Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1

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Grazie Paolo bella sta cosa.
Altrettanto interessante sarebbe capire quanto costi agli svizzeri.
Non sarà che, visto il noto amore per wurstel e salsicce di quelle popolazioni, la quantità di titoli maialeschi che hanno in pancia sia sufficiente a determinare
qualche disagio anche a loro? Un tedesco perderebbe un tot facendo così o cosà un greco un altro tot facendo così o cosà ed uno sccccvizzerotto? Nada de nada? :lol: Eh suvvìa ... :) Comunque

Non c'è niente da fare, in finanza non possono esistere per definizione, analisi disinteressate, senza conflitto di interessi.
E così questa analisi, piuttosto condivisibile e di buon senso (credo che chiunque sia investito qui in ggb ritenga, al pari di UBS, che la probabilità di break-up dell'euro siano quasi pari a 0), tuttavia è funzionale agli interessi e alla view di UBS (e come potrebbe non esserlo?). Al contrario del mondo finanziario anglosassone e della sua propaganda, che ci sta muovendo guerra ormai da più di un anno (con la preziosa alleanza dell'abilità della politica europea a farsi degli spettacolari autogol), guerra che ha toccato l'ultimo e più cruento livello ora che sono riusciti ad azzannare l'Italia.
UBS al contrario, sbagliando, ahi loro, completamente il timing, sono long, almeno nei loro report e consigli di investimento, sull'Italia e anche sui bancari Italiani sin da maggio-giugno, quando non potevano non constatare quanto il nostro indice fosse stato penalizzato e quanto le nostre quotazioni fossero a sconto. Ed eravamo solo all'inizio :rolleyes:
Su Class Cnbc si declama il solito luogo comune:
ieri "bruciati" in Europa 254 miliardi....

Ma quale "bruciati"....
Io dico: beato chi se li è messi in tasca :D
EU leaders encourage Greece

Officials back efforts by Athens but push for quicker reforms as Greece seeks renegotiation of bailout goals


Top-ranking European Union officials Monday expressed support for Greece following a weekend of feverish speculation about the outlook for debt-ridden Greece and the stability of the eurozone following the interruption of talks between the Greek government and its international creditors late last week.
Meanwhile Greek officials attending the Eurogroup Working Group in Brussels were Monday night expected to press for a renegotiation of the goals of a multi-billion-euro bailout scheme for Greece, arguing that a deeper-than-expected recession has necessitated a review of budget deficit reduction figures.
According to sources, EU President Herman Van Rompuy reassured Prime Minister George Papandreou of his support for the Greek government’s efforts during a telephone conversation but stressed that the implementation of structural reforms and fiscal adjustment must be accelerated. Also Monday, in comments to the Belgian state radio, Van Rompuy sought to quash speculation about Greece leaving the eurozone. “This would create more problems than solutions,” he said. Later in the day, Van Rompuy said a solution would soon be found to a problem that has threatened to scupper a fragile consensus on Greece’s second bailout -- Finland’s insistence on guarantees from Greece in the form of collateral. “Good progress is being made, and I am confident we will find a solution soon,” Van Rompuy said in a joint press conference with Finnish Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen. Van Rompuy added that the rescue package included a provision for collateral that had to be respected.
In Berlin, German Chancellor Angela Merkel also ruled out the scenario of Greece -- or any other EU country with debt problems -- leaving the eurozone, noting that this would provoke a dangerous “domino effect.”
Words of encouragement for Greece also came from Christine Lagarde, the head of the International Monetary Fund -- one of Greece’s three foreign creditors. In an interview with German news magazine Der Spiegel, Lagarde said the IMF was “determined” to help Greece overcome its debt problems “and gain competitiveness.” Overall, support for Greece has been in short supply in the German press which has been dominated with headlines such as “Patience for Athens is running out.”

ekathimerini.com , Monday September 5, 2011 (23:21)
Greece, Israel sign cooperation agreement

Greek Defense Minister Panos Beglitis met with his Israeli counterpart Ehud Barak in Jerusalem and signed a cooperation pact in the security sector between the two countries, defense officials said on Monday.
It was the first visit to Israel by a Greek defense minister and part of a cooperation agreement forged between the premiers of the two countries, George Papandreou and Benjamin Netanyahu, last year. Beglitis also met with the Israeli chief of general staff, Lieutenant General Benny Gantz, and was to meet on Monday with President Shimon Peres, Netanyahu and Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman.

ekathimerini.com , Monday September 5, 2011 (23:13)

Gli importanti accordi firmati destinati a cambiare l'asse geostrategico nell'area.
Private credit keeps shrinking

With banks’ liquidity having all but dried up, loans to businesses and households have slowed to a trickle, according to data for July released on Monday by the Bank of Greece.
The annual growth rate of total credit to the domestic private sector stood at -1.2 percent, unchanged from the previous month. The net flow of total credit to the domestic private sector, depicting new bank loans minus repaid loans, was up by just 13 million euros.
Total private debt to banks stood at 254.2 billion euros at end-July, against 253.5 billion in June and 257.8 billion in December. However, it should be noted the small rise is partly artificial as it incorporates borrowing in foreign currencies.
Of the 254.2 billion total of private debt, 122.3 billion was accounted for by enterprises, up just 0.6 percent. Credit to industry, the economy’s biggest sector, rose 2.1 percent to 25.5 billion, while credit to commerce contracted by 4.5 percent. Credit expansion to shipping was down slightly (-0.2 percent).
Mortgage and consumer credit to households fell 2.7 percent to 115.9 billion euros from 116.1 billion in June and 118.1 billion in December.

ekathimerini.com , Monday September 5, 2011 (23:04)
Uphill fiscal battle till year-end

Strong pressure from troika to trim budget deficit overrun

The Finance Ministry is facing an especially tough struggle to meet its fiscal targets in the last four months of the year. The revenue target is 23.3 billion euros, which is considered hard to achieve in the current conditions - even though it is a downward-revised figure - given the deepening recession and people’s inability to meet their obligations regarding taxes and social security contributions.

Nevertheless, after the 3 percent rise in public revenues in August year-on-year, the ministry is cautiously optimistic.

Deputy Finance Minister Pantelis Economou believes a positive trend in this respect “will be strengthened to the degree that the recession is stemmed.” However, there have been no such signs to date.

Economou argues that tax evasion, the underground economy and smuggling are extremely widespread. “Illegal practices undermine the economic recovery of our households and businesses, as well as the public sense of fairness. They are orchestrated by a rhetoric of noncompliance,” he says.

Meanwhile, Brussels is putting strong pressure on Greece to intensify efforts regarding reform and fiscal cuts, with a view to limiting the overshooting of the 2011 budget deficit target, which now seems certain, sources say.

“Unofficially the deficit is forecast at more than 9 percent of GDP, and will likely approach 10 percent if things stay as they are and there is no speedy reaction from Athens,” a high-ranking European Commission official said over the weekend. He added that the disbursement of the sixth installment of the international bailout loan to Greece has become something of a lever.

“According to the medium-term plan, the government has committed itself to adopting new measures every three months if performance is found to be diverging from the targets,” the official said.

The European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund, which thrashed out the bailout plan and form the so-called troika, seem ready to respond positively to Greece’s request for an upward revision of the 2011 deficit target but refuse to accept that the recession alone is to blame for the overrun. The difference in estimates, which apparently caused the early departure of the troika representatives from Athens last Friday, amounts to about 1.5 billion euros.

ekathimerini.com , Monday September 5, 2011 (22:45)

Ad agosto abbiamo avuto una prima, significativa, inversione di un aumento delle entrate con un +3%.
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