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Lehman Brothers Europe Collapse Left £7.93 Billion Surplus

The sight of Lehman Brothers’ employees leaving the office with cardboard boxes in their arms arguably marked the beginning of the 2008 financial crisis. However, as a Court of Appeal ruling made plain, the bank’s European branch did not go bust and, thanks to the tireless work of insolvency professionals, a multi-billion-pound surplus became available for distribution to both secured and unsecured creditors.

Lehman Brothers International (Europe) went into administration at the height of the crisis and almost all concerned considered it to be insolvent. As it turned out, however, a surplus estimated at £7.93 billion remained after all the debts proved in the administration, together with expenses, were paid in full.

A mass of litigation followed the bank’s collapse in respect of the proper distribution of that surplus. However, issues remained as to the entitlement to interest on billions of pounds owed to unsecured and subordinated creditors in respect of periods after the beginning of the administration. The Court’s definitive ruling on those issues is expected to be one of the final chapters in the legal saga.

Cosa a noi già nota!


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Lord David Neuberger, who recently retired from the post of U.K. Supreme Court president, has joined One Essex Court as an arbitrator, the London-based barristers’ set said on Thursday.

The news comes a day after it was announced that Lord Neuberger’s fellow Supreme Court panellist, Lord Anthony Clarke, had joined Quadrant Chambers’ arbitration wing.

Ex-UK Supreme Court President Joins London Chambers - Law360


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Bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers Bankhaus AG creditors get everything back

The insolvency proceedings of the German subsidiary are almost finished nine years after the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers. The 750 creditors of the Frankfurt Lehman Brothers Bankhaus AG would be fully compensated, said insolvency administrator Michael Frege the journal "INDAT". In addition, taxes and the undated fee of the insolvency administration were paid by Frege and his law firm CMS Hasche Sigle from the insolvency estate of around 17 billion euros. The process is expected to close later this year, Frege announced.

In Germany, institutional investors such as municipalities, provinces and pension funds had entrusted their money to Lehman Brothers. The largest receivables have the Bundesbank and the deposit insurance of private banks, which had jumped in the bankruptcy initially.

The procedure over the German daughter Lehman bank house has nothing to do with the approximately 50,000 German small savers, who had acquired mostly over their house banks certificates of the Dutch Lehman daughter. Depending on the institute, they carried out processes, were able to conclude settlements, received partial compensation or advance payments from the Dutch bankruptcy estate. A fairly comfortable solution for over 2,000 victims was negotiated with Targo Bank (formerly Citi). Investors, according to the Consumer Center, averaged 48.4 percent of their stake and were allowed to keep the allowances, which were still worth about 25 percent of the output value.

I poteri forti alzano la voce e raggranellano, anche in Germania. Non accade la stessa cosa per il contraente debole!


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Responsabilità delle Agenzie di rating, quando troppi diritti pregiudicano il diritto

il Tribunale di Roma si ritiene, in linea generale, che le agenzie di rating svolgano vera e propria attività di natura professionale, che implica l'esistenza di regole standard elaborate dalla prassi, codificate dalle stesse agenzie e prese in considerazione dal legislatore comunitario. Ad esempio nel Regolamento CE n.1060 del 2009 è espressamente affermato che "i rating del credito hanno un significativo impatto sulla fiducia degli investitori e dei consumatori". Quindi l'investitore confida direttamente nell' esattezza ed affidabilità del rating emesso dall'agenzia; ne consegue che, in base a questo giudizio, può assumere la decisione di investire il proprio capitale in titoli e prodotti valutati in modo positivo. Pertanto, se detti giudizi risultano errati, ciò può determinare una perdita del capitale investito ed un ulteriore danno derivante dal mancato investimento in altri titoli maggiormente remunerativi.

Tuttavia grava sull'investitore/attore l'onere probatorio circa la sussistenza di tutti detti elementi.

Ed è proprio su tale aspetto probatorio che la sentenza del Tribunale ha imposto il rispetto rigorosi obblighi

Responsabilità delle Agenzie di rating, quando troppi diritti pregiudicano il diritto

Quindi, non dimostrando il nesso causale.....


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Honorable Shelley C. Chapman

Monday, November 20, 2017

10:00 AM
08-13555-scc Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. Ch. 11

RMBS Claims Estimation Trial

Si comincia Lunedì prossimo. Poi una pausa di una settimana e quindi udienze a raffica!


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Application by Lehman's administrators on distribution to shareholders

November 17 2017


In this instance, the court could order directions in relation to a situation not contemplated or provided for in the usually applicable statute (the Insolvency Act 1986) by invoking mechanisms ratified within a parallel statute (the Companies Act 2006). This is distinct from needing to expand the remit of the existing rules, a route that had been rejected in the unreported Re Lehman Brothers Europe Ltd 25 June 2012. Further, allowing this did not offend the purpose of the administration, nor prejudice the creditors as a whole.

Re Lehman Brothers Europe Ltd (in administration) [2017] EWHC 2031

Application by Lehman's administrators on distribution to shareholders


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Honorable Shelley C. Chapman

Monday, November 20, 2017

10:00 AM
08-13555-scc Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. Ch. 11
RMBS Claims Estimation Trial


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