NicOx.... in attesa di.....

Non è il momento di fare telefonate; ora ci vogliono i comunicati stampa.
Io sono in attesa, ma stò svendendo parte delle mie azioni. Forse mi pentirò di averle vendute a questi prezzi, ma non ne posso davvero più di aspettare un qualcosa che non arriva mai.
Buona notte a tutti i Nicoxiani.
Che cambiamento di rotta che hai avuto ... :eek:

vedi post sopra in risposta a guly.........:D

di :bla: :bla: ormai ne ho le @@ piene......... :cool::down::down::down::down:
che la smetta di sparare fregnacce e si metta a fare la persona seria :
- o vanno fuori dalle palle lui e il board
- o si diano una mossa
-se non vogliono muoversi che facciano un bel comunicato ufficiale :
siamo in HOLD fino ai risultati di BL e MERCK se ci dice qualcosa;

Tutti si pentiranno dell'opinione che hanno attualmente ... :rolleyes: ( lo spero davvero di potermi ricredere ...) ma il mercato, ad oggi, sembra "nicchiare" ...

E allora che ci dimostri che ci stiamo sbagliando, coi fatti ... ma fatti potenti, esplosivi come i razzi ed i missili che i "leca-lecca", tanto annunciano ogni volta e che mai arrivano ... :help:

:up::up: ecco infatti.......... quest'altra fregnacciata è epica :rolleyes::rolleyes::down:

Sono stufo di dover scrivere sempre le stesse cose. Il silenzio di Nicox mi ha prorpio rotto. Se almeno mi dassero uno spunto per poter sperare in qualcosa di buono.
Dudnyk Wins Agency of Record Account for NicOx SA (COX.PA)

11/15/2012 11:30:05 AM

November 14, 2012, Horsham, PA—Specialty biopharma marketing agency Dudnyk has been awarded business from Nicox, Inc., the US subsidiary of Nicox, SA. Nicox engaged Dudnyk to support the marketing efforts to eye care professionals for the launch of AdenoPlus™, the first and only FDA-cleared, CLIA-waived, rapid, point-of-care diagnostic test that aids in the differential diagnosis of acute conjunctivitis.
Jason Menzo, who previously worked with the agency to develop an award-winning promotion campaign for another eye care product, hired Dudnyk when he was appointed Director of Marketing for Nicox. Mr. Menzo is responsible for introducing Nicox Ophthalmic Diagnostics and its first product, AdenoPlus™, to eye care professionals.

“I am excited to be working with Dudnyk to launch AdenoPlus™ in the US. There is no other agency that I would even consider having support me and my team,” Menzo said. “My successful history working with Dudnyk was marked with several incredible milestones in the sale of our previous brand, and I am confident that Dudnyk’s unparalleled strategic vigor and creative power will pay huge dividends for the launch of AdenoPlus™. I truly view them as an extension of my brand team.”

“We are thrilled to be working with Jason again as he launches Nicox’s first commercial product in the US. Dudnyk will be working with his team to develop the marketing strategy, product positioning, branding, and messaging for AdenoPlus™. We will also be providing support for several corporate initiatives,” said Frank X. Powers, Dudnyk’s president. Dudnyk is widely respected for its bold, unparalleled marketing excellence. The Dudnyk team that led the previous campaign is reconvening to work with Jason Menzo on AdenoPlus™. The team is led by Scott Harper, with support from Laurie Bartolomeo, Creative Director, Copy, and John Kemble, Creative Director, Art.

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Dudnyk Wins Agency of Record Account for NicOx SA (COX.PA)

11/15/2012 11:30:05 AM

November 14, 2012, Horsham, PA—Specialty biopharma marketing agency Dudnyk has been awarded business from Nicox, Inc., the US subsidiary of Nicox, SA. Nicox engaged Dudnyk to support the marketing efforts to eye care professionals for the launch of AdenoPlus™, the first and only FDA-cleared, CLIA-waived, rapid, point-of-care diagnostic test that aids in the differential diagnosis of acute conjunctivitis.
Jason Menzo, who previously worked with the agency to develop an award-winning promotion campaign for another eye care product, hired Dudnyk when he was appointed Director of Marketing for Nicox. Mr. Menzo is responsible for introducing Nicox Ophthalmic Diagnostics and its first product, AdenoPlus™, to eye care professionals.

“I am excited to be working with Dudnyk to launch AdenoPlus™ in the US. There is no other agency that I would even consider having support me and my team,” Menzo said. “My successful history working with Dudnyk was marked with several incredible milestones in the sale of our previous brand, and I am confident that Dudnyk’s unparalleled strategic vigor and creative power will pay huge dividends for the launch of AdenoPlus™. I truly view them as an extension of my brand team.”

“We are thrilled to be working with Jason again as he launches Nicox’s first commercial product in the US. Dudnyk will be working with his team to develop the marketing strategy, product positioning, branding, and messaging for AdenoPlus™. We will also be providing support for several corporate initiatives,” said Frank X. Powers, Dudnyk’s president. Dudnyk is widely respected for its bold, unparalleled marketing excellence. The Dudnyk team that led the previous campaign is reconvening to work with Jason Menzo on AdenoPlus™. The team is led by Scott Harper, with support from Laurie Bartolomeo, Creative Director, Copy, and John Kemble, Creative Director, Art.

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Speriamo che questi della Dudnyk siano dei bravi venditori e ci facciano fare un bel fatturato.
Grazie a Simis per l'interessante contributo alla discussione.
Mi domando come mai in Europa non sia ancora stato lanciato l'Adenoplus !
Cosa stanno aspettando, che qualcun altro piazzi un suo prodotto concorrente ?
Non ne posso davvero più delle lungaggini di Nicox.
Mi piacerebbe proprio sapere cosa sta facendo il buon Sharma; è da mesi che ha in mano il dossier naproxcinod e non ha ancora concluso un bel niente. E io che ci speravo ancora, che illuso che sono.

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