Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (16 lettori)

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dove c'è default c'è casa
Αποχωρεί από τη βουλή ο Γιάννης Δημαράς - Δήλωση
(ana) – 51 λεπτά πριν
Την απόφασή του να παραιτηθεί από βουλευτής, την 1η Ιανουρίου, ανακοίνωσε ο υποψήφιος περιφερειάρχης Αττικής, Γιάννης Δημαράς στο εκλογικό του κέντρο. Ο ίδιος με δεδομένο το ποσοστό του, το οποίο σύμφωνα με τις εκτιμήσεις κυμαίνεται γύρω στο 15% συνεχάρη τους δύο συνυποψηφίους του περιφερειάρχες Αττικής, κυρίους Σγουρό και Κικίλια που περνούν, όπως είπε, στο δεύτερο γύρο. Στη συνέχεια, ευχαρίστησε όλους τους υποστηρικτές του, «χωρίς κομματική εξάρτηση και υποστήριξη», τονίζοντας «δώσαμε μία μάχη έντιμη, ειλικρινή και τίμια και συνεχίζουμε». Τη θέση του Γιάννη Δημαρά στη Βουλή, αναμένεται να καταλάβει ο επιλαχών στο ψηφοδέλτιο Β΄Αθηνών του ΠΑΣΟΚ, Στέφανος Τζουμάκας.

è di 25 minuti fa ma per favore chi traduce? Basta il senso grazie

Parlamento uscente John Dimaras - Dichiarazione
(Ana) - 51 minuti fa
La decisione di dimettersi come membri il 1 ° gennaio, ha detto il candidato quartiere di Atene commissario, Giovanni Dimaras al centro di polling. La velocità dei dati stessi, che secondo le stime circa il 15% è congratulato con i due altri candidati in Attica prefetti, i comandanti e Curly Kikilia passato, ha detto, nel secondo turno. Poi ha ringraziato tutti i suoi sostenitori, "senza la dipendenza di parte e di sostegno, sottolineando" abbiamo una battaglia onesta, sincera e onesta e continuare. " La posizione di Giovanni KPS alla Camera è previsto per occupare il secondo posto sulla scheda elettorale VAthinon PASOK Stephen Tzoumaka.

il senso potrebbe anche essere stravolto...


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Papandreou's Socialist Party Seen Leading in Key Local Elections in Greece

Nov 7, 2010 9:48 PM GMT+0100
Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou’s socialist party was leading in a key local vote today that Papandreou has called a test of support for his government as it grapples with a crippling budget deficit and debt burden.

Candidates backed by the socialist Pasok party will win eight of 13 regional authorities, with the New Democracy party ahead in the other five in the first round of elections, according to Yannis Karakadas, the chief of Singularlogic SA, which is running the vote count. Three of the regions may change, he said. A run-off election between candidates who don’t win a majority will be held Nov. 14.
Papandreou threatened earlier that he may call an early national election unless voters endorse him in today’s balloting. Polls showed most Greeks were planning a vote of protest after his 13-month-old government cut wages and pensions and raised taxes to secure a 110 billion-euro ($154.3 billion) rescue package from the European Union and International Monetary Fund in May.
Papandreou will address the Greek people with “absolute responsibility and sincerity” as soon as there is a “clear and reliable” result from the count, government spokesman George Petalotis said as voting ended.
Almost 10 million people were entitled to cast ballots to elect officials for 325 Greek municipalities and 13 regions. About 60 percent of the electorate abstained from voting, according to official results so far. Socialists were ahead in three of the country’s five biggest municipalities as well, according to projections.
Voting Appetite
Eight in 10 Greeks don’t want early elections, according to a poll of 1,027 voters conducted by Public Issue from Nov. 4 to Nov. 6 for Skai television and released today.
The poll showed the same number of voters rejected Papandreou’s appeal for support and that 65 percent considered there were alternatives to the rescue package, compared with 59 percent in May when it was drafted. No exit polls have been conducted for today’s elections.
“All of them are mocking us, telling lies,” Spyros Varkatzoulis, 27, a construction worker in Athens, said on Nov. 6. “There’s no reason to vote for any of them.”
The prospect of political upheaval has unnerved investors again, just after Greece’s cost of borrowing had started to decline. Yields on 10-year Greek bonds climbed above 11 percent last week from a low of 8.77 percent on Oct. 13.
Spread Widens
The spread against yields on German bunds of the same maturity has widened 211 basis points since Papandreou raised the possibility of early elections last month. It had narrowed to 649 basis points on Oct. 18 from a record 965 on May 7, five days after the EU and IMF approved the bailout.
Most polls showed before today’s countdown that Greeks will vote against Pasok-backed candidates and the government’s wage and pension cuts, designed to narrow a budget deficit equal to almost 13.6 percent of gross domestic product. The size of the shortfall was revealed after Papandreou won elections in October 2009 on a promise of higher wages and increased state spending.
Papandreou and his socialist party lead the main opposition New Democracy party. Forty-one percent had a higher level of trust for Papandreou, compared with 23 percent for New Democracy leader Antonis Samaras, according to the Kapa poll.
Yiannis Dimaras, one of three lawmakers expelled from Pasok after defying Papandreou in the May vote on terms of the bailout, conceded defeat today as he came in third in the race to head a new regional authority for the greater Athens area, the biggest in Greece.
Dimaras, 66, has campaigned under the slogan: “Memorandum for the people,” a reference to the May agreement with the EU and IMF. He said he will resign from parliament on Jan. 1, allowing Papandreou to name a socialist party member in his place and boosting his majority in parliament to 158 in the 300- seat chamber.


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Parlamento uscente John Dimaras - Dichiarazione
(Ana) - 51 minuti fa
La decisione di dimettersi come membri il 1 ° gennaio, ha detto il candidato quartiere di Atene commissario, Giovanni Dimaras al centro di polling. La velocità dei dati stessi, che secondo le stime circa il 15% è congratulato con i due altri candidati in Attica prefetti, i comandanti e Curly Kikilia passato, ha detto, nel secondo turno. Poi ha ringraziato tutti i suoi sostenitori, "senza la dipendenza di parte e di sostegno, sottolineando" abbiamo una battaglia onesta, sincera e onesta e continuare. " La posizione di Giovanni KPS alla Camera è previsto per occupare il secondo posto sulla scheda elettorale VAthinon PASOK Stephen Tzoumaka.

il senso potrebbe anche essere stravolto...

grazie, è sempre qualcosa!

Su Dimaras ho evidenziato la sua dichiarazione proprio nel mio post precedente.


Forumer attivo
Greek Socialists lead in local polls

ATHENS | Sun Nov 7, 2010 3:15pm EST

ATHENS (Reuters) - Greece's ruling PASOK socialist party was ahead in most regions in crucial local elections on Sunday, an official estimate showed, in a boost for Prime Minister George Papandreou as he seeks support for harsh austerity measures.
"PASOK candidates are seen winning in eight regions and New Democracy (the conservative opposition party) in five; three races are very close," said Yannis Karakadas, head of Singular Logic, the polling company hired by the government.
Papandreou has threatened to dissolve parliament, barely a year after coming to power, if the first round of the regional elections fails to give him a clear mandate to pursue budget cuts and reforms agreed in May under a 110-billion-euro ($155- billion) EU/IMF bailout to save Greece from bankruptcy.
It was unclear whether Papandreou would judge that voters had given him sufficient endorsement. In the 2009 national elections, PASOK won in all 13 regions.
An opinion poll by pollster GPO for Mega TV, conducted on Saturday, showed 61 percent of voters said they would cast a protest vote against the government.
A survey by PASOK showed their candidate leading in Attica, the key wider Athens region. A rebel MP, ousted from the party's parliamentary group for voting against the EU/IMF bailout that saved Greece from bankruptcy, had previously been seen ahead.
"I am not glued to my post. I am only interested in fighting for my country ... It's up to the citizens to decide whom they trust to govern the country," Papandreou told Ethnos newspaper in an interview published on Sunday.
Government spokesman George Petalotis said Papandreou would announce his decision "in full responsibility and honesty" when he had a clear picture of the result. Opinion polls show 80 percent of Greeks oppose snap elections.
Papandreou has said he will base his decision largely on how his candidates perform in the 13 regions. He has not set a specific threshold, allowing ample room to maneuver.
Government officials said many voters did not turn out to vote. In polling stations around Athens, many said they were angry with the threat of snap elections, whether they were voting for a candidate backed by the opposition or not.
"I'm going to vote against the government despite voting for PASOK last year, I don't care if this means early elections. This was blackmail that was directed mostly at PASOK voters and I didn't like it," lawyer Christos Nikoltsopoulos said.
Others said they voted for PASOK because they wanted to stick to reforms.
Some analysts said a PASOK victory was within reach but the media had speculated Papandreou was seeking a lead of at least 4-5 percentage points over the conservative New Democracy, which also treated the local elections as a referendum on austerity.
Nearly 10 million citizens and immigrants were eligible to vote. The second round will be on November 14

... e con questo una buona notte a tutti...


Nuovo forumer
Αποχωρεί από τη βουλή ο Γιάννης Δημαράς - Δήλωση
(ana) – 51 λεπτά πριν...è di 25 minuti fa ma per favore chi traduce? Basta il senso grazie


Dimaras era un rappresentante di PASOK al parlamento. Ha votato contro per quando
riguarda gli aiuti di FMI. Papandreou lo ha espulso dal partito.
Si e candidato alle regionali di attica come indipendente contro il rappresentante del
suo ex partito. E arrivato 3o.
La dichiarazione e che lascia il posto che occuppava alla camera e che fonda un partito


Forumer storico
Grecia/Amministrative, il Pasok vince e Papandreu resta in sella

Atene, 8 nov. (Apcom) - In Grecia il primo turno delle elezioni amministrative avrebbe segnato un buon risultato per il partito socialista al governo, il pasok, tanto che il premier greco George Papandreou ha ritirato la minaccia di convocare le elezioni anticipate. Papandreou aveva detto prima del voto che avrebbe considerato il risultato come un vero e proprio referendum sulla politica di austerity varata dal suo governo per uscire dalla gravissima crisi economica greca.
In realtà il condizionale è per ora d'obbligo. In base alle prime proiezioni, il partito socialista (Pasok) è dato in vantaggio in sette delle 13 regioni al voto, mentre per la guida della capitale Atene il sindaco uscente, il conservatore Nikitas Kaklamanis, è in vantaggio sul rivale socialista Yannis Kaminis ma rimane assai lontano dalla soglia del 50%; i due si affronteranno nel ballottaggio del 14 novembre.
"Il popolo greco ha confermato di volere il cambiamento", ha dichiarato Papandreou commentando a caldo le prime proiezioni, ribadendo che la priorità dell'esecutivo rimane "rimettere in sesto le finanze pubbliche, con l'abbattimento del deficit e il controllo del debito".
Il premier ha tuttavia sottolineato come il tasso di astensione (circa il 45%, in un Paese in cui il voto è in teoria obbligatorio) "dovrà porre un problema " alla classe politica ellenica. (con fonte Afp)
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