Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1

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chi ha calcolato quanto sarebbe il valore corrente dello swap?
giusto per capire

Dovrebbe valere sui 65, e non sui 79 come vogliono far credere.
65 con lo spread della Grecia a fine luglio, non quello di oggi.
E il teorico 79% (-21%) se la Grecia avesse uno spread di 650-700 pb (in pratica se il mercato volesse il 9% per un decennale, ora vuole sopra il 20%).

Ma il report che avevo postato io di Morgan Stanley e che ho riuppato ieri vedo che proprio ha riscosso enorme successo....:D
Beh sembra di sì.
Questa per adesso sembra l'unica cosa sicura per il retail, dal tono della risposta sembrerebbe non obbligatoria.

Forse è un pò la tensione, ma qui dimentichiamo alcuni punti formali: l'adesione è su base volontaria, altrimenti le agenzie di rating non avrebbero discusso per oltre un mese sul default o sul "selective" default.
Che poi le banche subiscano pressioni per aderire, non c'è dubbio.
D'altra parte questa formula l'hanno proposta loro.
Europe Pushing Greece To Cut Deficit By Further 0.7% Of GDP

WASHINGTON (Dow Jones)--Europe is pushing for Greece to cut its deficit by an additional 0.7% of gross domestic product this year in order to win further euro-zone financing, but the International Monetary Fund fears existing targets may already be stretching the limits of what΄s politically possible, according to an official close to the talks.

A deteriorating Greek recession, tightening credit conditions and the inability of Athens to implement some of the structural reforms required under a EUR110 billion bailout program has pushed Greece΄s deficit further into the red.

While Europe wants Greece to offset the deficit increase with additional measures to lower government costs and raise revenues, the IMF wants Greece to simply stick to the existing deficit targets, the official said.

Late last week, talks over the next tranche of funding needed for Greece to meet its payments were temporarily suspended.

Earlier this week, Greek authorities said they planned to accelerate the existing program of structural reforms, including an ambitious privatization program. But protests from a number of sectors--including taxi drivers, lawyers and pharmacists--and support for strikes from the political opposition are heightening fears that Athens won΄t be able to meet existing program conditions.

"There are some serious concerns about the capacity of Greek government to implement these structural reforms," the official said.

The IMF΄s executive board is scheduled to meet informally on the Greek program next week, and talks between the troika--the European Union, European Central Bank and the IMF--and Athens could resume next week, the official said.

Another person familiar with the matter said the IMF΄s board was originally scheduled to consider the next tranche of Greek funding on Sept. 15, but because of the breakdown in negotiations, that date will have to be pushed back.

Several people close to the matter said IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde is planning to meet Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou on Sept. 20 ahead of the IMF΄s annual meetings.

The first official said there΄s been increasing reluctance from IMF emerging market board members, particularly from Asia, to continue lending Greece money.
Privatisation Road Show In London

29 Greek listed companies, 174 analysts and 121 funds attend the Road Show in London, including BlackRock, Goldman Sachs, HSBC, AXA, JP Morgan, Mizuho International, Deutsche Bank, UBS Asset Management, Societe Generale, Morgan Stanley and Nomura International.

Special Secretariat for Asset Restructuring and Privatisations George Christodoulakis outlined his plan on the implementation on privatisations, starting from betting company OPAP. He said that major steps would have been made by the end of the year, however cases of ports, water companies and Hellenic Postbank are postponed from 2011 to 2012.

Regarding Greek banks, the secretary noted that the government aims to ensure the stability of financial system, as it is an important pillar of the Greek economy, and to privatise banks in which the state holds a stake.

Referring to the overall value of public assets, Christodoulakis said that it is difficult to assess precisely since the portfolio is huge and has enormous potential, but the final assessment depend on many factors.

Hellenic Exchanges President Socratis Lazaridis said that he was particularly satisfied regarding the event, however he stressed that the coming months would be critical for the country.

The President also said that structural changes are going on globally and there is uncertainty in the markets. “Interest in privatisation should be utilized in order to strengthen the private sector”, he said.

We witness a continuous flow of funds to the East, while investors’ mood for more stable yields seems strengthening, focusing on SOEs, infrastructure and real estate.

purtroppo ti ostini a guardare il mercatino rionale di Milano...devi guardare la germania ..dove sta scambiando con buoni volumi a 60,25 buon denaro a 60...dunque tiene o no?

Sul mercato rionale, adesso 62 e rotti.
Volumi irrilevanti, spread "irrilevanti".
Ultima modifica di un moderatore:
Dovrebbe valere sui 65, e non sui 79 come vogliono far credere.
65 con lo spread della Grecia a fine luglio, non quello di oggi.
E il teorico 79% (-21%) se la Grecia avesse uno spread di 650-700 pb (in pratica se il mercato volesse il 9% per un decennale, ora vuole sopra il 20%).

Ma il report che avevo postato io di Morgan Stanley e che ho riuppato ieri vedo che proprio ha riscosso enorme successo....:D

scusa, intendi questo allegato?
Perchè ferdo parla di valore corrente, ovvero tradabile (cash)...e visto che dentro ci sono tante opzioni non tradabili....
Dirmi che vale 65 ma non tradabile per 10 anni...sai che gioia....


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