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Cyprus hails Russian president's first-ever visit to divided island as 'historic'

NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) - Russian President Dmitry Medvedev's first-ever visit to ethnically divided Cyprus will be a "historic" event underscoring the two countries' very close ties, the island's president said Wednesday.
Medvedev's visit will also help boost slow moving talks aimed at reunifying the east Mediterranean island, Dimitris Christofias said.

The Cyprus Republic was split into an internationally recognized Greek Cypriot south and a breakaway Turkish Cypriot north in 1974 when Turkey invaded the island after a coup by supporters of union with Greece.
Two years of negotiations between Christofias and Turkish Cypriot leader Dervis Eroglu, as well as Eroglu's predecessor Mehmet Ali Talat, have produced only limited progress.

"(The visit) will mean much for the Cyprus issue, but also for the existence of the Cyprus Republic, which will be stressed repeatedly," Christofias told reporters.
The Greek Cypriot government has long counted on Russian backing in past failed peace efforts. Bilateral ties have strengthened during the tenure of Christofias, a Soviet-educated former leader of the island's communist-rooted party.

Christofias paid an official state visit to Moscow eight months after his Feb. 2008 election.
Revenue from Russian holiday makers has also helped buoy the tourism-reliant Cypriot economy amid the economic crisis. Statistics show an 80 percent jump in Russian tourist arrivals to the island last August relative to the same month last year.

Cypriot Foreign Minister Markos Kyprianou cited Russian figures showing that overall investment from Cyprus to Russia until 2008 amounted to $57.6 billion (euro40.8 billion), while Russian investment to Cyprus reached $16 billion (euro11.5 billion.

During the Russian president's visit, 13 agreements will be signed aimed at boosting bilateral commerce, investment and tourism, including a key accord abolishing double taxation between the two countries.
Medvedev is scheduled to arrive in Cyprus at midnight Wednesday and depart late Thursday.

Qui siamo a Cipro, la Grecia spende ingenti risorse per la difesa ...
Geithner: Europe moved too slowly on Greece


WASHINGTON — US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said Wednesday that the European Union moved too slowly earlier this year on helping Greece and other members, raising international fears.
The European Union and International Monetary Fund put together the three-year package for Greece, worth 141 billion dollars, in May in return for severe austerity measures as concerns grew for other weaker EU members.
Geithner, speaking ahead of a major IMF meeting in Washington, said it took "far too long" for Europe to act.

"It's very important to recognize that what happened in Europe in the spring was very, very damaging," Geithner said at the Brookings Institution.
"It wasn?t just that people came to doubt whether Europe had the will or the ability to stand behind its members to help them go through what's going to be a very protracted, very difficult process of reform.

"It was that, faced with that fear that advanced economies may not be able to meet their financial obligations, you saw, I would say, an exaggerated shift to concern about the near-term room for maneuver for policy in many economies."

President Barack Obama's administration has urged major economies to keep up action to spur growth and sustain a global economic recovery, considering it a higher immediate priority than trimming the public deficit.
senti / senti da quale pulpito viene la predica :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Geithner: Europe moved too slowly on Greece


WASHINGTON — US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said Wednesday that the European Union moved too slowly earlier this year on helping Greece and other members, raising international fears.
The European Union and International Monetary Fund put together the three-year package for Greece, worth 141 billion dollars, in May in return for severe austerity measures as concerns grew for other weaker EU members.
Geithner, speaking ahead of a major IMF meeting in Washington, said it took "far too long" for Europe to act.

"It's very important to recognize that what happened in Europe in the spring was very, very damaging," Geithner said at the Brookings Institution.
"It wasn?t just that people came to doubt whether Europe had the will or the ability to stand behind its members to help them go through what's going to be a very protracted, very difficult process of reform.

"It was that, faced with that fear that advanced economies may not be able to meet their financial obligations, you saw, I would say, an exaggerated shift to concern about the near-term room for maneuver for policy in many economies."

President Barack Obama's administration has urged major economies to keep up action to spur growth and sustain a global economic recovery, considering it a higher immediate priority than trimming the public deficit.
post del 7 settembre

Si ferma la discesa? Forse!:rolleyes: intanto entrato ancora un po' sul 2019 6,5% a 70,34, come avevo postato stamane.
Il 2025 irlandese in picchiata, ma tanto vale rimanere sulla Grecia (come mi sembra abbia scritto Tommy): la barca è unica!
Ciao agli amici dal cuore forte, Giuseppe

Scusate l'autoquota, ma questo prezzo di un mese fa sul 2019 6,5% credo che difficilmente lo rivedremo a breve.
Ciao, Giuseppe
post dell'8 settembre

Incrementato un po' il 19 6% ai minimi di giornata, poco sopra 67. Prossima entrata penso intorno a 64-65.
Ciao, Giuseppe

Anche questo prezzo del 19 6% (poco sopra 67) penso che si farà fatica a vederlo a breve :). E' passato solo un mese da quei prezzi!
Ciao, Giuseppe
curva dei rendimenti

se la situazione si normalizza la curva rendimenti riprende l'andamento lineare con le brevi che rendono di meno e le lunghissime con rendimento maggiore:
visto che la curva oggi fa la pancia tra 2014 e 2025, sono queste che si avvantaggerebbero maggiormente
se invece torna tutto a p.tt.n. le lunghissime sono la scelta migliore
... vedi tu

Ferdo, mi sembra che la strada intrapresa in questi giorni sia proprio quella:).
E se poi va tutto a put.ne, pazienza, ma non credo, visti i volumi :).
Ciao, ciao, Giuseppe
Ferdo, mi sembra che la strada intrapresa in questi giorni sia proprio quella:).
E se poi va tutto a put.ne, pazienza, ma non credo, visti i volumi :).
Ciao, ciao, Giuseppe

non sarei così ottimista;
ti faccio un breve esempio:
solo l'11 agosto la 2019 6% quotò: 74,70 / 75,70;
oggi 74,71 / 75,31
certo i volumi sono ben altri, ma siamo lì con le quotazioni del decennale.

C'è anche da dire che sempre quel giorno:
2025: 51,91/52,96 oggi 55/55,82
2014: 82,40/82,77 oggi 85,43/86
quindi la 2019 è rimasta indietro (o si era affossata di più successivamente).

E considera che in maggio/giugno tra 2014 e 2019 c'erano 5 punti di differenza, ora siamo a 10!
La strada è ancora lunga, lunghissima!
Cmq io oggi ho comprato ancora qualcosetta! :benedizione:

PS sbaglio o i CDS sono risaliti e abbiamo di nuovo superato l'Argentina?
qualcuno ha gli ultimi valori?
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