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Response of Capital Partners Securities Co., Ltd. in opposition to Plan Administrators Motion to compel compliance with alternative dispute resolution procedures order with respect to Capital Partners Securities Co., Ltd. filed by Mitsugu Saito. (Lopez, Mary)
Response of Capital Partners Securities Co., Ltd. in opposition to Plan Administrators Motion to compel compliance with alternative dispute resolution procedures order with respect to Capital Partners Securities Co., Ltd. (Includes Exhibit A) (related document(s)[61093]) filed by Mitsugu Saito. (White, Greg)
Debtor: 08-13555 Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
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Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. Files New Adversary Proceedings Against Mortgage Brokers
If you thought Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. (“LBHI”) was done suing lenders as a result of its settlements with RMBS trustees years ago, think again. LBHI recently filed a new wave of lawsuits against approximately 60 defendants, mostly mortgage brokers, in the bankruptcy proceedings currently pending in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York, and more may still be to come. As it did with the nearly 190 mortgage originators that it sued in 2018 in the same bankruptcy proceedings (the “2018 Adversary Proceedings”), LBHI seeks the remedy of contractual indemnification, alleging breaches of representations and warranties at the time certain loans were sold or brokered.
If you thought Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. (“LBHI”) was done suing lenders as a result of its settlements with RMBS trustees years ago, think again....