in realtà pare che l'assemblea che doveva decidere sui modi per ripagare il bond sia andata deserta
Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Petrol AD, convened April 12, 2011, did not take place due to lack of quorum, the minutes of the show not conducted a general meeting.
Meeting was not lawfully convened, as the invitation to him and written materials were not sent promptly to the FSC and the BSE and are not published on the website of the company within the legal deadline.
Moreover, Petrol AD of April 1, 2011 and received a letter from the FSC on compulsory administrative measure, the company undertakes not to put to the vote provided for agenda items relating to:
- Empowerment of management to organize attracting debt through borrowing, debt, mezzanine financing, sale and repurchase of assets or through other means, such as the total amount of funding is 100 (one hundred) million with maximum repayment term up to 7 years;