Anche qui l'ultima disamina delle agenzie di cui dispongo in archivio parlano di debolezza delle divisioni automotive e media (quest'ultima credo proprio consista fondamentalmente nel Gruppo Editoriale l'Espresso), che quindi genererà un flusso molto esiguo di dividendi per un certo arco di tempo, mentre altra attività di business più recentemente avviate e presenti in portafoglio impiegheranno tempo a ridurre l'indebitamento di partenza e a generare flussi di divendi stabili a beneficio di CIR.
Però non pare esserci una situazione di allarme rosso legata alle scadenze, dato che la liquidità copre le scadenze debitorie fino al 2011 compreso (e andrebbe verificato se in questi mesi ci siano state altre emissioni, ma credo proprio di no) ed il restante debito è appunto a scadenza piuttosto lontana nel tempo, trattandosi del bond che viene a maturazione nel 2024.
Il livello di leverage in capo a CIR è giudicato modesto da S&P e le aspettative sono che rimanga tale (e dunque che non ci siano nuove emissioni di particolare consistenza, o significativa presenza in futuro di debito bancario)...
Italian Holding Company CIR Cut To 'BB' On Portfolio Concentration And Challenges At Subsidiaries; Outlook Stable
PARIS (Standard & Poor's) May 19, 2009--Standard & Poor's Ratings Services said today that it has lowered its long-term corporate credit rating on Italy-based holding company CIR-Compagnie Industriali Riunite SpA (CIR) to 'BB' from 'BB+'. The 'B' short-term rating was affirmed. The outlook is stable.
The action reflects tough challenges faced by the group's automotive and media division, the sharp drop in dividend inflows expected from these entities, and our belief that it will take time before more recently established businesses can generate significant and recurrent dividend inflows and reduce their indebtedness. "Until this happens we think that CIR's holdings portfolio could continue to display limited asset diversity and a weak average credit profile," said Standard & Poor's credit analyst Xavier Buffon.
The stable outlook reflects our belief that debt leverage at CIR's holdings will remain modest in the future relative to the estimated portfolio value, and the comfort provided by available cash balances, which more than cover the 2011 bond, and the long-dated nature of the other outstanding debt (maturing in 2024). We could revise the outlook to negative if the company encountered issues in liquidating some of its financial assets, and/or if the cash burn that is likely at holdings this year was to grow in magnitude or last longer than one or two years; this will in part be dependent on whether, and to what extent, L'Espresso and Sogefi resume dividend distribution after this year; and the pace at which dividends received from Sorgenia increase in the future.
Ratings downside could also occur if CIR holdings were to undertake any equity infusions in subsidiaries, or if leverage at holdings increased to above 20% of the portfolio value.
Ratings upside potential seems remote at this stage, but could materialize if the portfolio's diversity and/or asset quality were to significantly improve. We think this would likely be mainly driven by the way Sorgenia and HSS continue to develop in the future, and if and to what extent their respective financial profiles improve over time