OT: Topic del cazzeggio

visto che spesso riportate post del FOL,
29 aprile
10 maggio
date uno sguardo a questo photoshop se l'ho fatto bene

e magari confrontate con qualche NEWS !!! :eek::eek::eek:

ps scusate ho sbagliato a postare quì
mi era sfuggito che questo è solo il "topic del cazz..eggio" !!!

ps2 poi non è che qualcuno scherzando scherzando, dice pure la verità :-?:-?

Edesmo ma veramente credi alle cretinate dell'astrofisica. Chiedi all'Iing. qualcosa di tecnico sulla futura quotazione di Gm, come ho visto fare qui su IO nei thread appositi, non sa una emerita cippa.
Spara balle a ripetizione. PUNTO.

Un saluto


  • Chapman.jpg
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Il Superuomo. Fantastico.

Lot Notes
An acknowledged masterpiece of the Young British Art generation, Übermensch has been exhibited throughout the world at most of the major surveys of this groundbreaking movement. Like much of the greatest work from this movement, Übermensch lifts realism to a new level and uses the shocking reality of its depiction to ask important questions about the nature of our existence and the society that surrounds us. Towering above the viewer, Stephen Hawking, one of the great intellectual brains of our time, is raised high on a pedestal surveying all around him. However, what quickly becomes clear is that the pedestal is a rocky crag, and Hawking's wheelchair is perched perilously close to the edge, with one wheel dangling off. The metaphor is devastating and direct, this man who is so wholly in control of his own thoughts that he has transformed our understanding of the origin of our world, cannot control his own physical mobility. Raised on high, we can worship this intellectual god, but he is about to fall off the precipice. Further intellectual depth is added here by the title of the work: the Übermensch was a concept developed by Frederic Nietzsche in his 1883 book Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Literally translated as Overman or more commonly Superman, Nietzsche proposed a new generation of man able to live entirely within the confines of the Earth, avoiding any recourse to the spiritual beliefs endorsed by Christianity. Nietzsche criticised those who took solace in the spiritual salvation promised in the afterlife, and instead encouraged people to become masters of their own destiny, to live life to the full, to experience, explore and even exploit the Earth. This was encapsulated in his concept of the 'Death of God.' These ideas had come to Nietzsche while he had been walking in Switzerland, where he had been inspired by the sight of a gigantic, towering, pyramidal rock. Here, it seems, this rock has been re-created with the Superman of our times, Stephen Hawking atop.

Pubblicità occultamamicatanto al forum dell'arte?? :up:
Vallo a dire a Stephen Hawking... :D

Il Superuomo. Fantastico.

Lot Notes
An acknowledged masterpiece of the Young British Art generation, Übermensch has been exhibited throughout the world at most of the major surveys of this groundbreaking movement. Like much of the greatest work from this movement, Übermensch lifts realism to a new level and uses the shocking reality of its depiction to ask important questions about the nature of our existence and the society that surrounds us. Towering above the viewer, Stephen Hawking, one of the great intellectual brains of our time, is raised high on a pedestal surveying all around him. However, what quickly becomes clear is that the pedestal is a rocky crag, and Hawking's wheelchair is perched perilously close to the edge, with one wheel dangling off. The metaphor is devastating and direct, this man who is so wholly in control of his own thoughts that he has transformed our understanding of the origin of our world, cannot control his own physical mobility. Raised on high, we can worship this intellectual god, but he is about to fall off the precipice. Further intellectual depth is added here by the title of the work: the Übermensch was a concept developed by Frederic Nietzsche in his 1883 book Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Literally translated as Overman or more commonly Superman, Nietzsche proposed a new generation of man able to live entirely within the confines of the Earth, avoiding any recourse to the spiritual beliefs endorsed by Christianity. Nietzsche criticised those who took solace in the spiritual salvation promised in the afterlife, and instead encouraged people to become masters of their own destiny, to live life to the full, to experience, explore and even exploit the Earth. This was encapsulated in his concept of the 'Death of God.' These ideas had come to Nietzsche while he had been walking in Switzerland, where he had been inspired by the sight of a gigantic, towering, pyramidal rock. Here, it seems, this rock has been re-created with the Superman of our times, Stephen Hawking atop.

Pubblicità occultamamicatanto al forum dell'arte?? :up:

Sono a caccia di nuovi forumisti interessati all'arte:p

mica vorrai censurarmi il messaggio...:lol::eek::nnoo:


quand'è che vi decidete A FARE LE PERSONE SERIE e vi trasferite di qua?


Io "di là", non riesco più a venire, mi viene l'allergia. :lol:

Ma di arte mi piacerebbe leggere e parlare, eccome... :bow:
Beh, fortuna che non lo ha intitolato "spezzeremo le reni alla Grecia"... anche lì, l'epilogo non fu all'altezza delle promesse... :-o


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