Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 1

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Truvo va in bancarotta

Truvo, la società belga distributrice di elenchi telefonici e pagine gialle anche per conto di Eircom è andata in bancarotta. Più di 700 mln di euro caricati sui bond in USD e EUR sono andati letteralmente in fumo, come era ormai nell'aria da tempo. Conseguenze per Eircom, però, non ce ne dovrebbero essere poiché le società operative della holding non hanno fatto ricorso alle leggi sulla protezione dai creditori. In altre parole, è saltata "solo" la scatola che conteneva i soldi degli obbligazionisti. :V

The Irish Times - Friday, July 2, 2010
'Golden Pages' holding firm files for US bankruptcy
TRUVO USA, the holding company for the Golden Pages and Truvo.ie directory site in Ireland, has filed for US bankruptcy protection with a plan to turn the company over to senior lenders, including AIB, according to court documents. The company publishes and distributes the Eircom phone book under contract. The recent recession accelerated a shift among advertisers away from Truvo’s printed yellow- and-white-pages directories in Belgium, Ireland and Portugal to the internet, it said yesterday. Truvo USA filed for bankruptcy with a proposal that would transfer ownership of the reorganised company to holders of its €777.6 million ($964.2 million) of senior loans. The company is currently owned by funds associated with Apax Partners and Cinven. The private equity funds acquired the former VNU World Directories in 2005 for about €2 billion. The company said its assets were worth about €1 billion and it estimated its liabilities at about €1.7 billion. Truvo’s operating companies did not file for bankruptcy. Putting the holding company Truvo USA LLC in bankruptcy in the United States, even though it has no operations there, allows Truvo to quickly restructure its debt. The company staked out potential battle lines in its initial filings. It asked Judge Arthur Gonzalez to prevent creditors from taking legal action against the company’s European operations, naming dozens of financial institutions in the request, including units of Goldman Sachs Group Inc, Deutsche Bank and Barclays.
“Over the past three years, the Truvo Group has experienced declines in print usage of up to 25 per cent per annum in key markets,” the company said.
Like other directories companies such as Dex One Corporation (formerly RH Donnelly Corporation), Truvo’s growing online business has failed to offset the rapid decline in its print business. The company said it had retrained its 1,700 staff for internet advertising and had launched new products to help advertisers reach online consumers. However, it said it realised it could not generate enough cash and needed to restructure its debt. In addition to the equity, the senior lenders would get €350 million of new senior debt and €100 million of junior debt. Lenders would have the option of accepting additional debt in lieu of stock. Holders of at least 70 per cent of the company’s loans have agreed to the reorganisation, according to court documents.
The company said it has been negotiating with noteholders since March, but its plan had the support of only three investors who held 15 per cent of its notes. All three are affiliated with Elliott Management Corporation. The company added that it had all the support of creditors it needed to confirm the plan, while the support of noteholders was not required because it was not “in the money”.
che generosita'

UPDATE 3-Truvo USA files bankruptcy, lenders to take over | Reuters
The company's plan would still offer the noteholders a recovery -- but only if they voted for the plan.
Under the plan, holders of the company's high-yield notes would get warrants for up to 14 percent of the reorganized company and 15 million euros in cash.
The company issued 395 million euros and $200 million of high-yield notes in 2004.

un pingue recovery del 2,7% (non conto i warrants perche' immagino che il prezzo di esercizio sara' stato ben posizionato in modo da garantire un sano valore nullo a scadenza :-o )

...ciliegina sulla torta... Holders of the company's junior unsecured loan, with an outstanding balance of 173 million euros, would get warrants for up to 1 percent of the reorganized company. :-o
...ciliegina sulla torta... Holders of the company's junior unsecured loan, with an outstanding balance of 173 million euros, would get warrants for up to 1 percent of the reorganized company. :-o

il famoso contentino... :D

era comunque già scritto negli astri, direbbe l'ingSilvio:

€395,000,000 8.50% Senior Notes due 2014 (ISIN XS 0206614702 and XS 0206615428) and
$200,000,000 8.375% Senior Notes due 2014 (ISIN US 92926TAA25 and USU 94285AA83) (the
“Senior Notes”) issued by WDAC Subsidiary Corp. (now Truvo Subsidiary Corp. (“Truvo”))

Truvo (the “Company”) today announced that it did not make the June 1 interest payment to the
holders of the Senior Notes. Under the Senior Notes indenture, the Company has a 30-day grace
period to make the June 1 coupon payment without triggering an event of default.

As previously announced, the Company is engaged in discussions with a coordinating committee of
lenders under the Senior Facility Agreement and an ad hoc committee of Senior Noteholders
concerning the terms of a potential restructuring of its external financial indebtedness. The Company
is working to conclude these discussions prior to July 1, 2010.
No decision has been made at this time whether to make the June 1 interest payment prior to the
expiration of the 30-day grace period. The Company can provide no assurances concerning the
outcome of its discussions or whether the June 1 coupon payment will be made.
The Company, in consultation with its advisors, is continuing to consider its strategic options in light of
these discussions and other factors. As currently contemplated, the restructuring would focus on
Truvo’s U.S. holding companies that issued the Senior Notes and certain PIK debt and guaranteed
certain indebtedness under the Senior Facility Agreements.
“Our goal is to improve Truvo’s balance sheet and put the Company on stronger financial footing
without affecting our operating companies,” said Donat Retif, CEO of Truvo. “We will continue to serve
our clients and operate in the normal course, with sound opportunities to grow in the future.”

comunque starei tranquillo: a promising future... :lol:

Truvo, la società belga distributrice di elenchi telefonici e pagine gialle anche per conto di Eircom è andata in bancarotta. Più di 700 mln di euro caricati sui bond in USD e EUR sono andati letteralmente in fumo, come era ormai nell'aria da tempo. Conseguenze per Eircom, però, non ce ne dovrebbero essere poiché le società operative della holding non hanno fatto ricorso alle leggi sulla protezione dai creditori. In altre parole, è saltata "solo" la scatola che conteneva i soldi degli obbligazionisti. :V

The Irish Times - Friday, July 2, 2010
'Golden Pages' holding firm files for US bankruptcy
TRUVO USA, the holding company for the Golden Pages and Truvo.ie directory site in Ireland, has filed for US bankruptcy protection with a plan to turn the company over to senior lenders, including AIB, according to court documents. The company publishes and distributes the Eircom phone book under contract. The recent recession accelerated a shift among advertisers away from Truvo’s printed yellow- and-white-pages directories in Belgium, Ireland and Portugal to the internet, it said yesterday. Truvo USA filed for bankruptcy with a proposal that would transfer ownership of the reorganised company to holders of its €777.6 million ($964.2 million) of senior loans. The company is currently owned by funds associated with Apax Partners and Cinven. The private equity funds acquired the former VNU World Directories in 2005 for about €2 billion. The company said its assets were worth about €1 billion and it estimated its liabilities at about €1.7 billion. Truvo’s operating companies did not file for bankruptcy. Putting the holding company Truvo USA LLC in bankruptcy in the United States, even though it has no operations there, allows Truvo to quickly restructure its debt. The company staked out potential battle lines in its initial filings. It asked Judge Arthur Gonzalez to prevent creditors from taking legal action against the company’s European operations, naming dozens of financial institutions in the request, including units of Goldman Sachs Group Inc, Deutsche Bank and Barclays.
“Over the past three years, the Truvo Group has experienced declines in print usage of up to 25 per cent per annum in key markets,” the company said.
Like other directories companies such as Dex One Corporation (formerly RH Donnelly Corporation), Truvo’s growing online business has failed to offset the rapid decline in its print business. The company said it had retrained its 1,700 staff for internet advertising and had launched new products to help advertisers reach online consumers. However, it said it realised it could not generate enough cash and needed to restructure its debt. In addition to the equity, the senior lenders would get €350 million of new senior debt and €100 million of junior debt. Lenders would have the option of accepting additional debt in lieu of stock. Holders of at least 70 per cent of the company’s loans have agreed to the reorganisation, according to court documents.
The company said it has been negotiating with noteholders since March, but its plan had the support of only three investors who held 15 per cent of its notes. All three are affiliated with Elliott Management Corporation. The company added that it had all the support of creditors it needed to confirm the plan, while the support of noteholders was not required because it was not “in the money”.

il famoso contentino... :D

era comunque già scritto negli astri, direbbe l'ingSilvio:

€395,000,000 8.50% Senior Notes due 2014 (ISIN XS 0206614702 and XS 0206615428) and
$200,000,000 8.375% Senior Notes due 2014 (ISIN US 92926TAA25 and USU 94285AA83) (the
“Senior Notes”) issued by WDAC Subsidiary Corp. (now Truvo Subsidiary Corp. (“Truvo”))

Truvo (the “Company”) today announced that it did not make the June 1 interest payment to the
holders of the Senior Notes. Under the Senior Notes indenture, the Company has a 30-day grace
period to make the June 1 coupon payment without triggering an event of default.
As previously announced, the Company is engaged in discussions with a coordinating committee of
lenders under the Senior Facility Agreement and an ad hoc committee of Senior Noteholders
concerning the terms of a potential restructuring of its external financial indebtedness. The Company
is working to conclude these discussions prior to July 1, 2010.
No decision has been made at this time whether to make the June 1 interest payment prior to the
expiration of the 30-day grace period. The Company can provide no assurances concerning the
outcome of its discussions or whether the June 1 coupon payment will be made.
The Company, in consultation with its advisors, is continuing to consider its strategic options in light of
these discussions and other factors. As currently contemplated, the restructuring would focus on
Truvo’s U.S. holding companies that issued the Senior Notes and certain PIK debt and guaranteed
certain indebtedness under the Senior Facility Agreements.
“Our goal is to improve Truvo’s balance sheet and put the Company on stronger financial footing
without affecting our operating companies,” said Donat Retif, CEO of Truvo. “We will continue to serve
our clients and operate in the normal course, with sound opportunities to grow in the future.”

comunque starei tranquillo: a promising future... :lol:


vorrei partire da questi spunti interessanti per sotttolineare che il business di questa OTTIMA società è l'equivalente, in Italia, della nostra amatissima SEAT :V con in pancia un ottimo :lol: bond HY : XS0482702395, maturity 31/01/2017, coupon 10,50%, prezzo bid/ask attuali 91,23/92,44.
Considerazioni ???
Visto il trend azionario, io non la vedo per niente bene...
Anglo irish bank

Ho già postato questa news sul 3D delle perpetue.
Riguarda Anglo, io su questa sono esposto.
Che ne pensate ????

FitzPatrick faces bankruptcy as creditors consider debt plan
The creditors of the former chairman of Anglo Irish Bank Sean FitzPatrick are due to meet in private sometime over the coming weeks to decide whether to accept an offer he is making to settle his debts, the High Court heard yesterday.
FitzPatrick owes €110m to Anglo Irish Bank, along with various other sums to a number of banks and also to the Revenue Commissioners.
However, the High Court heard yesterday that the former Anglo chairman is unlikely to secure the support of three fifths of his creditors for his repayment plan.
Anglo Irish Bank, to whom FitzPatrick owes 40pc of his debt, is not expected to back the deal, making it almost impossible for him to secure support for his plan to avoid bankruptcy.
A private hearing of FitzPatrick’s case is due to go ahead on 12 July.
Earlier this year FitzPatrick applied for, and succeeded in securing, temporary court protection from his creditors under the Bankruptcy Act 1988. This protection stops creditors from taking legal action against him as he formulates a plan to repay his debts.
vorrei partire da questi spunti interessanti per sotttolineare che il business di questa OTTIMA società è l'equivalente, in Italia, della nostra amatissima SEAT :V con in pancia un ottimo :lol: bond HY : XS0482702395, maturity 31/01/2017, coupon 10,50%, prezzo bid/ask attuali 91,23/92,44.
Considerazioni ???
Visto il trend azionario, io non la vedo per niente bene...

Altro morto che cammina... l'hanno caricata di troppo debito: l'adc varato tempo addietro è servito a poco, dovranno ristrutturare...
Ho già postato questa news sul 3D delle perpetue.
Riguarda Anglo, io su questa sono esposto.
Che ne pensate ????

FitzPatrick faces bankruptcy as creditors consider debt plan
The creditors of the former chairman of Anglo Irish Bank Sean FitzPatrick are due to meet in private sometime over the coming weeks to decide whether to accept an offer he is making to settle his debts, the High Court heard yesterday.
FitzPatrick owes €110m to Anglo Irish Bank, along with various other sums to a number of banks and also to the Revenue Commissioners.
However, the High Court heard yesterday that the former Anglo chairman is unlikely to secure the support of three fifths of his creditors for his repayment plan.
Anglo Irish Bank, to whom FitzPatrick owes 40pc of his debt, is not expected to back the deal, making it almost impossible for him to secure support for his plan to avoid bankruptcy.
A private hearing of FitzPatrick’s case is due to go ahead on 12 July.
Earlier this year FitzPatrick applied for, and succeeded in securing, temporary court protection from his creditors under the Bankruptcy Act 1988. This protection stops creditors from taking legal action against him as he formulates a plan to repay his debts.

Vabbeh, questi 40 e rotti mln euro sono spiccioli rispetto alle esposizioni problematiche di Anglo Irish ... fossero realmente questi, i problemi...

Il punto è che le banche irlandesi sono pesantemente esposte sull'immobiliare UK, le cui quotazioni sono state mantenute artificiosamente elevate con la politica praticata dal precedente governo... con l'austerity, new pain in arrivo per il comparto... e per le banche irlandesi...
Ho già postato questa news sul 3D delle perpetue.
Riguarda Anglo, io su questa sono esposto.
Che ne pensate ????

FitzPatrick faces bankruptcy as creditors consider debt plan
The creditors of the former chairman of Anglo Irish Bank Sean FitzPatrick are due to meet in private sometime over the coming weeks to decide whether to accept an offer he is making to settle his debts, the High Court heard yesterday.
FitzPatrick owes €110m to Anglo Irish Bank, along with various other sums to a number of banks and also to the Revenue Commissioners.
However, the High Court heard yesterday that the former Anglo chairman is unlikely to secure the support of three fifths of his creditors for his repayment plan.
Anglo Irish Bank, to whom FitzPatrick owes 40pc of his debt, is not expected to back the deal, making it almost impossible for him to secure support for his plan to avoid bankruptcy.
A private hearing of FitzPatrick’s case is due to go ahead on 12 July.
Earlier this year FitzPatrick applied for, and succeeded in securing, temporary court protection from his creditors under the Bankruptcy Act 1988. This protection stops creditors from taking legal action against him as he formulates a plan to repay his debts.

Ostia! Qui si parla di bancarotta :titanic: :mmmm:
Altro morto che cammina... l'hanno caricata di troppo debito: l'adc varato tempo addietro è servito a poco, dovranno ristrutturare...

Non riesco a capire come facciano restare in vita questa società che non ha futuro (e forse neanche presente). La pubblicità non tira e le Pagine Gialle non le guarda più nessuno già da un bel po'. Ma l'avete visto il titolo azionario dov'è andato a finire? Sembra che 200 mln (vado a memoria) di ADC lo scorso anno siano svaniti magicamente nel nulla. :pozione::devil: Qualcuno ha fatto i soldi :king:

Presenti due bond in EUR per Seat:
Lighthouse 2014 8% XS0190027051 (B secured) da 1.400 mln :eek::ghh:
Seat 2017 10,5% XS0482702395 (B+ unsecured) da 550 mln :mumble::hmm
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