Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1

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Ciao GCRussia , e' su questa convinzione puramente politica che sono rimasto dentro alla Grecia ..... Mi aspettavo una cura veloce del Malato et invece l' hanno fatto andare in cancrena e rischiano l' epidemia .
Ora e' finito il tempo dei Teatrini ed e' arrivato il tempo di tirare fuori le P..... ! (Forse hanno capito che sbattersene le P..... e' il modo giusto di affrontare i mercati ?:-?e comunque il problema Grecia mi sembra passato in secondaria importanza nello scenario generale . )
Sara' un Autunno molto caldo .:D:D:D

Se d'interesse....

Grecia sta a UE come Italia sta a mondo

Grecia sta a UE come Italia sta a mondo | IntermarketAndMore

Che piaccia o no all'Europa....DEVONO salvarla ...adesso è troppo presto per mettere la parola fine alla Grecia ...

Se tagliano ...per default vanno giù pesante ....le banche europee ...probabilmente più di qualcuna potrebbe saltare o andare a mxgnotte ....

la fiducia che già è lesa di suo ...sarebbe definitiamente compromessa ..

l'unica soluzione è tenere in coma farmacologico il di fatto "morto"....con i soldini ...

scambi swap OK ...nuova tranche di aiuti OK...si allungano i tempi ...

morirà? ...solo quando lo vorranno LORO...allora basterà staccare ...l'ossigeno...adesso...NO il momento è sbagliato ...quando ? ...quando i cittadini di più stati europei DEFINITIVAMENTE ...diranno basta ...adesso è ancora presto...

Hanno le mani legate ...nessuno vuole prendersi la responsabilità di staccare l'ossigeno ...far fallire un ideale ..un sogno ...alla gente piacciono i film ...piace sognare ...c'è ancora spazio per continuare...

Forza e coraggio la partita continua .
Giornata particolarmente pesante, quella di ieri, sugli spread.
La Grecia riesce di nuovo a catalizzare su di sè le avversità coinvolgendo tutti i periferici, Irlanda compresa che stava godendo ininterrottamente da 14 sedute di un significativo movimento di restringimento.
Guai seri aleggiano intorno a Italia e Spagna, anche se Madrid pare riscuotere più fiducia sui mercati grazie ad un esecutivo - pur dimissionario - più determinato.
Scivola il Belgio mentre la Francia raggiunge un differenziale di 73 pb. sul bund.

Grecia 1651 pb. (1589)
Portogallo 867 pb. (814)
Irlanda 689 pb. (644)
Italia 330 pb. (301)
Spagna 310 pb. (290)
Belgio 200 pb. (189)
Hiatus in Troika talks with government

Finance Minister defiant after creditors retreat


Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos Friday insisted that Greece was broadly on track with crucial reforms after visiting members of the European Commission, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund, known collectively as the “troika,” left Athens unexpectedly before issuing a report saying that the government had made “good progress” but needed more time to complete “technical work.”
In spite of the reassurances though, sources said Friday that Venizelos was today scheduled to hold emergency talks with Prime Minister George Papandreou, who returned to Athens Friday from a crisis group meeting on Libya in Paris. The talks between Venizelos and Papandreou are expected to focus on how the government can plug a shortfall of 1.7 billion euros without resorting to further tax hikes. Papandreou is also expected to speak with top-ranking EU officials including European Council President Herman Van Rompuy and European Commission Chairman Jose Manuel Barroso about Greece’s spiralling debt problems. The premier is then to address PASOK members at an annual gathering where he is expected to defend his Socialist party’s controversial policies as unavoidable.
On Friday, Venizelos refuted swirling local media reports of a rift with visiting auditors over the country’s ability to meet deficit reduction targets. The reports, Venizelos said, “lacked any bearing on reality.” The troika, too, issued a statement suggesting that negotiations had not been derailed. “The mission has made good progress, but has temporarily left Athens to allow the authorities to complete technical work, among other things, related to the 2012 budget and growth-enhancing structural reforms,” the statement said.
The talks with the inspectors, which ended in the early hours of Friday, had been “very friendly and constructive,” Venizelos said, noting that the auditors would return to Athens on September 14 for a second phase of negotiations once the government has finalized a draft of the national budget for 2012.
There had been no previous indication that there would be a break in negotiations with the inspectors, whose previous audits have lasted two weeks.
Venizelos said that he had reiterated to the troika that a deeper-than-expected recession -- of around 5 percent -- would necessitate “some additional elaboration to ensure there is no divergence” from deficit reduction targets. The minister said the auditors had not pressed for new austerity measures.
“The emphasis is on enforcing the measures that have already been voted through Parliament,” he said.

ekathimerini.com , Friday September 2, 2011 (21:31)
Deputy PM subjected to verbal assault

Pair on motorcycle treat Pangalos to a tirade


Deputy Prime Minister Theodoros Pangalos was the victim of a particularly vehement verbal attack on Friday, a police report said.
The incident occurred outside his office on Pireos Street, when a 24-year-old man and a 26-year-old woman riding by on a motorcycle spotted him and began to hurl abuse at him.
Pangalos’s guards alerted the police, who subsequently conducted a search and found a knife and pepper spray in their posession. It was not clear whether Pangalos would press charges.

ekathimerini.com , Friday September 2, 2011 (21:45)

Il clima rimane pesante ...
Lenders under closer control

A Finance Ministry bill submitted to Parliament late on Thursday provides the Bank of Greece with vastly increased supervisory powers over commercial banks, with a view to ensuring the stability of the country’s banking system and protecting depositors’ assets.
The bill envisages the appointment of commissioners, and the possibility of a break-up of banks facing gaps in the mandatory capital ratios, with the transfer of assets and liabilities to a new, transitory entity. If the value of liabilities transferred exceeds the value of assets, the difference will be covered by the Deposits and Investments Guarantee Fund. The license of the new entity will initially be given for two years and its share capital paid by the government’s Financial Stability Fund. The license of the original bank will be revoked, its shares annulled and it will go into liquidation.
The central bank will be empowered to demand share capital increases in banks, while the commissioner will be able, in extreme cases, to take over the management.
A commissioner was recently appointed in Proton Bank, who found questionable capital transfers within the group.

ekathimerini.com , Friday September 2, 2011 (22:38)
Exports buck the gloomy trend

Outward-oriented firms improve profitability


An outward-looking attitude is proving the most effective medicine for businesses hit by three consecutive years of Greek economic recession, an examination of the 2011 first-half results of 249 listed companies indicates.

The relevant tables show that the most extroverted companies either boosted their profitability, maintained their profit margins at satisfactory levels, or even returned to profitability. Others entered new markets, expanding their client lists.
The tables show that the listed companies with the best profitability prospects are those oriented abroad (60-70 percent of turnover), or directly linked with the government’s privatization program.

A considerable number of listed companies in this period appear to have reduced activities related to the Greek public sector and turned abroad. Others took more drastic steps, opting to do business exclusively abroad.
Hellenic Petroleum stayed for yet one more quarter the most profitable listed Greek enterprise, with after-tax profits of 179.16 million euros, benefiting both from a rise in the price of oil and or the dollar against the euro.

Separately, first-half data supplied by the Panhellenic Association of Exporters (PSE) indicate that Greece, despite its hard-biting recession, is growing into a strong regional trading hub. Apart from confirming a trend toward a record-breaking rise in exports (40.4 percent as a whole in the first-half, and 11.6 percent up excluding petroleum products), the data also show important changes in the country’s exports map.

“The Mediterranean basin is developing into a major market for Greek exports... The large rise in exports to neighboring Turkey, a strong increase in those going to the countries of North Africa and the Middle East... the recovery of exports to the USA, the penetration of new Asian markets and a boost in the exports of industrial products show that despite the fluctuations in the dollar-euro parity, Greek products are regaining the confidence of world markets,” said Christina Sakellaridi, PSE president.

Italy was Greece’s biggest customer in the first half, absorbing 1.04 million euros worth of exports, with Turkey in second place, with 866.6 million. Fuel exports rose by a whopping 343 percent, accounting for 27.6 of the total. Total imports fell 16.7 percent in the first quarter, further trimming the trade deficit.

ekathimerini.com , Friday September 2, 2011 (22:27)

La bilancia commerciale resta uno dei fattori positivi scaturiti dalla riforma del paese.

Main opposition New Democracy (ND) accused the PASOK government of "attempting to delude the people" and of "extreme irresponsibility", in a reaction on Friday to government vice president and finance minister Evangelos Venizelos' statements at a press conference earlier in the day on the suspension of talks with the European Commission (EC), European Central Bank (ECB) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) chiefs late Thursday.

"After upsetting the country in the middle of the night with irresponsible leaks on supposed cries of resistance to the troika, Mr. Venizelos appeared today (Friday) to make recommendations to himself and the government," ND press officer Yiannis Mihelakis said, charging that "they are now trying to hide their failure and inadequacy with cheap communications tricks".

Mihelakis also charged that the government is postponing its talks with the troika to after prime minister George Papandreou
's appearance at the Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF, where the premiers traditionally unveil the economic policy for the following year), claiming that Mr. Venizelos has to complete 'technical aspects'."


August was a disastrous month for the Athens Stock Exchange (ASE) as the market lost 10.726 billion euros from its capitalization, while the composite index of the market plunged 23.9 pct. The banking sector was the weak link of the market, with the relative index losing 33.5 pct in the month, falling to levels seen in January 1993.

However, August recorded the highest daily percentage gain in ASE history, with the composite index of the market jumping 14.37 pct on August 29, boosted by news of a merger deal between Eurobank and Alpha Bank, Greece's second and third largest banks respectively.

The index ended the month at 915.98 points, down 23.9 pct from the previous month, for a net loss of 35.22 pct so far this year. ASE capitalization is down 16.778 billion euros in the January-August period. The Big Cap index fell 26.6 pct in August, while the Mid Cap index dropped 22.02 pct and the Small Cap index fell 22.6 pct.

In Germania si comincia a ragionare.

Il dibattito in Germania sta prendendo la piega giusta. Ci si sta rendendo conto che non si può scherzare col fuoco: ossia la fine dell'euro. E' interesse della Germania difendere ad ogni costo la moneta unica per cui diversi politici in modo trasversale sono sempre più convinti della necessità di una maggior rafforzamento dell'integrazione dell'UEM. Non siamo ancora agli eurobond, ma così come "tutte le strade portano a Roma", alla fine le proposte riguardanti una maggiore integrazione porteranno inevitabilmente a strumenti simili.
The World from Berlin: Parliamentary Influence over Euro Bailouts 'Naive' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
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