rating a seguito del deterioramento delle loro qualitò del credito negli ultimi anni a causa della contrazione dell'economia e dagli alti deficit.
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