Nuove_emissioni, collocamenti Nuove Emissioni (18 lettori)


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Gerresheimer plans bond issue
Commerzbank, German Bank, RBS and UniCredit appointed as book-runner?
The packaging specialist Gerresheimer AG reportedly plans to issue a corporate bond. Commerzbank, German Bank, RBS and UniCredit beautragt were trying to arrange a series of fixed-income investor meetings. The road show starts on 9 May The placement is expected immediately after.

After the repayment of outstanding corporate bonds in the amount of € 126 million in April, the company had announced to issue a bond in the second quarter.



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Hungary issued bonds with a maturity of just under 8 years
Guidance: Mid Swap +80 basis points
Hungary issued a EUR benchmark bond with a maturity of just under 8 years. Expected to be a spread of 280 basis points over mid swap. The transaction is accompanied by German Bank, ING and UniCredit.

Of the transaction:

Issuer: Hungary
Rating: Baa3, BBB-, BBB-(all with negative outlook)
Running time: up to 01/11/2019
Volume: n.bek. (EUR Benchmark)
Coupon: fixed, n.bek.
Guidance: Mid Swap +280 basis points
Settlement: 11/05/2011
Denomination: 1,000 €
Listing: Frankfurt
Angew. Law: English Law
Bookrunner: German Bank, ING and UniCredit

Coupon all'incirca 6.23 %
Ultima modifica:


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Membro dello Staff
Volkswagen Bank issued Floater, Reoffer: 3-month Euribor +45 basis points
Duration 2 years, Books open
Volkswagen Bank issued a loan at a floating rate with a volume of at least 200 million €. Offered the bonds with a spread of 45 basis points over 3-month Euribor. The transaction is accompanied by Santander as Sole Brook Runner.

Plotted data of the transaction:

Issuer: Volkswagen Bank
Rating: A2, A-(both stable)
Volume: at least 200 million €
Settlement: May 2011
Term: May 2013
Coupon: 3-month Euribor +45 basis points
Listing: Luxembourg
Denomination: 100,000 €
Book runner: Santander


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€ GOLDMAN SACHS 5 YR € Rend. Ca. 4.50%

Issuer: The Goldman Sachs Group Inc
Securities: Senior Unsecured
Format: RegS Only (TEFRA D)
Issue Ratings: A1 / A / A+
Size: € Benchmark
Maturity: 5yr
Settlement: T+3
Coupon: Fixed, Annual ACT/ACT
Price Guidance: MS+145 area
Listing: Luxembourg Stock Exchange’s regulated market
Denoms: €1k + €1k / Bearer
Docs: EMTN Programme
Use of Proceeds: General corporate purposes
Bookrunners: GSI Sole Books
Joint Lead Managers: ABN AMRO / Banca IMI / BBVA / Commerzbank / Danske / Erste
Timing: Books open, expect pricing later today


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€ BOS BANK 5 YR € Rend. Ca. 6%

Issuer............: BOS Finance AB, Sweden
Guarantor.........: Bank Ochrony Srodowiska S.A. (BOS Bank)
Ratings...........: BBB (stable) by Fitch
Status............: Senior Unsecured, Unsubordinated
Distribution format: Reg S registered only
Tenor.............: 5yr Fixed
Size..............: € TBD
Coupon............: Fixed,annual Act/Act ICMA
Denom/ Legal......: € 100k + €1k/Luxembourg Listing/English Law
Joint Books.......: Barc/ING/RBI
Timing............: Taking IOIs, this week's business
Change of Control.: Put at par if state ownership falls below 51%
Use of the Proceeds: General corporate purposes



Forumer storico
€ GOLDMAN SACHS 5 YR € Rend. Ca. 4.50%

Issuer: The Goldman Sachs Group Inc
Securities: Senior Unsecured
Format: RegS Only (TEFRA D)
Issue Ratings: A1 / A / A+
Size: € Benchmark
Maturity: 5yr
Settlement: T+3
Coupon: Fixed, Annual ACT/ACT
Price Guidance: MS+145 area
Listing: Luxembourg Stock Exchange’s regulated market
Denoms: €1k + €1k / Bearer
Docs: EMTN Programme
Use of Proceeds: General corporate purposes
Bookrunners: GSI Sole Books
Joint Lead Managers: ABN AMRO / Banca IMI / BBVA / Commerzbank / Danske / Erste
Timing: Books open, expect pricing later today

interssante, hai ISIN?


Forumer storico
No. Credo che in questa fase non sia ancora stato assegnato. Quando dice "books open, today's business" è praticamente la sottoscrizione in emissione. E deve essere fatta entro poche ore. Scusa il gergo poco tecnico... così ho capito dalla banca.

figurati, mica sono un avvocato:D
non ho idea da dove peschi queste info, ma pensi di poterlo rimediare?

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