FTSE Mib Futures Operatività Indici & Futures - ven 12 dic 2008 (4 lettori)


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Non so quanto sia attendibile ma fa venire i brividi a leggerlo. Secondo voi di chi parlano?

da un post del FOL

Fonte: Porter Stansberry
Founder, S&A Investment Research

A Big Bankruptcy Announcement
We believe there will be a MAJOR bankruptcy announcement in approximately the next 24 hours... before midnight, this Friday.

America's Next Major Bankruptcy
(it's not GM or CitiGroup)...

Happens this FRIDAY at Midnight

This Friday, Dec. 12th, the next stage of the financial crisis will begin.

That's when one of America's biggest businesses (they
operate in 44 states), will undoubtedly declare bankruptcy.

How can I be so sure it will happen on Friday, December 12th?

Two words...

Unpayable debt.

You see, the company I'm talking about, which is the 2nd biggest in its industry, and is headquartered in Chicago, has until Friday, December 12th at midnight to pay back a $900 MILLION loan.

In the current market, this amount of debt is lethal.

The company is currently paying over $1 billion per year in interest expenses to finance their debt—that's MORE THAN THEIR OPERATING INCOME. (That's like having a mortgage payment that's bigger than your entire paycheck.)

There is absolutely no way the company can make this $900 million payment or raise this kind of money.

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