Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (5 lettori)

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Le prime battute alla Borsa di Atene vedono un piccolo rimbalzo tecnico a 1502 punti con + 1,0%.
I nostri spread sono stazionari intorno agli alti valori di ieri a 995 pb.
I max sono stati toccati a 1005 pb.


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ND criticism on economy

(ANA-MPA) -- Main opposition New Democracy (ND) party spokesman Yiannis Mihelakis on Thursday accused Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou of "setting off insecurity in the economy and systematically undermining the psychology of the market".
He said Papaconstantinou makes conflicting statements as regards the measures set to be implemented and the time of the country's return to international markets, stressing that he "has no compass".
Moreover, he rejected that the unemployment benefit should depend on the financial situation of the recipient, stressing that it is reciprocal in nature and does not constitute a social benefit. Mihelakis also expressed opposition to regulations that target the rights of children of large families.
Referring to the situation in Social Insurance Foundation (IKA) branches and services, he said it is "in a state of dissolution and is responsible for the ordeal of tens of thousands of people; a situation that constitutes an insult to human beings".
Mihelakis denied that ND leader Antonis Samaras foresaw elections based on statements he made on Wednesday and rejected a proposal made by Democratic Alliance's Dora Bakoyannis (a former ND MP), suggesting that political parties should reach an agreement on specific points to take country out of the crisis. "There is a chaos between us; an abyss called the memorandum," Mihelakis stated.
Finally, as regards the situation at the national news agency ANA-MPA, he said ND has long stressed that the agency's "plurality is being attacked", while its "prestige is being hurt". He also referred to the high-profile resignation this week of the long-time ANA-MPA managing director. The spokesman underlined that ND's stance on the issue is being vindicated by the stance adopted by the Athens Journalists' Union (ESIEA).



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The Friday edition of Athens' dailies at a glance

ADESMEFTOS TYPOS: "Greek Supreme Court: Partial vindication of contract workers".

AVGHI: "Government 'strangling' education".

AVRIANI: "Total bankruptcy of the economy and the political system".

DIMOKRATIA: "25 billion euros nightmare in...holiday 'package'."

ELEFTHEROS: "Papandreou 'makes a run for it' via elections, in the event of a debt restructure".

ELEFTHEROS TYPOS: "Major gaffe by finance minister Papaconstantinou in interview (with Financial Times newspaper)".

ELEFTHEROTYPIA: "Light for a few contract workers".

ESTIA: "Resounding incompetence".

ETHNOS: "Free land to thousands of farmers".

IMERISSIA: "Crash test on the markets - Greece to be 'graded' on the new measures".

KATHIMERINI: "Economy and politics hit red".

LOGOS: "People, the 'package' is coming at you".

NAFTEMPORIKI: "Large DEKO (public utilities and organisations) to be sold off for collection of 5 billion euros".

NIKI: "One step forward, two steps backward".

PARASKEVI+13 (weekly): "Sad state: Schools, hospitals, social security funds closing".

RIZOSPASTIS: "The state property going to the capital to boost profitability".

TA NEA: "Greece on the brink of lawlessness".

VRADYNI: "Crucifixion via new measures".

Vi seguo da un po' e rimango ottimista, il default greco sarebbe una tragedia per l'europa e porterebbe all'immediato default anche degli altri periferici in grosse difficoltà. E alla crisi di molte banche. Secondo me , stanno studiando una qualche porcata per rendere la grecia piu' competitiva sui mercati come se potessero svalutare il loro Euro. Per le scadense oltre il 2013 invece potrebbero essere offerte in concambio le obbligazioni europee ma non credo a grossi tagli di nominale, poiche' porterebbero a nuovi tensioni sui periferici. E sarebbe un vortice infinito. Rimango quindi follemente ottimista o ci salviamo tutti o meglio fare l'unione dei paesi del meditteraneo e svalutare le monete e addio europa.


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I credit default swap sulla Grecia hanno indicato una probabilità del 60% di un default del paese entro i prossimi cinque anni e hanno toccato il record di sempre a 1.105 punti base, secondo i dati raccolti da Markit. In più Mortz Kraemer, responsabile del team di valutazione dei debiti europei presso S&P ha affermato che i detentori di bond potrebbero assistere a una svalutazione compresa tra il 50% e il 70% sul valore dei propri bond, se la nazione decidesse di ristrutturare i propri debiti.

E il punto è che proprio nella giornata di oggi pesano come un macigno le parole proferite da Lorenzo Bini Smaghi, membro del comitato esecutivo della Bce, che ha affermato che qualsiasi ristrutturazione del debito pubblico di Atene "comporterebbe il fallimento di gran parte del sistema bancario greco".

Pesano in quanto analisti come Greg Venizelos, strategist del credito presso BNP Paribas, a Londra, dichiara a una intervista a Bloomberg, che "la Grecia potrebbe non avere altra alternativa alla ristrutturazione del debito, al fine di tornare su un percorso di debito sostenibile"; e questa necessità del paese, precisa l'analista, "è probabilmente il segreto peggiore che ci è stato nascosto".


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Vi seguo da un po' e rimango ottimista, il default greco sarebbe una tragedia per l'europa e porterebbe all'immediato default anche degli altri periferici in grosse difficoltà. E alla crisi di molte banche. Secondo me , stanno studiando una qualche porcata per rendere la grecia piu' competitiva sui mercati come se potessero svalutare il loro Euro. Per le scadense oltre il 2013 invece potrebbero essere offerte in concambio le obbligazioni europee ma non credo a grossi tagli di nominale, poiche' porterebbero a nuovi tensioni sui periferici. E sarebbe un vortice infinito. Rimango quindi follemente ottimista o ci salviamo tutti o meglio fare l'unione dei paesi del meditteraneo e svalutare le monete e addio europa.

Ciao e benvenuto.


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HIGHLIGHTS-Greek PM says reforms to be spelled out after Easter

ATHENS, April 15 | Fri Apr 15, 2011 4:40am EDT

ATHENS, April 15 (Reuters) - Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou presented on Friday the outline of fresh fiscal plans and said the measures would be only spelled out in detail after Easter. Here are highlights from his statement to a cabinet meeting:


"The problem will be solved in depth, not by restructuring the debt but by restructuring the country.
"The effort to reduce the debt is not an arithmetics exercise."


"We are keeping strategic control in the strategic sectors of our economy.
"The aim is to cultivate the country's comparative advantages."


"This is a battle we will be fighting until the end of our term, when Greek people will judge us.
"We have to respect Greek people's sacrifices.
"We are all determined to change our country in every possible way without believing there can be a magic solution."


"The mid-term plan will be a tool to prevent another similar crisis in the future.
"The plan will be completed in the next coming weeks and will be then submitted to parliament."
"We are implementing our pre-electoral pledge to compile multi-year budgets.
"What we are presenting today are the basis guidelines of a roadmap that will lead us from the Greece of crisis to the Greece of creativity.
"Instead of leaving things for later, we are taking decisions and making changes now.
"You are holding in your hands a paper with great changes... immediately after Easter they will be specified with timetables for each ministry.
"The plan will be completed and enriched in the coming weeks.
"The plan will highlight the country's competitive advantages.
"The multi-year budget we are discussing today will be a safety lack of credibility and security to make sure that we won't live through such a crisis again."
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