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Obbligazioni societarieHIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 1
Nuove emissioni:
Kion: 4/2018, 325 M Eur, 7,8%
Matalan: 4/2016, 325 M GBP, 8%
Boparan Finance, annunciato bond 695 M €, condizioni non ancora pubblicate.
Da Il Sole di ieri. Purtroppo senza isin.
Qualcuno conosce questi emittenti? Pareri?
Nuove emissioni: Kion: 4/2018, 325 M Eur, 7,8%
Matalan: 4/2016, 325 M GBP, 8%
Boparan Finance, annunciato bond 695 M €, condizioni non ancora pubblicate.
Da Il Sole di ieri. Purtroppo senza isin.
Qualcuno conosce questi emittenti? Pareri?
DJ Portugal Loans Refer EUR260.7M To Avoid Default On Debt - S&P
11/04/2011 11:02
LONDON (Dow Jones)--The Portuguese government has provided a loan to the Rede Ferroviaria Nacional to stave off a default at the company, according to Standard and Poor's Corp.
The country's rail infrastructure company, known as Refer, received a EUR260.7 million loan from the government to pay back the EUR300 million loan due Monday, S&P said.
The loan was guaranteed by Portugal.
"Without this support, we believe that Refer's deteriorating liquidity and funding shortfall in April 2011 would have led to a default," S&P said.
The Portuguese finance ministry said last Tuesday that it would fully safeguard Refer's debt obligations.