OT: Topic del cazzeggio

forse è OT nel topico del cazzeggio :D, perchè riguarda in senso lato gli investimenti, ma com'è questo analista che taglia il prezzo target da $ 20 a $1... :lol:

"While it is well known that cruise demand has been declining precipitously since last fall, we do not believe the magnitude of the decline is appreciated," Barclays says. Firm cuts price target on Royal Caribbean Cruises (RCL) to $1 from $20, and says RCL will "become precariously close to facing liquidity issues." RCL -11.8% to $9.20.
cellulare con schermo 3D :eek:

As you may be aware, the Davos conference for the super-rich and powerful is going on in Switzerland right now, and throwing all those egos into a room together can lead to some testy moments -- like today, when Michael Dell asked Vladimir Putin how the US could help Russia improve its IT infrastructure. Putin's response? "We don't need help. We are not invalids. We don't have limited mental capacity." Saucy! Vlads followed up by pointing out that Russian scientists mainly focus on software, not hardware -- interpreted by many as a further slap at Dell. Any bets on whether Mikey D replied by saying that if he were in charge, he'd shut Russia down and give it back to the people?
As you may be aware, the Davos conference for the super-rich and powerful is going on in Switzerland right now, and throwing all those egos into a room together can lead to some testy moments -- like today, when Michael Dell asked Vladimir Putin how the US could help Russia improve its IT infrastructure. Putin's response? "We don't need help. We are not invalids. We don't have limited mental capacity." Saucy! Vlads followed up by pointing out that Russian scientists mainly focus on software, not hardware -- interpreted by many as a further slap at Dell. Any bets on whether Mikey D replied by saying that if he were in charge, he'd shut Russia down and give it back to the people?

Uhé Baffo, tu che fai il trader, perché non butti un occhio sul 3D del BTP 2037 e ci dai una tua opinone ? ;)

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