Nuove_emissioni, collocamenti Nuove Emissioni (3 lettori)

Joe Silver

Forumer storico
Ci faccio un pensierino, a 100 sarebbe da prendere ma a 102 mi lascia indeciso.

A 100 potrebbe tornare, perchè ha fatto un picco oltre i 105 solo un paio di settimane fà (a Luglio era arrivata a 88). Comunque titolo molto volatile.
Secondo me il problema non sono un paio di punti, ma l'emittente.
Ultima modifica:


Forumer storico
sono a 103 ,5 e scadono nel 2020 ma volevo sapere da voi cosa pensate dell'emittente .... il mercato immobiliare quasi fermo ..... ma penso lavorino tanto all' non conoscendo....:mumble::mumble:
Non si sà più cosa comprare, a parte bancari semidistressed è tutto caro.
Allora Italcementi può essere una posizione per diversificare considerando tasso e durata abbastanza convenienti.
Riguardo ai bilanci in genere, si possono valutare se si ha fiducia e occhi bendati, tra consigli di amministrazione, sindaci e revisori ormai siamo abituati a ogni genere di falsità.
Seat, Mps, Sns sono solo alcuni esempi di come si fanno i bilanci al giorno d'oggi, per dare un minimo di credibilità ai bilanci occorrerebbe punire severamente il falso in bilancio, non depenalizzarlo, e quando fallisce una impresa col falso di bilancio mi aspetterei il coinvolgimento dei revisori a copertura dei danni.
Riguardo al settore cemento non è difficile fare ancora buoni fatturati il problema è portarli all'incasso.


low cost high value
Membro dello Staff
ThyssenKrupp issued bond in the amount of 1.25 billion euros, 4.00% coupon
ThyssenKrupp AG yesterday issued under the auspices of BayernLB, Citigroup, HSBC and UniCredit Bank AG as part of its € 10 billion debt issuance program, a bond in the amount of EUR 1.25 billion, with a maturity of 5 1/2 years. The coupon rate is 4.00% pa at an issue price of 99.681%. With the bond issue, according to ThyssenKrupp the favorable market environment is used, extend the maturity profile of financial liabilities and the capital share in the financing strengthened. By the denomination of EUR 1,000 will allow individuals to purchase the bonds on the stock exchange. ThyssenKrupp over 150,000 employees working in about 80 countries with passion and high level of expertise to offer solutions for sustainable progress. Their qualifications and commitment are the basis for our success. ThyssenKrupp generated in fiscal year 2011/2012 a turnover of 40 billion euros.


low cost high value
Membro dello Staff
KTG Agrar bond increased to 2011/2017 to EUR 80 million
"We believe the uncertain Euro-development planning and financing security of German SMEs is considerably affected. We counteract by creating through our bond sustainable security for growth financing and liquidity of KTG Agrar AG ", says Siegfried Hofreiter, CEO of KTG Agar AG. "This gives us predictability. As we understand these forward-looking liquidity is an innovative company a top priority. "Therefore, the KTG Agrar AG, one of the leading agricultural companies in Europe, increased its equity and medium-term loan capital to ensure profitable growth in a sustainable and long term. In addition to the capital increase of 10 percent of the capital in early February and the targeted placement of 2 million shares of KTG Energy Ltd has been successfully completed, and thus raised more hidden reserves. In addition, the company has successfully the corporate bond (ISIN: DE000A1H3VN9) 5 with a coupon of 7.125 percent and a term of up to June 2017 increased by 80 million euros and placed with institutional investors. The transaction was accompanied by the youmex Invest AG, Frankfurt. The issue price was 100 percent. The equity ratio has developed positively over 25 percent, which is above the level of the financial statements 2012 (June 30, 2012). "We are pleased with the strong interest of investors in our company. It shows that we are inter-alloyed with our business model - from field to plate - are on the right track. The combination of investment in farmland and biogas plants and the production of food from farm to fork has huge potential, "says Siegfried Hofreiter, CEO of KTG Agrar AG. Here is the KTG Agrar active in capital-intensive sectors. The dynamic growth in farmland binds during rounding to bigger - and more valuable - the same areas as the capital input biogas storage. Siegfried Hofreiter. "Through the medium term bond financing, we can at attractive investment opportunities not only react faster and yield lower costs, but also improve the long term even our rating," in October 2012 had Creditreform Rating AG's investment grade rating of BBB reaffirms for KTG Agrar . KTG Agrar Group this week at the "BioFach", the world's largest trade fair for organic food, represented by three brands. The international audience to present the KTG brands: FZ Foods (Frozen), BZ Bio Centre and earth-gold fresh produce. The consumer requests a secure and transparent food production "from field to market". "We are delighted to be a positive response to our brands, and feel a significantly increased consumer demand for our controlled food from the region," said Ulf Hammerich, Agricultural Board of KTG Agrar AG.


low cost high value
Membro dello Staff
Norwegian SpareBank issued 5-year bond, Guidance: mid swap +115 bp
The Norwegian SpareBank 1 issued a bond with a maturity of 5 years. Expected is a spread of 115 basis points over mid swap. The transaction is supported by Citigroup, DZ Bank, LBBW and UniCredit.

of the transaction:
Issuer: SpareBank 1
Rating: A2 (Moody's), A-(Fitch)
Volume: n.bek.
Settlement: 02/21/2013
Duration: 5 years (until 02/21/2018)
Coupon: n.bek.
Guidance: mid swap +115 bp
denominations: € 1,000, € 100,000 Minimum Order
Listing: Luxembourg
Bookrunners: Citigroup, DZ Bank, LBBW and UniCredit


low cost high value
Membro dello Staff
American Honda Finance issued bond in the amount of USD 500 million
Term 5 years
The American Honda Finance Corp.. issued a bond with a volume of USD 500 million and a term of 5 years. The transaction is accompanied by Royal Bank of Scotland, Citigroup and JP Morgan.

of the transaction:
Issuer: American Honda Finance Corp.
Rating: A1 (neg), A + (stab)
volume: 500 million
USD Duration: 5 years
Coupon: n . bek.
Guidance: . n.bek
Denominations: $ 1,000, $ 2,000 minimum order
Bookrunner: Royal Bank of Scotland, Citigroup and JP Morgan


low cost high value
Membro dello Staff
Hungary issued USD tranche benchmark bond with 5 or 10 years
Guidance: Treasuries + 345 or +355 bp
Hungary issued a USD benchmark bond with a maturity of 5 to 10 years. Expected is a spread of 345 or 355 basis points over U.S. Treasuries. The transaction is accompanied by BNP Paribas, Citigroup, German Bank and Goldman Sachs.

of the transaction:
Issuer: Hungary
Rating: Ba1, BB, BB +
Volume: USD benchmark
duration: 5 or 10 years
Coupon: n.bek.
Guidance: Treasuries + 345 or +355 bp
Denominations: $ 2,000
Bookrunners: BNP Paribas, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs and German bank

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