Mangio la melamarcia ................. (1 Viewer)


Forumer storico

3x8 -24
3x9 27

506+24=530....arrotondato sto registrandolo) non ce l'ha fatta e respira

sono gli angoli poi soliti uff
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Forumer storico
la carrozza si riempie.

Credo di aver capito.

La linea verticale verde misura la distanza tra la media rossa e i recenti minimi . Ad esempio quello del 9 novembre. Una sorta di stecca misuratrice, raggiunta la sua ampiezza estrema chiama il rimbalzo. Geniale questo TRENO

Jolly Roger

c'è un minimo f.c. sul daily del fituso

sempre che lunedì non vadano sotto ovviamente


"I dont know what to say, really. Three minutes to the biggest battle of our professional lives. All comes down to today, and either, we heal as a team, or we're gonna crumble. Inch by inch, play by play. Until we're finished.

We're in hell right now, gentlemen. Believe me. And, we can stay here, get the shit kicked out of us, or we can fight our way back into the light. We can climb outta hell... one inch at a time.

Now I can't do it for ya, I'm too old. I look around, I see these young faces and I think, I mean, I've made every wrong choice a middle-aged man can make. I, uh, I've pissed away all my money, believe it or not. I chased off anyone who's ever loved me. And lately, I can't even stand the face I see in the mirror.

You know, when you get old, in life, things get taken from you. I mean, that's... that's... that's a part of life. But, you only learn that when you start losin' stuff. You find out life's this game of inches, so is football. Because in either game - life or football - the margin for error is so small. I mean, one half a step too late or too early and you don't quite make it. One half second too slow, too fast and you don't quite catch it.

The inches we need are everywhere around us. They're in every break of the game, every minute, every second. On this team we fight for that inch. On this team we tear ourselves and everyone else around us to pieces for that inch. We claw with our fingernails for that inch.

Because we know when add up all those inches, that's gonna make the fucking difference between winning and losing! Between living and dying! I'll tell you this, in any fight it's the guy whose willing to die whose gonna win that inch. And I know, if I'm gonna have any life anymore it's because I'm still willing to fight and die for that inch, because that's what living is, the six inches in front of your face.

Now I can't make you do it. You've got to look at the guy next to you, look into his eyes. Now I think ya going to see a guy who will go that inch with you. Your gonna see a guy who will sacrifice himself for this team, because he knows when it comes down to it your gonna do the same for him.

That's a team, gentlemen, and either, we heal, now, as a team, or we will die as individuals. That's football guys, that's all it is. Now, what are you gonna do?"


  • Schermata 2012-11-16 alle 19.18.04.png
    Schermata 2012-11-16 alle 19.18.04.png
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......Una sorta di stecca misuratrice, raggiunta la sua ampiezza estrema chiama il rimbalzo. ......

........con divergenza rispetto alla prima , sostanzialmente replica l'oscillatore di elliot , in questo caso manca la sincronia con divergenza dell' rsi per cui siamo in presenza di possibile 3 interna e non la 5 ma lo capiremo sul rimbalzo se è 5 o 3 .
la sostanza non cambia ci metto 2000 azioni e se si fa nuovo minimo altri 2000 a quel punto son sicuro che è una 5.
sempre lo stesso discorso tifo affinchè si scenda con le azioni in mano .


Forumer storico
Io sono leggenda....tutto il resto e' noia!

Le mele marce puzzano!
Solita armonia col passato E BATMAN FALCHIANO.
E poi a me Gann fa un baffo!

Meditate gente, meditate!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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