Forumer attivo
non ne ho idea, forse l'umorismo involontario delle ragioni portate a sostegno delle loro tesi li ha messi di buon umore.
E' anche vero che parliamo, alla fine, di crediti conosciuti all'azienda (la garanzia LBH esisteva su tutte le obbligazioni emesse dalle controllate), e si rischia di non finire più, ad impuntarsi su tutto.
Mi sa che si cerca di arrivare vicini alla dirittura di arrivo, e chi può biasimarli... hanno anche chiuso obiezioni ben più "sostanziose"...
Lehman Brothers Holdings and its affiliated Debtors filed with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court a Supplement to the Company"s Joint Chapter 11 Plan, incorporating nine major settlement agreements - including six agreements with 67 of their significant, non-controlled affiliates and 3 agreements with large third-party creditors. The parties to these settlement agreements and other major creditors, which in the aggregate assert more than $160 billion in claims have all executed plan support agreements. The Supplement also includes an updated list of these creditors, totaling more than 150 to date, that have executed agreements to support the Debtors" Plan. Lehman Brothers Holdings also reached an agreement in principle resolving the claims of Lehman Re Ltd., one of its affiliates in Bermuda, which is subject to documentation and various approvals including approval of the Bankruptcy Court as part of the Debtors" Plan confirmation and approval of a Bermuda Court. Lehman Brothers Holdings" C.E.O., Bryan Marsal, commented: "The rapidly growing level of support for our plan demonstrates that our creditors understand the logic of the economic compromise we have proposed. We met with our creditors frequently, listened and responded to their concerns, and structured the plan accordingly. Those creditors who signed PSAs clearly recognize that this plan provides the best path toward expeditious distributions to creditors."
quindi si va di accetta, può essere..