OT: Topic del cazzeggio

a volte ritornano...

NEW YORK, May 14 (Reuters) - Former Lehman Brothers Chief Executive Richard Fuld has returned to Wall Street.

Since May 6, Fuld has been employed and registered with a New York firm called Legend Securities Inc, according to the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority BrokerCheck website.
A man who answered the trading line at Legend Securities said Fuld was not at the firm. When asked if Chief Executive Anthony Fusco could comment, he said, "The CEO is out and we have no comment," and hung up the phone.
Fuld could not be reached immediately for comment.
According to Legend's website, the broker-dealer engages in stock, fixed-income and options trading as well as investment banking.
Vilified after the fourth-largest investment bank collapsed and triggered a global financial crisis, Fuld is not listed as a member of the firm's management team.
Fuld's last public appearance came in April, when he testified before the House Committee on Financial Services. Lehman's examiners had reported that the investment bank, before it collapsed into bankruptcy in September 2008, had engaged in repurchase agreements to reduce its reported debt levels. (Reporting by Joe Giannone and Dan Wilchins, editing by Leslie Gevirtz)

UPDATE 1-Ex-Lehman CEO Fuld joins Legend Securities | Reuters
azione di gruppo ....

Nell'ultimo meeting, Negusneg ha lanciato l'idea di un coordinamento che possa tornare utile in vista del raggiungimento di interessi comuni... si proverà ad approfondire questa possibilità, guardando alla possibile costituzione di una associazione senza scopo di lucro a latere rispetto al forum ... vediamo cosa viene fuori: il discorso merita certamente una valutazione accurata... ;)

Yes !
Recuerdo esattamente che Negus ce ne parlò in merito alla ns. 'azione di gruppo' per convincere le banche a permetterci di acquistare le nuove emissioni e NON ad aspettare un anno ... mentre l'emissione sale, e sale, e sale :sad:

Quindi attendiamo il proximo meeting .... vediamo se ci sarà qualche news in merito :)
CRISI FINANZIARIA - La domanda è: cadrà il dollaro o no?


La morale: in tempi di crisi bisogna stringere il culo :)

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