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una domanda: con quali banche "fisiche" riuscite a compiere queste operazioni?
Alla mia filiale San Paolo mi dicono che non è possibile....
una domanda: con quali banche "fisiche" riuscite a compiere queste operazioni?
Alla mia filiale San Paolo mi dicono che non è possibile....
Ciao.Anche io ho spesso fatto questa domanda ma noto spesso una certa reticenza a rispondere.Ti posso dire con certezza (poichè ho parlato con loro) che l'unica banca fisica che ti compra nuove emissioni (sia sui mercati italiani che, soprattutto, su quelli tedeschi) in tagli da 50k e da 1k è DEUTSCHE BANK. Naturalmente le commissioni sono elevate, ma se paghi avrai ciò che vuoi sempre che,ovviamente, ci sia mercato per quel titolo.
una domanda: con quali banche "fisiche" riuscite a compiere queste operazioni?
Alla mia filiale San Paolo mi dicono che non è possibile....

Sotto un anno le emissioni da 50k sono parecchie le banche che le fanno comprare, basta cercarle (di solito i primi 4 o 5 gruppi bancari italiani non te lo permettono ma con banche locali è più facile). Emissioni da 1k sono poche le banche che permettono l'acquisto e solo dietro a forti minacce e pressioni del cliente (devi avere però alle spalle una grossa forza economica per poterlo fare).
MILANO (MF-DJ)--L'agenzia di rating Moody's ha cancellato il rating Ba3 su Snai a seguito dell'annullamento del lancio del prestito obbligazionario senior secured da 350 mln euro con scadenza nel 2017.
La prima volta che Moody's aveva assegnato il rating Ba3 a Snai, si legge in una nota, risale al 25 gennaio scorso. Per l'assegnazione, spiegano gli analisti, erano stati considerati diversi fattori. Tra questi, la posizione competitiva della societa', l'esposizione e la diversificazione del rischio, la redditivita', le strategie del management e le opportunita' di crescita e le previsioni di performance della societa' nel medio e lungo termine. red/est/ste
(END) Dow Jones Newswires
February 05, 2010 06:59 ET (11:59 GMT


Si era parlato del loro bond qualche settimana fa

ICAP Tumbles After Broker Lowers Full-Year Outlook
2010-02-05 08:26:10.294 GMT

(Corrects forecast range in second paragraph.)

By John Glover
Feb. 5 (Bloomberg) -- ICAP Plc plunged after the world’s
largest broker of transactions between banks lowered its outlook
for full-year profit, saying new businesses are taking longer
than anticipated to become profitable.
Pretax profit, ICAP’s preferred measure of performance, for
the year ending March 31 will be between 295 million pounds
($464 million) and 315 million pounds, down from the previous
forecast of 309 million pounds to 354 million pounds, the
London-based company said in a statement today.
“Our established businesses continue to perform well in
these challenging markets although some of our newer businesses
are taking longer to achieve profitability,” Chief Executive
Officer Michael Spencer said in the statement. “We expect to be
able to take advantage of the likely restructuring of the
financial markets post crisis and remain positive about the
medium-term outlook for the business.”
ICAP fell as much 18 percent to 300.1 pence in London, the
biggest drop since September 2008. The shares were at 303.2 at
8:15 a.m., valuing the company at 2 billion pounds.
ICAP’s newer businesses posted “mixed” results, the
broker said. Its Brazilian unit had “very good” revenue growth
in the last quarter of 2009 and its London Metal Exchange
business performed well. Trading volumes fell at its shipping
and cash equity operations.
ICAP also said it agreed to buy the shares it doesn’t
already own in TriOptima AB, which automates post-trade
services, for an initial 109 million euros ($150 million). ICAP
will also pay another 12 million euros to supply working
capital, it said.
Si era parlato del loro bond qualche settimana fa

ICAP Tumbles After Broker Lowers Full-Year Outlook
2010-02-05 08:26:10.294 GMT

(Corrects forecast range in second paragraph.)

By John Glover
Feb. 5 (Bloomberg) -- ICAP Plc plunged after the world’s
largest broker of transactions between banks lowered its outlook
for full-year profit, saying new businesses are taking longer
than anticipated to become profitable.
Pretax profit, ICAP’s preferred measure of performance, for
the year ending March 31 will be between 295 million pounds
($464 million) and 315 million pounds, down from the previous
forecast of 309 million pounds to 354 million pounds, the
London-based company said in a statement today.
“Our established businesses continue to perform well in
these challenging markets although some of our newer businesses
are taking longer to achieve profitability,” Chief Executive
Officer Michael Spencer said in the statement. “We expect to be
able to take advantage of the likely restructuring of the
financial markets post crisis and remain positive about the
medium-term outlook for the business.”
ICAP fell as much 18 percent to 300.1 pence in London, the
biggest drop since September 2008. The shares were at 303.2 at
8:15 a.m., valuing the company at 2 billion pounds.
ICAP’s newer businesses posted “mixed” results, the
broker said. Its Brazilian unit had “very good” revenue growth
in the last quarter of 2009 and its London Metal Exchange
business performed well. Trading volumes fell at its shipping
and cash equity operations.
ICAP also said it agreed to buy the shares it doesn’t
already own in TriOptima AB, which automates post-trade
services, for an initial 109 million euros ($150 million). ICAP
will also pay another 12 million euros to supply working
capital, it said.
giusto ieri ho venduto a 104.621 :)

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