NicOx.... in attesa di.....

DR. DIXON: May I ask for a point of
clarification? Is it too late? With reference to the
need for longer-term outcome studies, is it the
conclusion that such studies are needed for all
members of the class of NSAIDs or are we singling out
this particular product for demanding those kind of

DR. O'NEIL: I don't believe the discussion
that and I was just trying to summarize. So I'm going
to buck that answer.
But unfortunately for the sponsor, they started
these studies before the rofecoxib debacle, and we are
in a new world with more data every day.

Dr. Hertz, you have a comment for that?

DR. HERTZ: So we've already mentioned that
for something that was truly novel, that they would
need to come in with outcome studies to look at , they started cardiovascular effects.
Io stò anche aspettando che Rapid Pathogen Screening annunci entro la fine del 2012 l'esito degli sudi su due suoi altri prodotti. Speriamo che non facciano la fine di quelli di Altacor.

la cosa tragica è che in 4 anni a nessuno è venuto in mente di chidere se la lettera del 2006 era ancora valida..........:help::help::help::D:wall:

io comunque da nicoxiano super partes :D dico che la colpa è di quei prezzolati skifosi dell'FDA......che se avessero agito bene dopo i menzionati casini dei rofecoxib citati dal prezzolato O'NEIL :down::down::down::D dovevano dire :
"ok chi sta facendo trial su NSAID? avvisiamoli per tempo che servono X cose..." :cool::cool: INVECE COME SE NULLA FOSSE! :down::D:D :wall::wall: :titanic:

tiremminnannnzzzz :rolleyes:
Io stò anche aspettando che Rapid Pathogen Screening annunci entro la fine del 2012 l'esito degli sudi su due suoi altri prodotti. Speriamo che non facciano la fine di quelli di Altacor.

:mmmm: :mmmm: quali sarebbero? non era mica ALTACOR che aveva la pippaline?? :D:-?:-?:-?

su RPS ho trovato solo questo :
What products are currently available?

AdenoPlus™ is currently available worldwide.
InflammaDry™ is CE Marked and is commercially available in Europe. It has also received Health Canada approval but is not yet commercially available in Canada. InflammaDry™ is not commercially available in the U.S.
What products are in the RPS pipeline?

RPS’s innovative technology platform provides the foundation for developing tests for a variety of ocular and systemic infectious diseases and inflammatory conditions. As a result of U.S. government contracts, this platform is also being used to develop tests for bio-terrorism and chemical nerve agent blood toxins. RPS is designing its pipeline products in compliance with regulatory guidelines aligned with receiving waived status under the U.S. Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA).
:mmmm: :mmmm: quali sarebbero? non era mica ALTACOR che aveva la pippaline?? :D:-?:-?:-?

The worldwide licensing agreement also covers two additional diagnostic tests currently in development, one for the combined detection of Adenoviral and allergic conjunctivitis and the other to diagnose ocular herpes. In addition, the agreement grants NicOx an exclusive worldwide option to negotiate an agreement for an additional promising product, based on RPS​
® meeting certain milestones which include on-going external discussions.

E anche per oggi nessuna notizia; ma guarda un pò che novità. E meno male che io ne aspettavo addirittura due entro la fine dell'anno; che tremenda delusione.
A questo punto comincio a dubitare che non arrivi nessun accordo entro la fine dell'anno. E' sempre più duro rimanere azionisti Nicox.

The worldwide licensing agreement also covers two additional diagnostic tests currently in development, one for the combined detection of Adenoviral and allergic conjunctivitis and the other to diagnose ocular herpes. In addition, the agreement grants NicOx an exclusive worldwide option to negotiate an agreement for an additional promising product, based on RPS​
® meeting certain milestones which include on-going external discussions.

tutto top secret... niente date , niente di niente :D ci sorprenderanno con effetti speciali? :D
pizzo ma non capisco quindi da dove tiri fuori la data da te citata... :-?

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