Parmalat (PLT) I promessi sposi: Lucia Parmalat e Renzo Lactalis

Ovviamente lo storno non riguarderà France Telecom:), che domani rilascia i conti e per la quale incrocio le dita.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Buongiorno :-o
Eccovi fiat, che vi dicevo?:up:
ripresa del calale UP

intanto dall'altra parte del globo..

The Obama administration will propose lowering the top income-tax rate for corporations to 28% from 35% but would raise overall tax revenue by eliminating dozens of deductions in an effort to restructure corporate taxes.
se uno invece guarda dall'altro lato del globo...

As if the market needed another bizarro catalyst to ramp even higher courtesy of an even more pronounced drop in corporate earnings courtesy of soaring energy costs, that is just what it is about to get following news of further deterioration in the Nash equilibrium in Iran, where on one hand we learn that IAEA just pronounced Iran nuclear talks a failure (this is bad), and on the other Press TV reports that the Iran army just started a 4 day air defense exercise in a 190,000 square kilometer area in southern Iran (this is just as bad). The escalation "ball" is now in the Western court. And if Iraq is any indication, after IAEA talks "failure" (no matter how grossly manipulated by the media), the aftermath is usually always one and the same...
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Ne deve fare di strada France Telecom.

In fondo è la società che paga il dividendo più alto in assoluto ed ha rilasciato una guidance non male.

Inoltre ha un EPS di 1,4 ed è la società Telecom meno indebitata (rapporto DEBITO/EBITDA =2).

Ma è stata massacrata dal mercato nell'ultimo anno, anche se, onestamente, di motivi per massacrarla ce ne sono stati (FREE, l'Egitto, il Congo, le cause perse in sede comunitaria ecc. ecc.)

Qualcuno di buona volontà può dare un'occhiata a Vallourec, titolo che ha rilasciato dei conti ed una guidance non proprio esaltanti.

E per il quale sarei tentato per uno short domani in apertura, se non apre con un gap down troppo elevato.

Infatti, non so perchè, ma FINECO non consente di immettere ordini in asta di apertura sui titoli del CAC.
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che stranezze!!

It's Official - Greece Unveils The Negative Salary, And A Whole New Meaning For "Pay To Play"

We thought we had seen it all. It turns out we hadn't. The country that gave the world the alphabet, philosophy, and plates with funny sexually ambiguous drawings on them, has outdone itself again. Because beginning this month some Greeks will have to pay for the privilege of having a job. From the Press Project:
Salary cutbacks (called "unified payroll") for contract workers at the public sector set to be finalized today. Cuts to be valid retroactively since november 2011. Expected result: Up to 64.000 people will work without salary this month, or even be asked to return money. Amongst them 21.000 teachers, 13.000 municipal employees and 30.000 civil servants.
Needless to say the BLS is salivating at the prospect of US workers paying for a job, as this will immediately allow them to double count said person's role in the employed part of the labor force (which incidentally has shrunk by 1% in the time it took to write this), as the money said "worker" pays can be used in the BLS hedonic models to theoretically hire many more people courtesy of fractional reserve lending. Now if only everyone would agree to pay for the joy of playing Solitaire 9 to 5, then all the world's problems would be solved.

Scandal: Greece To Receive "Negative" Cash From "Second Bailout" As It Funds Insolvent European Banks

Earlier today, we learned the first stunner of the Greek "bailout package", which courtesy of some convoluted transmission mechanisms would result in some, potentially quite many, Greek workers actually paying to retain their jobs: i.e., negative salaries. Now, having looked at the Eurogroup's statement on the Greek bailout, we find another very creative use of "negative" numbers. And by creative we mean absolutely shocking and scandalous. First, as a reminder, even before the current bailout mechanism was in place, Greece barely saw 20% of any actual funding, with the bulk of the money going to European and Greek banks (of which the former ultimately also ended up funding the ECB and thus European banks). Furthermore, we already know that as part of the latest set of conditions of the second Greek bailout, an 'Escrow Account" would be established: this is simply a means for Greek creditors to have a senior claims over any "bailout" cash that is actually disbursed for things such as, you know, a Greek bailout, where the money actually trickles down where it is most needed - the Greek citizens. Here is where it just got surreal. It turns out that not only will Greece not see a single penny from the Second Greek bailout, whose entire Use of Proceeds will be limited to funding debt interest and maturity payments, but the country will actually have to fund said escrow! You read that right: the Greek bailout #2 is nothing but a Greek-funded bailout of Europe's insolvent banks... and the Greek constitution is about to be changed to reflect this!
The smoking gun quote:

The Eurogroup also welcomes Greece's intention to put in place a mechanism that allows better tracing and monitoring of the official borrowing and internally-generated funds destined to service Greece's debt by, under monitoring of the troika, paying an amount corresponding to the coming quarter's debt service directly to a segregated account of Greece's paying agent.
As for the priority of payments - it is more than clear:

Finally, the Eurogroup in this context welcomes the intention of the Greek authorities to introduce over the next two months in the Greek legal framework a provision ensuring that priority is granted to debt servicing payments. This provision will be introduced in the Greek constitution as soon as possible.
So there you have it: the Second Greek bailout is nothing but the first Greek bailout of Europe's banks! And the Greek constitution is about to be changed to reflect that.
Congratulations Greece - you just got royally raped by your own unelected rulers and you didn't even know it.
Vuol dire che ci pensa Dario.:)

Anche se sembra un goal a porta vuota, troppo facile, meglio andarci cauti.

dopo se riesco te lo dico ;) cmq leggi anche il mio dubbio che ho espresso da Iulius..

inoltre non vorrei che facciano scherzetti anche preparando movimenti sui nostri indicatori che poi vengono sconvolti da:

- 24/02 scadenza divieto short
- 29/2 secondo Ltro

di cui penso gli effetti siano capaci di modificare anche l'andamento degli indicatori
In teoria lo short su Vallourec e' basato solo su considerazioni di carattere fondamentale e, in particolare, sulla guidance debole e nettamente sotto il consensus che ha fornito per il 2012.

Di solito in questi casi il mercato non perdona.

Volevo sapere se da un punto di vista tecnico vi e' una qualche conferma.
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quicky lateral negativo
indicatori di forza: positivi (attenzione allo short di lungo)


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