Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (9 lettori)

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Aegean Airlines Reported Increased Revenue In H1 2011

Aegean Airlines reported increased revenue and reduced losses in the first half of 2011. According to an announcement, the company’s sales amounted to €295.2 million, 10% higher compared to last year, with the second quarter’s increase in revenue reaching 24% to €189.4m.

Despite the crisis, which has forced it to reduce frequencies in the domestic network, the Company has followed a strategy of expanding its international network and thus enhancing its presence with additional destinations and frequencies to important markets like UK, France, Italy, Spain, Russia and Israel with the aim of also benefiting in the mid-term from the Greek tourism prospects.

The substantial cost efficiencies achieved from the homogenous fleet of Airbus A320 family aircraft as well as other productivity initiatives could not fully offset the negative impact of weakening purchasing power of Greek consumers as well as the sharp rise in fuel cost. More specifically, the fuel cost reached €81.8m, increased by €24.4m or 43% y-o-y.

Operating cashflow improved significantly versus last year. Thus, despite investing in airport slots in London Heathrow and Paris CDG, cash and cash equivalent increased to €205m as of the end of June 2011, ensuring the Company’s capacity to operate seamlessly within this challenging environment.

For the first half of 2011, total passengers carried increased marginally by 1% to 2.9 million. However, in the second quarter of 2011, total passengers rose 15% and international passengers rose 29%.

Mr. Dimitris Gerogiannis, Managing Director, commented:

‘Despite the difficult economic environment, we have invested in new markets, in view of enhancing the Company’s position internationally and taking advantage of opportunities related to the strengthening of Greek tourism. Initial commercial results are very positive. However, we need to translate our positive commercial performance into profits in the following years.

The environment continues to be particularly challenging, with the recession in Greece and higher fuel costs leading to losses for the full year of 2011, despite productivity improvements achieved. Our priorities remain the provision of innovation and quality to our customers, increase cost efficiencies as well as retain the financial and operational flexibility for rapid adjustments within an uncertain business environment.’



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IMF Official: Global Economic Outlook Has 'Deteriorated'

By Michael R. Crittenden
Of Dow Jones Newswires

WASHINGTON -(Dow Jones)- The global economic outlook has taken a downturn in recent months, an International Monetary Fund official said Thursday, putting further pressure on world leaders when they meet next month.

David Hawley, the IMF's deputy director of external relations, said the fund is likely to report that world economic prospects have declined when it publishes its latest assessment of global conditions next month.

"In general, our view of the outlook is that activity has weakened and become more uneven and the outlook has deteriorated," Hawley said at a press conference.

Financial markets have been roiled by a number of factors in recent weeks, including ongoing fears of European fiscal health, the stagnant U.S. economic recovery, and ongoing unrest in the Middle East and North Africa. The latter issue has taken center stage in recent days as rebels in Libya have sought to overthrow that nation's government.

Hawley said the IMF is reviewing the situation in Libya, but cannot provide aid or financing until a new government is in place that is recognized by the fund's members. "When there is a clear, broad-based international recognition of a new government in Libya" the fund can act, he said, suggesting the fund has yet to conduct an assessment of the economic toll of the recent civil war.

The IMF is scheduled to hold its annual meetings in Washington next month, and a key focus for global leaders will be the ongoing sovereign debt and banking industry concerns plaguing Europe. Much of the attention has been on efforts by European officials to stabilize the fiscal situation in Greece and whether additional aid for the country will be needed.

Hawley said IMF officials are in Greece as part of a review mission that is expected to conclude its work in early September. The IMF's board could then vote on approving the next round of aid for Greece by the end of next month, he said, adding that the IMF has not received any additional requests for Greek aid from officials in that country


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17:07 25 AGO 2011

(AGI/REUTERS) - Roma, 25 ago. - Il Fondo monetario internazionale alla fine di settembre dovrebbe essere in grado di valutare la prossima tranche di aiuti alla Grecia. Lo ha detto un portavoce del Fondo. La missione Fondo monetario-Ue, che ha lo scopo di controllare l'applicazione del piano di risanamento della Grecia, dovrebbe terminare il lavoro il 5 settembre. (AGI) .


Il mito, la leggenda.
Notizie da maggio 2012 ultimo 73,4.
E il tracollo continuerà fino a nuove buone news.

Va a finire che Russia le ha pagate un po' care (76,50). Comunque siamo lì..
Buona serata, Giuseppe

E nei prossimi giorni dovrà davvero avere i cogli0ni d'acciaio.
Ultimo 73,12.

Ci stanno venendo un po' a tutti! :D
Ciao, ciao, Giuseppe

in effetti ...quando vedi rosso hai altre sensazioni di quando sei in verde:D...l'importante è conoscere i propri limiti ....

i miei limiti di sopportazione sono che si arrivi a 29/100 a quel punto mi sono fumato TUTTO il capitale sono pulito ....se si va sotto sarei in perdita netta (CIOE' AVREI PURE DEBITI DA PAGARE) .....

penso che non ci dovremmo arrivare a vedere quei prezzi ...e comunque non venderei ma rischierei di andare sotto....:eek:

la mia sopportazione sarebbe a 0,00/0,00

allora dovrei cominciare a vendere la casa ...:sad:

ma questa è fantascienza ....29/100 invece potrebbe anche farli ...poi l'Europa tutta sarebbe un colabrodo ...adesso è un lusso ...

comunque non anticipiamo il finale per adesso la percentualedi riuscita della tradata è ancora ferma a 90%...

chi vivà vedrà :lol:

P.S. Forse dal cappello magico della Grecia usciranno alcuni Miliardi di euro di ORO da mettere in pegno;)
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20 mesi di lotta: cliccate sulla freccia e poi " guarda you tube", se qualche volenteroso vorrebbe tradurre ...

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Greek Banks Dragged ASE Down

Greek banks recorded new losses on Thursday, dragging the market down, despite the counterweight profits of OTE and OPAP.

Uncertainty about the outcome of the procedure for the rollover of Greek debt, worsening of liquidity conditions throughout the domestic economic activity, deep recession and FinMin’s warnings on larger deterioration of downturn, keep Athens exchange trapped in an introspective vortex that has cost 26.2% of General Index and 35.1% of banks’ capitalization in August.

The domestic market fails to find a catalyst for an upward reaction or halting of downward pressures, despite the free fall to consecutive 15-year lows, while total capitalization has recorded all-time lows as a rate of GDP.

Market analysts comment that ASE pays the price of fear that investors experience that Greece hardly remains close to the budget targets it has committed to achieve, while the international context is not favourable at all.

Moreover, the domestic market cannot foresee a turning point, which would “promise” a substantial economic recovery to support corporate figures and fiscal targets.

On the board, the General Index ended with losses of 0.42% at 889.17 points, with intraday losses of 1.77% at 877.18. Approximately 35.46 million units worth €68.14 million traded on Thursday, while a total amount of 84 shares declined, 57 rose and 139 remained unchanged.

Banks fell by 4.117% at 551.67 units, closes to session low (-4.29%), despite the promising opening (+1.65%).

Jumbo and OTE topped FTSE20 with profits of 5.01% and 4.10% at €3.98 and €4.06 respectively, while OPAP and Motor Oil rose by 2.26% and 2.17% respectively. Ellaktor, Titan and Mytilineos posted profits of 1.64%, 0.95% and 0.56%, while Marfin Popular Bank, MIG, Folli Follie, Piraeus, Bank of Cyprus and Coca Cola 3E remained unchanged.

On the other hand, Alpha Bank fell by 9.09% at €2, while Hellenic Postbank and Eurobank dropped by 6.61% and 5.64% respectively. National Bank ended at session low (€3.01) with losses of 4.75%. PPC, ELPE and Viohalco declined by 0.73%, 0.57% and 0.31% respectively.



Forumer attivo
E nei prossimi giorni dovrà davvero avere i cogli0ni d'acciaio.
Ultimo 73,12.

Se la Grecia fallisce... gli investitori internazionali perderanno fiducia nei confronti dell'UE. Essere in grado di non salvare uno stato che rappresenta il 2.3% del pil Ue con un debito di circa 150 mld (alle attuali quotazioni di mercato) sarebbe incredibile.

Sono del parere che siamo governati da incompetenti.... ma no fino a sto punto.

La soluzione è semplice.... (il buy buck) ma servono prezzi bassi (e ci sono).

Pertanto io mantengo... e finalmente inizio a vedere del verde sull'irlanda.... ;)

Ricordo agli amici del forum che con un taglio del 50% del debito pubblico, la Grecia diventerebbe il terzo paese + virtuoso dell'UE.

Ovviamente sono mie opinioni personali...
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