Continua la corsa del caffè , che dalla settimana scorsa è salito del 12% ! I fondi continuano a comprare e ormai la loro posizione netta dovrebbe essere passata a long , ribaltando ciò che si era visto nell'ultima release del COT venerdì scorso. I produttori vendono approfittando del rally, specialmente attorno ai 71 cents. Ci si aspetta un pò da tutti quanto meno un consolidamento visto che questa corsa ha avuto mtivazioni tecniche più che fondamentali o meteorologiche. Su quest'ultimo fronte son attese pioggie a breve nelle zone di coltivazione a caffè del Brasile.
CSCE coffee ends mixed as fund buying continues
NEW YORK, Sept 10 (Reuters) - CSCE coffee futures closed
narrowly mixed Wednesday, overcoming a lower opening as a
technically driven buying spree by commodity funds carried to a
third day with producers only light sellers, dealers said.
"Producers sold lightly on the rally in the futures market
but it looks like some old crop beans are being offered in the
cash market. The funds probably bought 3,500 contracts today on
top of what they did Monday and Tuesday," said one dealer.
The key December coffee <KCZ3> contract dipped 0.10 cent to
close at 70.75 cents a lb, with a 69.50-71.65 cents range.
The December future has soared 7.40 cents or 11.7 percent
to Wednesday's close from a week ago.
Wednesday's high-low price range was inside Tuesday's
high-low range in what traders call an "inside day."
"Sometimes an inside day can be a turning point for the
market," said one trader who relies on chart patterns for his
trading signals.
September coffee <KCU3> also settled 0.10 cent lower at
69.10 cents and the back months finished mixed, from 0.05 cent
lower to 0.05 cent higher.
Coffee producers were sellers above 71 cents according to
brokers, but the volumes were not heavy.
Estimated volume was was still brisk at 21,091 contracts
but off the heavy 32,977 lot pace of Tuesday.
In fundamental news, top producer and exporter Brazil
exported 1.66 million 60-kg bags of green coffee in August,
down 38 percent from the 2.65 million bags shipped in the same
period in 2002, the Council of Green Coffee Exporters of Brazil
(Cecafe) said on Tuesday.
The coffee growing areas of Brazil have seen mostly dry
conditions recently but scattered showers and thunderstorms
were expected Wednesday and into Thursday, according to
independent forecasters Meteorlogix.
Chartists pegged support for December at 70.25 cents and
then 69.50 cents while resistance was seen at 71.35 cents and
72.25 cents.
"Our technical model triggered a buy signal last Thursday
at 65 cents. Some back-and-fill is expected around the March
highs at 74 cents, but our target 80 cents," said Daniel
Chesler a commodity trading advisor (CTA).