Siamo su marte................

stosolo guardando che da 18100 molti titoli stano ipotizzando una candela di rimbalzo sul daily e' una trappola conclamata?
adesso siamo leggermente sotto , ma dopo questa sfuriata ,sul rimbalzo cominceremo a controllare urano
Treno esoteric dice questo aproposito ciao sei sempre bravo treno:up:
We are coming out of a powerful time band of geocosmic signatures in effect May 17-23, in which Venus “translates” the Cardinal Climax planets. It completes the grand square to Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto during this time. But the heavy stuff is coming up May 30-June 25, when 12 major signatures unfold, including Jupiter and Uranus moving into Aries and forming a conjunction with one another. There is no greater correlation to primary and longer market cycles in Financial Astrology than Jupiter and Uranus in a hard aspect like this. I would say that this should be very exciting, filled with many powerful events and wild price swings in financial markets. But we are already experiencing it. This is the 4th layer of the Cardinal Climax. The fifth and deepest layer is coming up late July through early August. And then we will know what the ground looks like. But hopefully we can remember the way back out – or find a new way out.

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