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New bond issue: Shimao Property Holdings sells USD 350m in 2018 bonds with 11.00% coupon

Shimao Property Holdings (China) on March 1, 2011 placed USD 350m in bonds with a 11.00% coupon, maturing in 2018. The bond was priced at 100% to yield 11%. Morgan Stanley, Standard Chartered arranged the deal.

Issuer, issue number: Shimao Property Holdings, 2018
Type of debt instrument: Eurobonds
Issue status: outstanding
Par, currency of issue: USD, 200000
Amount: 350 000 000
End of placement: Mar 01 2011
Issue price: 100
Yield at Pricing: 11%
Coupon: 11.00%
Coupon frequency: 2 time(s) per year
Settlement Date: Mar 08 2011
Maturity date: Mar 08 2018
Issue Managers: Morgan Stanley, Standard Chartered
Trading floor: Hong Kong S.E.
Issuer profile:
Shimao Property Holdings Limited is one of the largest property developers in Shanghai, China. It was founded in 2001 by Xu Rongmao, a Chinese billionaire. Shimao Property was listed on the main board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited on 5 July 2006. The Group develops large scale, high quality, integrated real estate projects, focusing on cities with high, dynamic economic growth potential in China. The Group is dedicated to the development of residential, hotel, office and commercial properties. At present, the Group has over 50 projects under development in dozens of large to medium-sized cities across China. Adhering to its mission, "Cultivating Life Taste", the SHIMAO brand has led China's property market with its pioneering "Riviera Model", effectively integrating landscape, waterside, gardening and architectural elements into the daily life of every family, the outcome of which is a series of high-quality, classically-designed property projects. Incorporating innovation and foresight in our strategies, the Group is committed to "Accomplishing Urban Dreams" as we aspire to contribute to the process of urbanisation as an "urban operator".

Outstanding issues:
2 issue(s) outstanding worth USD 850 000 000
New bond issue: SingTel sells USD 600m in 2021 bonds with 4.5% coupon

SingTel (Singapore) on March 1, 2011 placed USD 600m in bonds with a 4.5% coupon, maturing in 2021. BNP Paribas, HSBC, Morgan Stanley arranged the deal.

Issuer, issue number: SingTel, 2021
Type of debt instrument: Eurobonds
Issue status: outstanding
Par, currency of issue: USD, 200000
Amount: 600 000 000
ISIN: XS0600103401
End of placement: Mar 01 2011
Issue price: 99.298
Coupon: 4.5%
Coupon frequency: 1 time(s) per year
Settlement Date: Mar 08 2011
Maturity date: Sep 08 2021
Issue Managers: BNP Paribas, HSBC, Morgan Stanley
Trading floor: SGX
Issuer profile:
The SingTel Group is Asia’s leading communications group, providing a diverse range of communication services and solutions, including fixed, mobile, data, Internet, info-communications technology, satellite and pay TV. It is the largest listed company on the Singapore Exchange by market capitalisation, also listed on the Australian Securities Exchange as a result of its acquisition of Optus, the second largest communications provider in Australia, in September 2001. SingTel Group is a long-term strategic investor in six regional mobile operators in India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, Pakistan and Bangladesh. To serve the needs of multinational corporations, SingTel has a network of 36 offices in 19 countries and territories throughout Asia Pacific, in Europe and the USA.

Outstanding issues:
1 issue(s) outstanding worth USD 600 000 000
Aggiornamento su file excel contenente i nuovi bond dal sito remes.

Ho rivisto e corretto la procedura, visto che, come detto in un post precedente, mi ero accorto che non veniva allegata la scheda dell'obbligazione ma il suo link al sito per un problema di vba excel 2010.

Ho comunque considerato che allegare tutte le schede al file excel avrebbe portato in breve tempo ad avere un file di dimensioni considerevoli, lungo da scaricare. Considerate che ogni immagine occupa 52/56 kb.

Per questo motivo ho cambiato strategia. La nuova versione, qui allegata in formato zip, crea una directory C:\Remes contenente il file RemesBond.xls, da aprire ovviamente con Excel, e una directory SchedeObbligazioni che contiene le immagini delle schede.

In questo modo ogni settimana verranno scaricate le sole nuove schede aggiunte ed il file aggiornato. Il tutto sarà di dimensioni ragionevoli.

Per installare dovete scaricare il file allegato e posizionarlo sotto C:, e scompattarlo.

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grazie,adesso si che riesco!
mi chiedevo da "scappato dalla banca" queste obbligazioni posso comprarle solo allo sportello e non online, forse con directa?
Oschadbank sells $500m 5-year Eurobond

Oschadbank has sold a $500m 5-year Eurobond paying 8.25%, according to Interfax-AFI citing a source in the financial markets. The notes are being actively traded in the secondary market. On February 15 the bank started a road show of the issue. On February 23 market participants told Interfax-AFI that the bank had postponed the sale due to unfavourable market conditions and the unrest in Libya. On March 1 the bank opened the order book again announcing coupon guidance around 8.375%. Credit Suisse and Morgan Stanley arranged the deal.

Issuer, issue number: Oschadbank, 2016
Type of debt instrument: Eurobonds
Issue status: outstanding
Par, currency of issue: USD, 200000
Amount: 500 000 000
ISIN: XS0594294695
End of placement: Mar 01 2011
Issue price: 100
Yield at Pricing: 8.25%
Coupon: 8.25%
Coupon frequency: 2 time(s) per year
Settlement Date: Mar 10 2011
Maturity date: Mar 10 2016
Issue Managers: In Russian Only
Issuer profile:
Oschadbank is a state-owned bank, one of the largest financial institutions of Ukraine.

Outstanding issues:
1 issue(s) outstanding worth USD 500 000 000
1 issue(s) outstanding worth UAH 200 000 000
New bond issue: South Africa sells USD 750m in 2041 bonds with 6.250% coupon

South Africa (South Africa) on March 1, 2011 placed USD 750m in bonds with a 6.250% coupon, maturing in 2041. The bond was priced at 99.437%. Citigroup, Deutsche Bank arranged the deal.

Issuer, issue number: South Africa, 2041
Type of debt instrument: Eurobonds
Issue status: outstanding
Par, currency of issue: USD, 100000
Amount: 750 000 000
ISIN: US836205AP92
End of placement: Mar 01 2011
Issue price: 99.437
Coupon: 6.250%
Coupon frequency: 2 time(s) per year
Settlement Date: Mar 08 2011
Maturity date: Mar 08 2041
Issue Managers: Citigroup, Deutsche Bank
Issuer profile:
RSA is a country in South Africa.
Area – 1 221 037 (25th).
Population – 47,9 mln. (25th)
The capital is Pretoria.
Official language – Afrikaans, English.
Local currency – Rand (ZAR).
Government – Parliamentary republic.

Outstanding issues:
2 issue(s) outstanding worth EUR 2 000 000 000
7 issue(s) outstanding worth USD 8 250 000 000
2 issue(s) outstanding worth JPY 60 000 000 000

Issuer's rating:
Moody's Investors Service A3/Stable Int. Scale (foreign curr) 16.07.2009
Standard & Poor's BBB+/Stable Int. Scale (foreign curr.) 25.01.2011
Fitch Ratings BBB+/Stable Int. Scale (foreign curr.) 17.01.2011
New bond issue: Lithuania sells USD 750m in 2021 bonds with 6.125% coupon

Lithuania (Lithuania) on March 2, 2011 placed USD 750m in bonds with a 6.125% coupon, maturing in 2021. The bond was priced at 98.172% to yield 6.375%. BNP Paribas, JP Morgan arranged the deal.

Issuer, issue number: Lithuania, 2021
Type of debt instrument: Eurobonds
Issue status: outstanding
Par, currency of issue: USD, 100000
Amount: 750 000 000
ISIN: XS0602546136
End of placement: Mar 02 2011
Issue price: 98.172
Yield at Pricing: 6.375%
Coupon: 6.125%
Coupon frequency: 2 time(s) per year
Settlement Date: Mar 09 2011
Maturity date: Mar 09 2021
Issue Managers: BNP Paribas, JP Morgan
Issuer profile:
Lithuania is a country in Northern Europe, the southernmost of the three Baltic states.
Area – 65 200 (123th).
Population – 2,6 mln. (130th)
The capital is Vilnius.
Official language – Lithuanian.
Local currency – Lithuanian litas (LTL).
Government – Semi-presidential republic.
Lithuania is a member of NATO, the Council of Europe and of the European Union.

Outstanding issues:
7 issue(s) outstanding worth EUR 4 437 000 000
4 issue(s) outstanding worth USD 5 000 000 000
New bond issue: KDB sells USD 750m in 2016 bonds with 4.000% coupon

KDB (Korea) on March 2, 2011 placed USD 750m in bonds with a 4.000% coupon, maturing in 2016. The bond was priced at 99.5120% to yield 4.1%. BofA Merrill Lynch, HSBC, KDB Asia, RBS, Standard Chartered, UBS arranged the deal.

Issuer, issue number: KDB, 2016-2
Type of debt instrument: Eurobonds
Issue status: outstanding
Par, currency of issue: USD, 100000
Amount: 750 000 000
End of placement: Mar 02 2011
Issue price: 99.512
Yield at Pricing: 4.1%
Coupon: 4.000%
Coupon frequency: 2 time(s) per year
Settlement Date: Mar 09 2011
Maturity date: Sep 09 2016
Issue Managers: BofA Merrill Lynch, HSBC, KDB Asia, RBS, Standard Chartered, UBS
Trading floor: SGX
Issuer profile:
Founded in 1954, KDB has fulfilled its role as a state-owned bank by spearheading the nation’s industrial and economic development for over five decades. The Bank has driven remarkable growth throughout the course of industrialization in Korea. In particular, KDB made a significant contribution to the country’s recovery from the Asian financial crisis by taking the lead in the restructuring of ailing companies. More recently, KDB have exerted our efforts into nurturing innovative SMEs and venture companies, assisting balanced national development, and expanding future growth engines.

Outstanding issues:
6 issue(s) outstanding worth USD 4 428 000 000
4 issue(s) outstanding worth JPY 31 000 000 000
1 issue(s) outstanding worth CHF 200 000 000
2 issue(s) outstanding worth HKD 515 000 000
1 issue(s) outstanding worth INR 2 300 000 000
SES / € / Baa2 BBB / 10 Y / aprox 4.8 % / 100 k + 1 k
HIT / € / Baa2 / 7 Y / aprox 5.85 % / 100 k + 100k
RCI bank / € /Baa2 / 5 Y / aprox / 4.1 % / 1 k+ 1 k
SwedBank / € / AAA / 3 Y / aprox 2.7 % / 50 k + 1 k
Ultima modifica:
qualcuno ne sa qualcosa?

Websim - 04/03/2011 08:19:44
Collocamento lampo per la prima tranche da 150 milioni di euro per il bond Enel . Il piano di emissioni è di un miliardo. (Il Sole 24 ore)
Ultima modifica:
Che ne dite di questo titolo in collocamento?

Codice ISIN IT0004698426
Periodo di Sottoscrizione on line (TDC) Dalle ore 12:00 del 02/03/2010 e sino alle ore 12:00 del 15/03/2011
Durata 7 anni
Data di emissione 31/03/11
Data di godimento 31/03/11
Data di regolamento 31/03/11
Data di scadenza 31/03/18
Prezzo di emissione 100,00%
Prezzo di sottoscrizione 100,00%
Piano Cedolare Annuale
Cedole fisse Step Up:
1y 4.10%
2y 4.30%
3y 4.50%
4y 4.70%
5y 4.90%
6y 5.05%
7y 5.10%
Status Subordinato Lower Tier II
Prezzo di Rimborso Prezzo di rimborso 100% del valore nominale.
Il prestito è rimborsabile in cinque quote annuali costanti, pari al 20% del Valore Nominale, pagabili a partire dal 31/03/2014
Piano di Rimborso rimborso del 20% dell'ammontare iniziale p.a. a partire dal 31.03.2014

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