Pharma e Biotech - Europa NicOx : Quelli che aspettano ,,,, ridendo !!! (3 lettori)

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Che paura..............sei talmente koione che se intendi farmi qualcosa ci sono prove inconfutabili che mi hai minacciato via internet con decine di testimoni...per me sei un pazzo o un mitomane.......Chiamo Passione a rispondere pubblicamente se quelle di questo individuo possono essere definite minacce, nella qual cosa provvederò a mettere in moto chi di dovere !!!..........(2 avvocati e un magistrato parenti stretti !!!)



Come tutti i viscidi ,,,, prima provochi e poi fai la vittima !!!!!!

Ultima modifica:


So bene che è meglio starne avendo più volte parlato con te, immagino che tu non sia il tipo da condividere certe minacce gratuite ed goliardia mi pare sia stata usata molto spesso in questo forum......mai nessuno però ha minacciato qualcun altro in questo modo becero ed cosa non penso finisca qui....quando si sorpassano i limiti , occorre anche sapere quello che si rischia...naturalmente LEGALMENTE PARLANDO...per ciò che mi riguarda!!

povero agnellino :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

il lupo cattivo sta TTTRRREEEMMMAAANNNDDDOOO:lol::lol::lol::lol:


Forumer storico
Auj. à 06:06
ce n'est pas une bonne nouvelle pour les patients mais c'est une très bonne nouvelle pour le naproxcinod . tout le monde sait que la prise de célebrex augmente les risques cardiovasculaires et les médecins , pour contrecarrer ces effets , prescrivaient de l'aspirine en plus du célebrex . une étude de william smith vient de sortir et dit tout l'inverse . le célebrex réduit les effets bénéfiques de l'aspirine sur la sécurité cardiovaslaire ..... vivement que le napro soit en vente , ça va sauver des vies et ça va ramener beaucoup de cash à NicOx et à ses fidèles actionnaires :)

December 14, 2009

Painkiller undermines aspirin/s anti-clotting action

Combining Celebrex with low-dose aspirin may reduce protection from heart attack and stroke, study suggests
Painkiller undermines aspirin/s anti-clotting action Millions take Celebrex along with lo-dose aspirin.

William L. Smith/ Ph.D.

Millions of Americans take Celebrex for arthritis or other pain. Many, if they are middle-aged or older, also take a low-dose aspirin tablet daily to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. Yet they may be getting little protection, because Celebrex keeps the aspirin from doing its job effectively, a new study suggests.
In laboratory studies, University of Michigan researchers found that several coxibs, the drug class to which Celebrex belongs, interfere with aspirin’s ability to discourage blood clots, if the aspirin is taken in low doses. Celebrex, also known as celecoxib, is the only coxib currently on the market. The results appear online in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Doctors frequently advise daily low-dose aspirin (81 mg) for patients who have heart conditions, notably a serious form of angina known as unstable angina, or for patients who are at risk of second heart attacks. Aspirin is well-known for its ability to discourage formation of blood clots that can lead to heart attack and stroke. In addition, arthritis patients who take Celebrex regularly are often put on low-dose aspirin because this is thought to counteract Celebrex’s own potential clot-promoting effect.

“There are many people who take low-dose aspirin, perhaps as many as half of men over 50. If they are also prescribed Celebrex for arthritis or other pain, our results suggest that the Celebrex will probably interfere with the aspirin’s action,” says William L. Smith, Ph.D., the study’s senior author, Minor J. Coon Professor of Biological Chemistry and chair of the biochemistry department at the U-M Medical School.

“The greatest risk is having people take Celebrex who are taking aspirin for cardiovascular problems that are known to be mitigated by aspirin, includingpatients with unstable angina or those at risk for a second heart attack,” he says. In unstable angina, small clots form in arteries and interfere with blood flow.

Previous studies of healthy subjects found no ill effect on blood clotting when Celebrex was combined with aspirin at higher doses, specifically a daily “regular” aspirin tablet (324 mg), Smith notes.

So it may be that a higher aspirin dose, or spreading out the time between taking low-dose aspirin and Celebrex, will allow aspirin to be effective. Aspirin’s undesirable effects on the gastrointestinal tract at higher doses when taken long-term would have to be taken into account.

doctor NO

NO nel DNA
Auj. à 06:06
ce n'est pas une bonne nouvelle pour les patients mais c'est une très bonne nouvelle pour le naproxcinod . tout le monde sait que la prise de célebrex augmente les risques cardiovasculaires et les médecins , pour contrecarrer ces effets , prescrivaient de l'aspirine en plus du célebrex . une étude de william smith vient de sortir et dit tout l'inverse . le célebrex réduit les effets bénéfiques de l'aspirine sur la sécurité cardiovaslaire ..... vivement que le napro soit en vente , ça va sauver des vies et ça va ramener beaucoup de cash à NicOx et à ses fidèles actionnaires :)

December 14, 2009

Painkiller undermines aspirin/s anti-clotting action

Combining Celebrex with low-dose aspirin may reduce protection from heart attack and stroke, study suggests
Painkiller undermines aspirin/s anti-clotting action Millions take Celebrex along with lo-dose aspirin.

William L. Smith/ Ph.D.

Millions of Americans take Celebrex for arthritis or other pain. Many, if they are middle-aged or older, also take a low-dose aspirin tablet daily to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. Yet they may be getting little protection, because Celebrex keeps the aspirin from doing its job effectively, a new study suggests.
In laboratory studies, University of Michigan researchers found that several coxibs, the drug class to which Celebrex belongs, interfere with aspirin’s ability to discourage blood clots, if the aspirin is taken in low doses. Celebrex, also known as celecoxib, is the only coxib currently on the market. The results appear online in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Doctors frequently advise daily low-dose aspirin (81 mg) for patients who have heart conditions, notably a serious form of angina known as unstable angina, or for patients who are at risk of second heart attacks. Aspirin is well-known for its ability to discourage formation of blood clots that can lead to heart attack and stroke. In addition, arthritis patients who take Celebrex regularly are often put on low-dose aspirin because this is thought to counteract Celebrex’s own potential clot-promoting effect.

“There are many people who take low-dose aspirin, perhaps as many as half of men over 50. If they are also prescribed Celebrex for arthritis or other pain, our results suggest that the Celebrex will probably interfere with the aspirin’s action,” says William L. Smith, Ph.D., the study’s senior author, Minor J. Coon Professor of Biological Chemistry and chair of the biochemistry department at the U-M Medical School.

“The greatest risk is having people take Celebrex who are taking aspirin for cardiovascular problems that are known to be mitigated by aspirin, includingpatients with unstable angina or those at risk for a second heart attack,” he says. In unstable angina, small clots form in arteries and interfere with blood flow.

Previous studies of healthy subjects found no ill effect on blood clotting when Celebrex was combined with aspirin at higher doses, specifically a daily “regular” aspirin tablet (324 mg), Smith notes.

So it may be that a higher aspirin dose, or spreading out the time between taking low-dose aspirin and Celebrex, will allow aspirin to be effective. Aspirin’s undesirable effects on the gastrointestinal tract at higher doses when taken long-term would have to be taken into account.

sei caduto dal letto o gli incubi non ti fanno dormire?????????????????? Il treno delle 7h04:lol::lol::lol::lol:

doctor NO

NO nel DNA
Hai neppure luglio è una scadenza sicura....così come doveva essere il 2009 l'anno nitrico ed invece è stato un anno horribilis !!!

Inoltre essere continuamente attaccato da improperi di ogni tipo da personaggi estremamente pericolosi , sia verbalmente ed ora pare pure in modo pratico, dopo che da anni sono in questo investimento , mi ha rotto un poco i co.ioni.............
pensa alla vera rottura de cokones che sta per abbatersi su di voi in concomitanza con gli anni di rialzi stellari:lol::lol::lol:
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