Obbligazioni in dollari Keep Calm And Invest Preferred Shares Usa (3 lettori)


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Per chi si intende di fogli di calcolo, Ho trovato un programma per selezionare e raccogliere le PF dal sito di QOL funziona su PC con windows
non ho potuto testarlo perche ho un Mac

Preferred Stock Search Application | Free software downloads at SourceForge.net

The Preferred Stock Search, i.e., "PreferredSearch"
License: BSD (see LICENSE.txt)
Version: 0.67 Beta


Lead Developer: Michael Truog (mjtruog [at] gmail [dot] com)


PreferredSearch is an application meant to simplify the evaluation of a group
of preferred stocks. It can be used to compare yields and ratings using
recent price information.


Preferred Stock Search Application | Free software downloads at SourceForge.net


Have a look at CHANGELOG.txt


Currently, the data on preferred stocks is rather limited and scattered.
Except for one web site, (with a rather obscene yearly fee... epreferreds.com)
there is no good way to evaluate preferred stocks without building your own
spreadsheet from data you manually collect. This application provides
an efficient alternative that can help you collect the necessary data
automatically by extracting the information from the relevant web sites.


You must have a login username and password from QuantumOnline.com to
update the preferred stock database.

The source requires Qt == 3.3, PyQt == 3.14.1, pyparsing >= 1.3.3,
pycurl >= 7.13.2, pysqlite >= 2.0.4 and Python >= 2.4 to work properly. This
application has been tested on Windows 2000, SUSE Linux 9.3 64 bit, and
Ubuntu Feisty Fawn 64 bit.

You may also increase the speed of updating the database by using
psyco >= 1.4 when the application is compiled (the precompiled windows
version was compiled with psyco). Psyco is only available for 32 bit systems


If you use this application often, please donate to QuantumOnline.com. They
are the only reason this preferred stock data is available for free.

Use this data at your own risk. There is no guarentee of accuracy attached to
this data. The data's accuracy mainly depends on the accuracy of the
data maintained on QuantumOnline.com and Yahoo.com. Prices and yields may
be inaccurate and should be checked.

Note that ex-dividend dates can often be off by a day or so. Currently,
the ex-dividend date is expected to follow the rule on the NYSE, where
it is two business days before the distribution date. Holidays
are accounted for now (so that may offset the ex-dividend date by 1 day).
However, companies often have deviated from this two day rule.
So please, double check the ex-dividend date.



You may view all available preferred stock information held in the
database by selecting Edit->Show All Stocks.

You may also view stocks by entering their stock ticker symbol after selecting
Edit->Add Stock(s). The stock ticker symbols must be in the format used
by QuantumOnline.com (which does differ from Yahoo.com and other
financial web sites, please refer to
Preferred Ticker Symbols and Names - QuantumOnline.com for more information).

The rules for converting a Yahoo.com ticker symbol to a QuantumOnline.com
ticker symbol are below:

remove ".OB" or ".PK" from the end of the ticker symbol
substitute "-" without a following "P" with "."
substitute "-P" with "-"


In the lower left of the main window the time of the last update to the
preferred stock database is shown. This can be used to determine if the
preferred stock database should be updated. To update the database
select Edit->Update Database.

The first time you update the database you will need to enter your
username and password you received from your registration at QuantumOnline.com.
Future database updates will not require you to login.


Suspension dates can be entered (since they are not consistently available
through QuantumOnline) so that a hypothetical price and yield might be
more accurate for suspended cumulative preferred stocks. The hypothetical
price is the current dividend owned (a percentage of the next dividend
received) and the dividends due (if the preferred stock is currently
suspended, is cumulative, and has a valid suspension date) subtracted from
the last price. The hypothetical price is then used for the hypothetical


There is the option to save preferred stock information for those preferred
stock that you highlight within the main window. To do this, select
File->Save. This will produce a comma delimited file that is easily
imported to Microsoft Excel or Open Office.


You may sort by any of the columns listed in the main window. The way ratings
are sorted can be selected by View->Rating Sort. You have the choice of using
the S & P Ratings, Moody Ratings, or an average of both. You are also
able to move columns if you need to for a better view. Just drag the column
heading to the left or right to move it.


Please send me your suggestions for improvements to this program.


Forumer storico
Perdonate, senz'altro mi sono perso qualche tratto del cammino; esiste un sito o un elenco che contenga le "preferred" negoziabili su Euronext o Lussemburgo (dunque quotate in euro)?
Anticipatamente grazie a chi avrà la bontà di rispondermi.


Forumer storico
Perdonate, senz'altro mi sono perso qualche tratto del cammino; esiste un sito o un elenco che contenga le "preferred" negoziabili su Euronext o Lussemburgo (dunque quotate in euro)?
Anticipatamente grazie a chi avrà la bontà di rispondermi.

In euro su Euronext puoi trovare queste due Aareal bank XS0138973010 e Bawag
DE0008600966 su Lussemburgo British Airways Finance 6.75% Pref GB0056794497 queste sono quelle che io conosco


Forumer storico
In euro su Euronext puoi trovare queste due Aareal bank XS0138973010 e Bawag
DE0008600966 su Lussemburgo British Airways Finance 6.75% Pref GB0056794497 queste sono quelle che io conosco
Grazie Peco per la cortesia; quelli indicati sono già,con soddisfazione, nel mio portafoglio.


Forumer storico
Ma di corporate non finanziarie di buon livello c'è qualcosa?

Se può interessarti

With income investors no strangers to real estate companies, many flock to companies such as LaSalle Hotel Properties (LHO) in the search for yield. And while LHO pays a decent dividend, currently 3.6%, it has inherent stock market risk associated with owning any common stock and others, including dilution. For an income investor, those things can inhibit capital preservation and dividend growth and in short, you can do better. In this article, we'll take a look at the Series H Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Shares (LHO-H, may differ depending on your broker) to see if it is a fit for your income portfolio.

LHO-H is a pretty straightforward issue but we'll start by defining it. LHO-H is a traditional preferred stock, meaning it has no stated maturity date and no debt issue backing it, as is the case with a trust preferred stock. The 7.5% coupon, or $1.875 annually, on the preferred is paid in quarterly installments. And the issue price of $25 makes it within the reach of all investors, unlike some preferreds that are issued in lots of $1,000 or more.

Although LHO-H was issued at $25, it is now trading for a small discount to that price at $24.60 as of this writing. That means that if you were to purchase at that price, your current yield would be a robust 7.6%, slightly higher than the stated coupon on LHO-H. In addition to that, you are given a bit of capital gains cushion on the issue and while it isn't much, buying preferreds at a discount to the issue price is always a good idea.

Beginning in January of 2016, LHO can call LHO-H at its option at the full $25 issue price. This means that by buying LHO-H, you may be called away in only two years and while that wouldn't be ideal for those wanting long term income, it wouldn't be a disaster either. Since LHO-H is trading at a discount you'd be entitled to your entire investment of $24.60 plus the 40 cents of discount, meaning you would see a small capital gain should the issue be called. No one can accurately handicap if this will happen or not, except LHO management, perhaps, but with rates looking like they're headed north in the medium term I would suggest LHO-H, in my view, is an unlikely candidate to be called at that time. Even if it did, the worst that would happen is that you're made whole plus a small premium.

In addition to this, even though LHO-H is a traditional preferred stock and pays dividends instead of interest, since it is issued by a REIT it is unfortunately not eligible for the favorable dividend tax treatment. For a holder in a retirement account it wouldn't matter but anyone holding LHO-H in a taxable account will see a significantly lower after-tax yield versus a comparable issue that is eligible for the favorable tax treatment. Thus, depending on your situation, LHO-H may not be right for you.

Finally, as LHO-H has no stated maturity date, it is subject to interest rate risk. If interest rates spike we could see LHO-H fall in price in order to meet rising yields on other securities. This could leave investors with capital losses but that is the risk you take in owning a preferred security. You must decide for yourself if the risk of interest rates rising significantly would eat into your capital and if that is not a risk you can take, preferred securities are probably not for you. Of course, if interest rates move down again, LHO-H will likely increase in price. The point is that you must do your own due diligence on LHO-H or any other income investment in the context of interest rates before taking a position. LHO-H is a terrific example of a high yield preferred stock from a quality issuer but it is still risky and the current yield reflects that.

Overall, LHO-H offers investors a very high current yield from an issuer that I believe to have very little repayment risk (see my article linked above for a discussion of LHO's business). Even in the event that LHO were to miss dividend payments, LHO-H is a cumulative issue, meaning that LHO would be obligated to make up the missed payments. Thus, barring bankruptcy, which is beyond a remote possibility in my view, your dividends are guaranteed. In addition, LHO's financial strength is an asset to those wanting income as I believe LHO-H is undervalued in the current environment. As long as you can move past the unfavorable taxation treatment of LHO-H, it could be a great addition to your income portfolio and an issue you could collect a large current yield from for years to come.

Oppure questa più speculativa

ARMOUR Residential REIT (ARR), a REIT that invests in mortgage backed paper of various types, is a relative newcomer to the mREIT scene. Various interest rate related issues have pummeled the common stock to under $4 as of this writing but in this piece, we will take a look at a different way to invest in this mREIT; preferred stock. The subject of this article is the Series A Cumulative Preferred Stock (ARR-A, may differ depending on your broker). We'll take a look at ARR-A to see if it is right for your income portfolio.

To begin, we'll define exactly what we're dealing with. In this case, we see a true preferred issue in that it has no maturity date and is also not backed by some sort of debt issue. Issued at $25 per share, this preferred has a coupon rate of 8.25%, or annualized dividends of $2.0625 per share. This robust yield is impressive on its own but consider that ARR-A is currently trading for only $21 as of this writing and thus, the current yield of 9.8% is even better. This is one of the reasons I like ARR-A but the other is its monthly payouts.

Unlike traditional preferred stock that pays out quarterly dividends, ARR-A makes monthly distributions to its holders. This means that not only are you getting a huge yield but you also don't have to wait three months to get your money. This is tremendously advantageous for a variety of reasons including having access to the income to spend or purchase more shares before the next ex-dividend date. This would allow holders to compound their yield more by experiencing monthly compounding as opposed to quarterly. While not a huge difference, it is a nice feature of ARR-A and could end up boosting the effective yield on your shares.

While ARR-A has no stated maturity date it does have a call date. Beginning in June 2017 ARR can call ARR-A at the full issue price of $25. Assuming this were to happen holders of ARR-A would receive not only dividends on their shares but also a $4 capital gain associated with buying at the large discount to the call price shares currently trade at. Thus, ARR-A could provide not only robust dividends but also a ~19% capital gain as well. I'm not suggesting the issue will be or won't be called but it is something to keep in mind when buying a preferred at such a large discount to its call price. We are also 3.5 years from a call even becoming a possibility so if it bothers you, simply sell your shares before they can be called.

Another nice feature of ARR-A is the fact that the dividends are cumulative. Even if ARR misses payments on ARR-A it is obligated to make them up to holders of ARR-A. Thus, dividend payments on ARR-A are as guaranteed as they can be considering they aren't insured in any way like a CD or savings account. The point is that even though ARR engages in what is considered a risky business the dividends on ARR-A are safe barring bankruptcy, which I don't believe is even remotely possible at present.

There are some risks, of course, to owning ARR-A or any other income security. There is interest rate risk, which will be magnified for a preferred stock anyway but particularly one that is paid by a company that deals in interest rate spreads in order to produce revenue and profit. Should interest rates spike holders of ARR common stock and ARR-A could experience wild fluctuations in value. While the latter will undoubtedly have more muted movements up and down it is something to keep in mind. Income securities such as ARR-A are sensitive to interest rates on comparable securities and if Treasuries move up in yield, ARR-A will move down in price. Interest rate risk is a part of life investing in preferreds and never more so than with ARR-A.

The other risk is that ARR-A will be called at some point in the future. However, given that shares currently trade for a sizable discount to the call price I would actually welcome being called. Not only would such a scenario produce $7+ in dividends between now and then but also a $4 capital gain for a total of $11+ per share on a $21 investment. That is a ridiculous return for anything but particularly for a boring old preferred stock. Again, I'm not suggesting it will or won't be called but that is a pretty sweet scenario if you ask me.

One final note on ARR-A is that it is not eligible for the favorable dividend tax treatment. Unfortunately, holders of ARR-A will be subject to taxation as though the distributions are interest payments and not dividends. In a retirement account it won't matter but taxable account holders will suffer with a much lower after-tax yield than if the distributions were given the favorable dividend tax treatment.

Overall, ARR-A represents a fantastic opportunity to receive a huge yield that is also paid out in monthly installments instead of quarterly or semiannual payments like many preferreds. In addition, if you believe ARR is on the mend following the beginning of the Fed's QE taper now may be a terrific time to lock in a nearly 10% yield and the possibility of a 20%+ capital gain to boot.


It's time to play the game
Ero alla ricerca di qualcosa di industriale... cmq grazie mille lo stesso!!!
Sei sempre un gran pozzo di informazioni!!! :up: :up: :up:


Forumer storico
interessanti le arch capital


le ultime 2 non sono nel foglio excel , sono in giro da pochissimo ...

PS a chi ha fatto il foglio , attento che il 15 novembre molti ticker sono cambiati ...

Consiglio di usare un foglio google docs rispetto a excel ... è molto più facile da condividere

non sono cambiati i tiker, il codice "common code"non e uguale per tutte le piattaforme come l'ISIN uno stesso titolo può esser trattato con codici diversi. A pagina 62 della discussione trovi la tabella con le differenze


Forumer storico
non sono cambiati i tiker, il codice "common code"non e uguale per tutte le piattaforme come l'ISIN uno stesso titolo può esser trattato con codici diversi. A pagina 62 della discussione trovi la tabella con le differenze


sono proprio cambiati i ticker ... infatti quelli vecchi su google finance non li trovi più... trovi solo quelli nuovi

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