Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate SNS Reeal in diretta: storia di un esproprio - Notizie, informazioni e commenti

Quante SNS T1 + Lt2 Nominale Sub oggetto del furto avete in portafoglio

  • 10k

    Votes: 19 12,8%
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    Votes: 8 5,4%
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    Votes: 3 2,0%
  • 50k

    Votes: 39 26,2%
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    Votes: 6 4,0%
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    Votes: 18 12,1%
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    Votes: 17 11,4%
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    Votes: 13 8,7%
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    Votes: 17 11,4%
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    Votes: 9 6,0%

  • Total voters
Ecco la riposta pervenutami da ADUC ADUC - Investire

[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]Gentile xxx,[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]E' naturalmente impossibile per un singolo investitore presentare ricorso al Consiglio di Stato olandese, e perfino entro dieci giorni dal 1 febbraio, come anche per noi è impossibile anche solo ipotizzare di poterlo assistere in questi termini. Simili azioni sono condotte da investitori istituzionali che hanno i mezzi economici ed organizzativi per poterle condurre, e di sicuro ci saranno fondi comuni, e soprattutto studi legali internazionali, che lavoreranno alacremente in questi dieci giorni per presentare opposizione. Da questo punto di vista, quindi, si può stare tranquilli.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]Di sicuro, quello che è successo oggi 1 febbraio ha dell'eccezionale: il governo olandese ha deciso di nazionalizzare Sns Bank ma anche di espropriare senza alcun corrispettivo le azioni (e passi, perché tanto il capitale sarebbe stato ugualmente azzerato) ma anche tutto il debito non "senior", quindi pure le obbligazioni subordinate.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]Si apre, quindi, una nuova vicenda "molto poco simpatica" che stiamo seguendo sin da questa mattina non appena è apparso il comunicato del governo e dove non mancheremo di informare ed assistere tutti gli interessati.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]Cordiali saluti.[/FONT]

ma se ti hanno già risposto che non possono fare NULLA
quella volentieri, però se dice che un'offerta è possibile penso a qualcosa nell'ordine di qualche unità, le cifre in ballo sui subordinati non sono abnormi

da lui mi aspetto 4 spicci

posso solo sperare nello stato di diritto che è stato violentato e quindi nell'intervento quantiificativo dei giudici
Bonds Seized
The decree published by the Dutch Ministry of Finance didn’t set out what would happen to junior bond trades executed in the three days running up to the expropriation. Bond trades typically settle three days after they’re agreed.
“I suspect the buyer of a bond yesterday won’t pay because he’s not delivered the securities,” said Bill Blain, a London- based strategist at brokerage Mint Partners Ltd.

c'è anche questa faccenda da chiarire
Bisognerebbe che qualcuno con un ottimo inglese finanziario scrivesse a VEB VEB | vereniging van effectenbezitters - VEB wil onderzoek naar zes jaar beursfonds SNS Reaal én nationalisatie
per capire che intenzioni hanno e farsi portatore di una possibile istanza di bondisti privati per molti milioni di nominale.
Chi si fa sotto? Io ho un inglese troppo approssimativo...

Ho guardato il loro sito basta associarsi e pagare la quota di circa 70 euro e puoi partecipare alle "class action" azioni collettive. vi riporto la traduzione sui vantaggi della membership.
Se e' troppo difficile scrivere una lettera, forse uno di noi con inglese decente puo' telefonare e avere informazioni se possiamo associarci in una azione collettiva

What does the membership?
De voordelen van het lidmaatschap op een rij:​
The benefits of membership in a row:
-Gratis het grootste onafhankelijke beleggingsmagazine Effect .​
Free-the largest independent investment magazine Impact.
-Deelname aan collectieve acties​
-Participation in collective action

-E-mailservice, het meest actuele VEB-nieuws​
E-mail service, the latest news VEB
-Beleggersservice, telefonische spreekuur voor vragen en klachten.​
-Investors Service, telephone consultation for questions and complaints.
-Aantrekkelijke kortingen!​
-Attractive discounts!
-VEB jaarboek Beleggingstips​
VEB-yearbook Investment Tips
Ho guardato il loro sito basta associarsi e pagare la quota di circa 70 euro e puoi partecipare alle "class action" azioni collettive. vi riporto la traduzione sui vantaggi della membership.
Se e' troppo difficile scrivere una lettera, forse uno di noi con inglese decente puo' telefonare e avere informazioni se possiamo associarci in una azione collettiva

What does the membership?

De voordelen van het lidmaatschap op een rij:​

The benefits of membership in a row:

-Gratis het grootste onafhankelijke beleggingsmagazine Effect .​

Free-the largest independent investment magazine Impact.

-Deelname aan collectieve acties​

-Participation in collective action

-E-mailservice, het meest actuele VEB-nieuws​

E-mail service, the latest news VEB

-Beleggersservice, telefonische spreekuur voor vragen en klachten.​

-Investors Service, telephone consultation for questions and complaints.

-Aantrekkelijke kortingen!​

-Attractive discounts!

-VEB jaarboek Beleggingstips​

VEB-yearbook Investment Tips

da quel che capisco non sono ancora sicuri di agire

comunque leggendo quel sito c'è da capire perché gli olandesi erano cagasotto, loro già parlavano dell'applicazione dell'intervention act, lo davano per stra-possibile

non c'abbiamo capito una ceppa

Ecco chi sono e come si presentano

Over de VEB​
About the VEB



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Al 88 jaar (sinds 1924) behartigt de beleggersvereniging VEB de belangen van beleggers.​
Already 88 years (since 1924) represents the shareholders association VEB the interests of investors.
De vereniging laat haar stem horen via aandeelhoudersvergaderingen, in de media en voert actie bij aantoonbare misstanden bij beursondernemingen.​
The association makes its voice heard through shareholder meetings, in the media and takes action to documented abuses by listed companies.
Maar de VEB doet meer.​
But the VEB does more.

De VEB telt inmiddels meer dan 48.000 leden waaronder zowel particuliere beleggers als institutionele beleggers.​
The VEB now has more than 48,000 members, including both private and institutional investors.
De VEB heeft een team van deskundigen dat zich voortdurend inzet voor de belangen van beleggers.​
The VEB has a team of experts that is constantly committed to the interests of investors.
Shareholders Meetings
Belangenbehartiging vindt in belangrijke mate plaats tijdens de meer dan 150 aandeelhoudersvergaderingen die jaarlijks worden bijgewoond.​
Advocacy takes place largely during the more than 150 shareholders meetings which are attended annually.
Deze vergaderingen worden bezocht door zowel de medewerkers van de VEB als een team van vergaderbezoekers.​
These meetings are attended by both the employees of the VEB as a team of conference visitors.
In deze vergaderingen richt de VEB zich op het aandeelhoudersbelang, waarbij onderwerpen als dividendbeleid, acquisities, vermogenspositie en corporate governance extra aandacht krijgen.​
These meetings focused VEB on the shareholdings, issues such as dividend policy, acquisitions, equity and corporate governance extra attention.

De aandeelhoudersvergaderingen vormen het forum waar de VEB namens haar leden op constructieve wijze kritisch met de ondernemingsleiding communiceert en de aandeelhoudersbelangen voor het voetlicht brengt.​
The shareholders meetings are the forum where the VEB on behalf of its members constructively critical communicates with the management and the shareholders interests for showcasing.

De activiteiten van de VEB tonen keer op keer aan dat het gebruik van het stemrecht, verbonden aan aandelen, van groot belang is.​
The activities of the VEB show time and again that the use of the voting rights attached to shares, is of great importance.
De VEB streeft er dan ook naar zich actiever op te stellen op dit gebied.​
The VEB therefore also seeks to engage more actively to draw in this area.
Als aandeelhouder heeft u stemrecht .​
As a shareholder, you have the right to vote .
De VEB kan namens u stemmen, zodat u voortaan op alle belangrijke aandeelhoudersvergaderingen vertegenwoordigd bent.​
The VEB can vote on your behalf, so you will at all important meetings of shareholders are represented.

Dit zal worden verwezenlijkt door middel van:​
This will be achieved by means of:
* intensivering van het bezoeken van aandeelhoudersvergaderingen​
* Stepping visiting shareholder meetings
* extra aandacht voor de relatie met institutionele beleggers​
* Extra attention to the relationship with institutional investors
* gebruikmaking van het SCA voor het meezenden van informatie aan deelnemende beursfondsen​
* Using the SCA for transmitting data to participating listed companies
* het werven van stemmen onder particuliere beleggers.​
* Recruiting votes among private investors.

Collectieve acties
Collective actions
In sommige gevallen onderneemt de VEB (juridische) acties om de belangen van de betrokken beleggers te behartigen.​
In some cases action is the VEB (legal) actions to protect the interests of the investors' interests.
Spraakmakend zijn de procedures tegen ABN Amro, Fortis, World Online, Ahold, KPNQwest, Laurus en Unilever.​
Newsmakers The proceedings against ABN AMRO, Fortis, World Online, Ahold, KPNQwest, Laurus and Unilever.
Meer informatie kunt u vinden bij acties op onze website.​
More information can be found in actions on our website.

Onafhankelijke informatie
Independent Information
Naast belangenbehartiging doet de VEB er alles aan om beleggers zo goed mogelijk te informeren over actuele ontwikkelingen uit de financiële wereld.​
Besides advocacy, the VEB everything to investors as well as possible about current developments in the financial world.
Deze website speelt daarin een centrale rol.​
This site plays a central role.
Evenals het beleggingsblad Effect dat VEB leden twaalf keer per jaar ontvangen.​
As the investment magazine Effect VEB members that twelve times per year.

In Effect komen onder meer aan bod: fusies en overnames, interviews met topondernemers, sectoranalyses, beleggingsadviezen en technische analyse van experts.​
In effect are partly addressed: mergers and acquisitions, interviews with top entrepreneurs, industry analysis, investment advisory and technical analysis experts.
De onafhankelijke visie van de VEB op actuele ontwikkelingen, informatie over VEB acties en verslagen van aandeelhoudersvergaderingen benadrukken het VEB-karakter van Effect.​
The independent views of the VEB on current developments, information on VEB actions and reports of meetings of shareholders emphasize the character of VEB-Effect.

Investors Service
Leden van de VEB kunnen met hun vragen, opmerkingen en klachten op het gebied van beleggen terecht bij onze Beleggersservice , die op maandag en donderdag vanaf 10:00 uur tot 13:00 uur telefonisch bereikbaar is.​
Members of the VEB with their questions, comments and complaints in the field of investing contact our Investor Service , on Mondays and Thursdays from 10:00 to 13:00 hours reached by telephone.

Beleggerscongres 'Dag van de Belegger'
Investors Congress 'Investor Day'
De VEB organiseert ieder jaar het congres de Dag van de Belegger.​
The VEB organizes every year the Congress of the Investor Day.
Het congres wordt door meer dan 7000 geïnteresseerde beleggers bezocht.​
The conference is over 7,000 interested investors visited.
De organisatie twijfelt er niet aan dat het congres ook dit jaar een groot succes zal worden.​
The organization has no doubt that the conference this year will be a great success.
Het congres biedt ondernemingen een goede gelegenheid om door middel van een stand en/of een bedrijfspresentatie te presenteren aan een grote groep beleggers en deze te informeren over de producten, activiteiten, strategie en resultaten.​
The conference offers companies an opportunity to by a state and / or a business presentation to present to a large group of investors and to inform them about the products, activities, strategy and results. Look at www.dagvandebelegger.nl

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