ETC Natural Gas

beh forse la news e' questa ?

Exxon 4Q Natural Gas Output 3.5% Up Despite Low Prices

(Dow Jones) ExxonMobil's (XOM) 4Q natural gas production the US was 3.5% up from the same period a year earlier, showing the oil giant didn't significantly slow drilling and production despite the fall in natural gas prices amid the shale gas boom... Full Story
buona sera ragassi..

(31.1.12 15:05) Gas Naturale: Morgan Stanley riduce la stima 2012 del 30%, pesa la debolezza della domanda
Morgan Stanley taglia la view sul Gas. L’istituto statunitense a causa della ...
Gassato... io non millanto nulla... e nemmeno mi interessa farlo... non mi servono neanche i vostri consensi... ho scritto qui 5 operazioni fatte seguendo dei metodi con 4 profit e 1 loss. E non fate altro che deridermi e darmi del ciarlatano o paper trader...
A me non mi interessa. Ieri mattina ho comprato seat pg a 0.29 e l'ho consigliato a gipango in privato. Ieri sera era a +20%, oggi ha fatto un altro +17%.
Ho lev wheat in carico a 1.30 con profit a 1.65 che oggi mi ha sfiorato per un pelo e non ero al pc per chiudere l'operazione.
Domani appena apre chiuderò. Al momento sono a +24%. Tutto fatto con i metodi che mi sono stati insegnati e che volevo proporre a voi, ma non fate altro che prendermi in giro.
A non importa nulla. Continuo a leggervi e ogni tanto se mi va scrivo qualcosa, ma non cerco certo consensi o robe simili.
Vivo anche senza!!
Se il gas va a 2.36 comincierò ad accumulare lev gas per recuperare il loss che ho, ma che ho anche già recuperato con questi ultimi bei profit.
Io la notte dormo molto tranquillo, spero anche voi.... :-)
Ora scatenate i vostri insulti così mi faccio 2 risate!!
Prendersela ho capito che ormai non ne vale più la pena... così come provare ad insegnare qualche metodo COMPLETAMENTE GRATUITO ed essere deriso dal 3d...
Buona serata a tutti!!

Il forum è fatto da tante persone diverse tra loro... quel tutti non ci sta; diciamo che il tuo "metodo" non è stato tanto esplicitato .... rimane un poco misterioso. Se qualcuno propone operazioni seguendo un metodo che ritiene valido il minimo che possa fare è renderlo chiaro e comprensibile... altrimenti non ha valore comune.
NEW YORK—Natural gas futures plunged around 6% after a U.S. agency said gas production rose to a new record, renewing concerns about excess supply at a time of weak weather-driven demand.
Just after 9 a.m. EST, natural gas futures for March delivery were down 15.6 cents, or 5.8%, at $2.557 a million British thermal units on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Tuesday's fall came on top of Monday's 1.6% drop, wiping away last week's gains from news that major producers were cutting back on production activity.
The Energy Information Administration on Monday reported gas output from the lower 48 U.S. states rose 1.3% in November to a record 72.61 billion cubic feet, at a time when unusually warm weather during what is supposed to be peak heating season has depressed demand. In a research note, Barclays Capital called the new figures "stunning."
Natural gas is a key component in home heating, and demand rises as temperatures drop. But this heating season, mild weather combined with robust production from U.S. shale fields has undercut the market's economics.
Weather outlooks were mixed, posing a conundrum for estimated demand in the coming days. The National Weather Service said above-normal temperatures will prevail over much of the west and northwest during the next six to 10 days, though the northeast will see normal temperatures and the southeast will face a cold-snap. Further out, MDA EarthSat said "the forecast has taken a major warm shift," and that predictions for below-normal temperatures in the northeast as far out as Valentine's Day were weakening.
"The report reawakened fears of a supply glut from record storage and production levels, which outweighed the potential for further announcements of producer cuts," Tradition Energy's Addison Armstrong said in a note.
Meanwhile, natural gas for next-day delivery at the benchmark Henry Hub in Louisiana recently traded at $2.51/MMBtu, according to IntercontinentalExchange, down from Monday's average of $2.7118. Natural gas for next-day delivery at Transcontinental Zone 6 in New York traded at $2.92/MMBtu, down from Monday's average of $3.1285.
NEW YORK—Natural gas futures plunged around 6% after a U.S. agency said gas production rose to a new record, renewing concerns about excess supply at a time of weak weather-driven demand.
Just after 9 a.m. EST, natural gas futures for March delivery were down 15.6 cents, or 5.8%, at $2.557 a million British thermal units on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Tuesday's fall came on top of Monday's 1.6% drop, wiping away last week's gains from news that major producers were cutting back on production activity.
The Energy Information Administration on Monday reported gas output from the lower 48 U.S. states rose 1.3% in November to a record 72.61 billion cubic feet, at a time when unusually warm weather during what is supposed to be peak heating season has depressed demand. In a research note, Barclays Capital called the new figures "stunning."
Natural gas is a key component in home heating, and demand rises as temperatures drop. But this heating season, mild weather combined with robust production from U.S. shale fields has undercut the market's economics.
Weather outlooks were mixed, posing a conundrum for estimated demand in the coming days. The National Weather Service said above-normal temperatures will prevail over much of the west and northwest during the next six to 10 days, though the northeast will see normal temperatures and the southeast will face a cold-snap. Further out, MDA EarthSat said "the forecast has taken a major warm shift," and that predictions for below-normal temperatures in the northeast as far out as Valentine's Day were weakening.
"The report reawakened fears of a supply glut from record storage and production levels, which outweighed the potential for further announcements of producer cuts," Tradition Energy's Addison Armstrong said in a note.
Meanwhile, natural gas for next-day delivery at the benchmark Henry Hub in Louisiana recently traded at $2.51/MMBtu, according to IntercontinentalExchange, down from Monday's average of $2.7118. Natural gas for next-day delivery at Transcontinental Zone 6 in New York traded at $2.92/MMBtu, down from Monday's average of $3.1285.

questo mi sa di giochetto, c'e' qualcuno che specula sulle notizie e se fossero proprio i produttori ?

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