Stai usando un browser molto obsoleto. Puoi incorrere in problemi di visualizzazione di questo e altri siti oltre che in problemi di sicurezza. . Dovresti aggiornarlo oppure usarne uno alternativo, moderno e sicuro.
The AVG PC Analyzer component serves to scan your PC for the errors that affect its performance. Below you can find what errors are being searched for by the component:
Registry errors - errors in sytem registry that can affect system stability
Junk Files - unneeded files that take up disk space
Fragmentation - fragmented data that reduce disk access speed
Broken Shortcuts - non-functional shortcuts that reduce explorer browsing speed
Please note that the AVG PC Analyzer can find the errors but it does not fix them. To fix the detected issues, there is a standalone AVG Program - AVG PC TuneUp which is available free for 24-hour trial.