Nuove_emissioni, collocamenti Nuove Emissioni (4 lettori)


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DIC Asset AG: coupon 5.875%
Volume: 100 million €
The SDAX-listed real estate investor DIC Asset AG (DE0005098404) has laid down the conditions for the announced corporate bond: The five-year, unsecured corporate bond with a volume of up to € 100 million interest rate of 5.875%. The issue price is 100.00% of par. The subscription period runs from 5 to 11 May 2011 and can be terminated in case of drawing. The first listing is for 16 May 2011 provided. The Notes will be offered through a public offering to private and institutional investors in Germany and Austria. They can be drawn in the denomination of 1,000 euros and in the open market are the German Stock Exchange (Entry Standard segment of bonds) were included.

DIC Asset AG is the first publicly traded real estate companies in Germany, serving the capital market such a large volume corporate bond. For the company, the loan is a flexible and attractive way of additional debt financing, which goes beyond the traditional mortgage loans and it adds. DIC Asset AG had in March this year, five times over-subscribed, acquired through a capital increase of € 50 million in new capital. The new funds - both from the capital and from the placement of the bond - are especially been designed to quickly and flexibly respond to attractive buying opportunities in the market. This generates the DIC Asset AG further growth, which leads to higher capacity and higher revenues.
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On 24 May in Cologne, the Entrepreneur Workshop "corporate bonds - a chance for the middle class instead.
Partners of the event are: BOND MAGAZINE, Börse Stuttgart, Creditreform rating IR.on, Osborne Clarke and quirin bank
Details at Bond Conference: Unternehmensanleihen
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The bond offers an attractive opportunity to participate in the success of DIC Asset AG: DIC Asset AG generates a balanced real estate portfolio (real estate assets of three billion euros) for years stable income and profits. The main reason for success is its own asset and property management, with which it provides six sites in Germany in geographical proximity to their tenants a professional property management and rental. The company is sound and has recently reduced its debt significantly and strengthen the equity base. A reliable cash flow resulting from continuous rental income of DIC Asset AG. This adds a planned sales strategy that established strategic value realized.

Due to their listing and their membership is subject to the SDAX-DIC Asset AG high transparency standards. A quarterly and extensive reporting of financial information allows close monitoring and periodic monitoring of business performance. For this reason, for that issue in the context of listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and no rating is required. Also enjoys the DIC Asset AG through its multi-year membership in the SDAX and the established European real estate index EPRA high confidence among German and international investors.

Interested investors can subscribe for the Notes on their house or direct bank on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and on the global coordinator and bookrunner Berenberg Bank, Hamburg, and the co-manager Explanatory remarks on the Bank, Dusseldorf. A firm commitment of both banks in the underwriting and placement agreement is secured a placement volume of at least € 60 million.

Ulrich Höller, CEO of DIC Asset AG: "Investing with the DIC-bond investors for years continuously profitable and innovative real estate company that invests exclusively in Germany, Europe's most stable commercial real estate market."

Of the transaction:

Issuer: DIC Asset AG
Volume: 100 million €
Coupon: 5.875%
Issue price: 100.00%
Subscription Period: 5th-11th May 2011
First notice: 16th May 2011
Segment: Entry Standard Bond
Denomination: 1000 €


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Nello specifico

Albert Reiff GmbH & Co. KG issues corporate bond
Maturity of 5 years, coupon 7.25%
The Albert Reiff GmbH & Co. KG is issuing a five-year, unsecured bond with a volume of up to € 30 million (ISIN DE000A1H3F20). Drawing starts on 5/16/2011, the bond is available in a private investor-friendly denominations of 1,000 €, the issue price is 100%, the coupon is 7.25%, the rating agency Creditreform, the Albert Reiff GmbH & Co. KG to grade BBB-, stable outlook classified. The competent supervisory authority, BaFin, has approved the prospectus for the bond Reiff on 27/04/2011. The bond is traded in the trading segment Bondm the Stuttgart Stock Exchange.

"Enough with the planned issuance of up to € 30 million scope for investment is created in order to realize the target of our growth," says Eberhard Reiff, Chairman of the Board.

The Reif Group is a leading trading company for tires, wheels and Technical Products. According to the Institute for SME Research, Bonn, Reiff is the group with 1560 employees (in the first quarter of 2011) and a sales including around 500 million euros, the new acquisition tires Krupp, 1.1.2011 to the 300 largest family businesses. Reiff 2010, the group celebrated its 100th anniversary and today consists of 19 companies with 80 offices in six countries.

The Reif Group currently offer great opportunities through internal and external growth in the three areas of tires and automotive technology, technical trade and elastomer technology. With the proceeds, the expansion of the Reiff-group in the areas of tires and automotive engineering and technical products and finance advanced.

The Reif Group is a trade group in the tire industry, service, technical trade and rubber processing. In the first quarter of 2011, the Group employs 1560 employees at over 80 locations.


Super Moderator
Nello specifico

Albert Reiff GmbH & Co. KG issues corporate bond
Maturity of 5 years, coupon 7.25%
The Albert Reiff GmbH & Co. KG is issuing a five-year, unsecured bond with a volume of up to € 30 million (ISIN DE000A1H3F20). Drawing starts on 5/16/2011, the bond is available in a private investor-friendly denominations of 1,000 €, the issue price is 100%, the coupon is 7.25%, the rating agency Creditreform, the Albert Reiff GmbH & Co. KG to grade BBB-, stable outlook classified. The competent supervisory authority, BaFin, has approved the prospectus for the bond Reiff on 27/04/2011. The bond is traded in the trading segment Bondm the Stuttgart Stock Exchange.

"Enough with the planned issuance of up to € 30 million scope for investment is created in order to realize the target of our growth," says Eberhard Reiff, Chairman of the Board.

The Reif Group is a leading trading company for tires, wheels and Technical Products. According to the Institute for SME Research, Bonn, Reiff is the group with 1560 employees (in the first quarter of 2011) and a sales including around 500 million euros, the new acquisition tires Krupp, 1.1.2011 to the 300 largest family businesses. Reiff 2010, the group celebrated its 100th anniversary and today consists of 19 companies with 80 offices in six countries.

The Reif Group currently offer great opportunities through internal and external growth in the three areas of tires and automotive technology, technical trade and elastomer technology. With the proceeds, the expansion of the Reiff-group in the areas of tires and automotive engineering and technical products and finance advanced.

The Reif Group is a trade group in the tire industry, service, technical trade and rubber processing. In the first quarter of 2011, the Group employs 1560 employees at over 80 locations.

Teniamola d'occhio :up:
Teniamola d'occhio :up:
Ciao a tutti, sono nuovo in questo forum e sto imparando ora il trading delle obbligazioni.
Questa di Reiff mi sembra troppo bella per essere vera: mi spiegate il trucco? Se tutte le altre corporate bond danno il 3/4% e simili, come può questa dare più del 7?
Le cedole sono annuali?
grazie mille


Super Moderator
Ciao a tutti, sono nuovo in questo forum e sto imparando ora il trading delle obbligazioni.
Questa di Reiff mi sembra troppo bella per essere vera: mi spiegate il trucco? Se tutte le altre corporate bond danno il 3/4% e simili, come può questa dare più del 7?
Le cedole sono annuali?
grazie mille

Beh, ogni obbligazione HY ha una storia a sé e i paragoni è sempre difficili farli. Comunque è in fase di emissione per cui prendendola adesso (ammesso che uno ci riesca dato l'ammontare) il rendimento è del 7,25%. Dopo non si sa. Comunque, ci sono corporate bond che rendono anche più di questa e corporate che rendono meno.
ok, ho capito. Forse è un po' troppo rischiosa per il mio essere alle prime armi:)
Grazie cmq di questo thread preziosissimo.


Nuovo forumer
In emissione, Santander 4Y circa 4,625% min 100K
Issuer.......... Santander International Debt SA Unipersonal
Guarantor....... Banco Santander S.A.
Exp Ratings..... Aa2/AA/AA (-ve,-ve,stable) by Moody's, S&P and Fitch
Size............ EUR Benchmark
Coupon.......... Fixed, annual, Act/Act ICMA
Maturity........ [18]-May-2015
Settlement...... [18]-May-2011
Guidance........ Mid Swaps +175a
Denoms.......... 100k+100k
Law/List........ English -Spanish / Luxembourg
Leads.......... DB / NATIXIS/ RBS / Santander
Timing.......... Books open now, today's business


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Membro dello Staff
New bond issue: Indika Energy sells USD 115m in 2018 bonds with 7.0% coupon

Indika Energy (Indonesia) on April 28, 2011 placed USD 115m in bonds with a 7.0% coupon, maturing in 2018. The bond was priced at 100.0% to yield 7.0%. Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Standard Chartered, UBS arranged the deal.

Issuer, issue number: Indika Energy, 2018
Type of debt instrument: Eurobonds
Issue status: outstanding
Type of placement: public
Par, currency of issue: USD, 200000
Amount: 115 000 000
ISIN: USN44515AA77
End of placement: Apr 28 2011
Issue price: 100
Yield at Pricing: 7%
Coupon: 7.0%
Coupon frequency: 2 time(s) per year
Settlement Date: May 07 2011
Maturity date: May 07 2018
Issue Managers: Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Standard Chartered, UBS
Issuer profile:
PT Indika Energy Tbk ("Indika Energy") is an integrated Indonesian energy company, providing its customers with integrated energy solutions through its complementary investments in the areas of energy resources, energy services and energy infrastructure. PT. Indika Energy Tbk or IE was established in year 2000 and has been growing to become a leading integrated Indonesian energy group with an equity interest in a leading coal mining producer and operations that include the provision of engineering, procurement and construction services in Indonesia. IE presents a unique integrated energy business strategy by combining the complimentary strengths of the resources, services and infrastructures leading to significant value creation. The synergies create a new complete energy player that can play important role in Indonesia much needed energy and infrastructure sectors and creates a new opportunity to be a regional player in energy sectors.

Outstanding issues:
2 issue(s) outstanding worth USD 345 000 000


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Membro dello Staff
per chi è amante del lusso :)

Christian Dior issued corporate bond
5-year term, Guidance: Mid Swap +105 to 110 basis points
Christian Dior issued a corporate bond with a maturity of 5 years. Expect a spread 105-110 basis points over mid swap. The transaction is CA CIB, accompanied ING, Natixis and SG CIB. The transaction is expected to take place soon.

Current Mid swap rates can be found at:
Bondboard@BaaderMarkets ***vorher wissen - wie man handelt***


low cost high value
Membro dello Staff
Heckler & Koch plans to issue a bond in the amount of 290 million €
Heckler & Koch plans to press reports, the issue of a corporate bond in the amount of up to 290 million euros. The funding will include a pending high-yield bond in the amount of € 120 million to be refinanced (ISIN XS0196656408), which is due on 7/15/2011.

Quindi chi lo ha in ptf può stare tranquillo.
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