OT: Topic del cazzeggio

però dei manager che hanno portato un'azienda alla bancarotta ora dovrebbero salvarla in pochi mesi, vien da pensare ma non potevano farlo prima? :D

beh, sai, adesso le condizioni migliori di mercato aiutano... guarda i margini dei migliori ed immagina cosa possono riuscire a fare questi geni... :D

gm f ty oper margins.jpg
se avessi scritto anzichè



PENSI che si sarebbero insospettiti???

Il Baffo a rischio downgrade: cresce poco, le sue riserve in valuta si indeboliscono nonostante il forte flusso dei proventi del trading azionario sui mercati USA ed ha un sbilancio delle partite correnti che fa paura... :lol:

Peraltro la contabilità non è il suo forte... Per ora continua a pagare i debiti, domani non si sa... :-o

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Moody's Places Fiji's Ratings on Review for Downgrade[/FONT]


[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]New York, February 18, 2009 -- Moody's Investors Service has placed Fiji's Ba2 local- and foreign-currency government bond ratings on review for possible downgrade. Also included in the review is the country's Ba3 foreign currency bank deposit ceiling. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Moody's said the review was prompted by the substantial decline in international reserves that occurred in 2008, by the country's poor economic growth prospects, and by continuing political uncertainties. While not yet seriously threatening the government's debt repayment capacity, these trends are weakening Fiji's overall creditworthiness. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Fiji's estimated current account deficit in 2008 was equivalent to 21% of GDP. This amount is substantial, even given that the deficit was largely financed by "errors and omissions"-- inflows of foreign exchange that are not identified because of statistical problems. As the country's access to foreign borrowing is relatively limited and the uncertain political climate appears to have restrained foreign direct investment, international reserves were used to finance part of the current account deficit. From USD618 million at the end of 2007, reserves fell to USD431 million in December 2008. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Moody's noted that the government of Fiji has only limited foreign currency debt service obligations in the current year and that it should not have a problem meeting these. The government's only commercial foreign currency debt is a USD150 million bond issue that comes due in 2011, and annual interest on this bond is USD10 million. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Over time, however, the country's low economic growth potential will likely have a negative effect on government finance. The government's forecast of real GDP growth for 2009 is 2.4%, based on fiscal stimulus included in the budget for the year. As tourism is likely to decline, this forecast may prove optimistic, according to Moody's. In the following two years, the government forecasts real growth of less than 2% annually. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]The rating agency noted that since the military coup of December 2006, fiscal deficits have improved notably from those of earlier years. Despite the increased fiscal discipline of the past two years, medium-term prospects for fiscal consolidation and reduction of debt ratios appear uncertain. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]A further factor that may diminish the investment and growth outlook is the uncertain outlook for the timing of elections. The military government has delayed committing to an electoral timetable, and this uncertainty appears to be affecting investment in the economy, both domestic and foreign. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Moody's review will assess the prospects for external finance in light of the expected large current account deficit in 2009, the effects of continuing low economic growth on government finance, and political developments affecting the timing of elections. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Moody's last rating action on Fiji was on December 6, 2006, when negative outlooks were placed on the local- and foreign-currency government bond ratings and the foreign currency bank deposit ceiling.[/FONT]
stavo facendo zapping e pensavo di avere il telecomando rotto provo e riprovo ma su rai 1 vedo sempre bonolis e la defilippi, preso dal panico chiamo mia moglie e le dico si è rotta la tv, mi ha tolto la bottiglia di rosso :lol:
"We have found no evidence to indicate that securities were purchased for customers’ accounts" for "perhaps as much as 13 years," Madoff trustee Irving Picard says. Despite sending clients thousands of receipts purporting to document their trades, it was "cash in and cash out."

Un mito. :D
Rimanendo in tema, non so cosa c'entri ma io lo posto ugualmente. Mi sa di: "attenzione, io non sono responsabile"!!!!

Prolusione: nn intendo prendere le difese di nessuno, ci mancherebbe, sono assolutamente capaci di difendersi da soli.
Ma: il mod:) che ha postato questo è uno dei pochi che salvo del fol oramai.Persona squisita ed a modo che vedendo la piega che sta prendendo il fol (astrofinanzieri -piu' che altro a..stro..:D-, cazzari, troll e spammaroli), GIUSTAMENTE, ha ritenuto opportuno prenderne le distanze con una specie di Disclaimer.
Insomma è assolutamente comprensibile dopo avere visto e letto un sacco di (vedi 3ad Gm ma NON SOLO!) di fesserie, che una persona razionae senta l' esigenza di mettere i puntini sulle i.

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