Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (1 Viewer)

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Greece Announced €430m Tender For Waste Management

Environment Ministry fights against time to prevent Athens turning into Naples, as it has announced an invitation of tender for waste management in Attica.

The government seeks to resolve the situation through a giant project of €430 million, which provides the construction of four plants of integrated waste management of 1.35 tonnes of waste in greater Athens.

The main objective is to prevent the saturation of the existing waste sites, which is estimated by the end of 2014.

The appointment of the contractor-investor is expected in 2012, while the project would have duration of 20-25 years.

The four units in Fyli, Grammatiko, Keratea and Ano Liosia are planned to be in operation by 2014, as the tender has been delayed for a year and a half.

Interested construction groups have welcomed warmly the announcement of the tender, as the total amount of the investment is estimated at €1-1.5 billion (excluding VAT) over the total period of 20-25 years.

The operation of the units is compatible with all existing waste management technologies:

-Mechanical biological treatment of unsorted municipal waste used by the subsidiary of Ellaktor, Helektor. The company has already invested about €400 million in waste management.

-Production of electricity though biogas, produced by anaerobic decomposition of organic waste and biomass mainly from dairies, cow houses and piggeries. It has been developed by Helektor but the project of €200 million was not implemented due to the reactions of the local community.

-Thermal waste treatment with simultaneous production of energy. Besides Helektor, Intrakat, which cooperates with with the French giant Suez Environnement, also uses this method.

-The cold treatment and recycling of municipal solid waste, developed by the company Soukos Environmental.
Besides the aforementioned companies, GEK Terna, J&P Avax, Kopelouzos Group and smaller companies such as Polyeco and Athoniki Technical claim the projects.



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Primo pomeriggio alla Borsa di Atene a 924 punti - 1,7%, bassi volumi di scambio.
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Finland PM Determined To Keep Collateral Deal

HELSINKI -- Finland's current bailout collateral agreement with Greece will either have to be adjusted or accepted as it is, Finnish Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen told Finland's public broadcaster YLE on Tuesday.
"For [Finland] it is important that we get the collateral. And it is also important that this measure does not harm other countries. All this is now being discussed," Katainen said.
The comment came in response to growing dissension among euro-zone members angered by a special deal under which Finland would receive collateral in exchange for extending new loans to Greece.
Katainen added he considers the current collateral model technically sound, but that the situation is genuinely open for discussion.
Under its terms, Greece will deposit a still-to-be-decided sum of around EUR500 million in an escrow account with the Finnish state, as a precondition for Finland to release funds to the European Financial Stability Facility, Europe's temporary bailout fund, which is being used to finance fresh aid for Greece.
"One way or another, the issue will be resolved. The current model will be adjusted or accepted. The process to find a solution is ongoing," Katainen said.

Dow Jones Newswires


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ASCA-AFP) - Berlino, 23 ago - La Corte Costituzionale tedesca decidera' il 7 settembre se gli aiuti di Berlino alla Grecia siano conformi o meno ai trattati europei e alla legge tedesca, e rendera' anche noto il suo giudizio sull'istituzione di un fondo di emergenza europeo. Il 'no' agli aiuti della Corte sarebbe una grave battuta d'arresto per le proposte e i provvedimenti atti ad allentare la pressione finanziaria sulla Grecia e sugli altri Paesi della zona euro fortemente indebitati. Al termine dell'audizione, il ministro delle Finanze tedesco, Wolfgang Schauble, ha assicurato che ''gli aiuti accordati ad Atene, a Dublino e a Lisbona non solo sono necessari ma conformi alla legge''. Il presidente della Corte, Andreas Vosskuhle, ha spiegato che vuole ''definire i limiti imposti dalla legge ai politici'' in materia di aiuti finanziari


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Un "collateral" è un pegno.
Cos'ha chiesto di preciso la FL come pegno?

l’accordo bilaterale tra Grecia e Finlandia che ha visto quest’ultima ricevere un pacchetto di garanzie dallo stato ellenico in cambio della partecipazione di Helsinky al piano di aiuti. Si tratterebbe, secondo indiscrezioni di stampa, di un miliardo di euro pagati in contanti.


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Finland could quit Greek aid without collateral-PM

TAMPERE | Tue Aug 23, 2011 10:04am EDT

TAMPERE Finland Aug 23 (Reuters) - Finnish Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen said the country could withdraw from Greece's bailout programme it is not granted collateral for its loans.
Asked by Reuters whether Finland could drop out if is demand for such collateral were denied, he said: "yes."
"It is our parliament's decision that we demand it as a condition for us joining in," he said.
Finland's earlier deal with Greece that secured collateral for its loans sparked requests from some other euro zone countries for similar treatment, prompting rating agency Moody's to warn of risks that Greece's bailout payments could be delayed.
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