Forumer storico
In primis mi scuso se scrivo ancora qui ma non ho capito dove altrimenti, il nuovo post di zorba sembra meglio resti "pulito" e limitato ad informazioni per intervento
forse ne andrà apperto uno più "archivistico" in cui postare tutto il resto ed il passato..
comunque ho pensato bene di scrivere al ministero delle finanze olandese tramite form online con seguente testo, ovviamente terro informati su eventuali risposte (normalmente si impegnano a rispondere in 2 giorni); ora la giro anche a Banca d'Olanda:
"dear sirs, I would like to protest for the unacceptable decision taken by your government to expropriate SNS group shares and subordinated bonds.
I kindly ask you to answer on following points:
-why didn't the bank use BCE's LTRO as all other banks in europe?
- how was it possible that SNS is so at risk to need an expropriation if balance sheets (audited by kpmg and controlled by Dutch National Bank )were very different from the imminent bankrupcy scenario?
If balance sheets are correct there cannot be need for an expropriation, if balance sheets were false there has been a fraud and cannot be charged on investors with Dutch State taking everything.
Were balance sheets correct or the management, auditor and controlling authority are responsible for abuses?
It is not fair charging investors without havin before checking a responsibilty of the above mentioned parties
- how was it possible that SNS is so at risk to need an expropriation if Dutch National Bank approved the redemption of partecipations Certificates just in december 2012?
- how was it possible that SNS is so at risk to need an expropriation if SNS had passed stress tests and no major negative event occourred both in financial or real estate market?
-how can you expropriate to an italian cirtizen of his bonds bought by an italian bank and held in italy?
waiting for your prompt answer
best regards"
ora vado a prender un po' d'aria saluti e buon week end a tutti
Warren se ci indichi l email a cui hai mandato questa email iniziamo a bombardarli... Ovviamente modificando il testo per non renderle tutte uguali. Questo mi sembra un primo passo. Grazie
semplicemente il form di contatto generale del sito del governo olandese (in realtà mi ci ha mandato passandodai contatti della pagina del ministero delle finanze)
ed a [email protected]
(per banca d'Olanda ho tolto utima riga su esproprio in italia, non mi sembrave competesse loro...)
da parte mia aggiungo che le preventivate perdite della PF erano ampiamente assorbibili dalle riserve del gruppo tanto da non portare assolutamente all'azzeramento del patrimonio netto
I hope you understand my english.
I have invested in holland's bank because I have (perhaps I had) faith in Holland.
Now, for your absurd decision on SNS,
-why didn't the bank use BCE's LTRO as all other banks in europe?
- how was it possible that SNS is so at risk to need an expropriation if balance sheets (audited by kpmg and controlled by Dutch National Bank )were very different from the imminent bankrupcy scenario?
If balance sheets are correct there cannot be need for an expropriation, if balance sheets were false there has been a fraud and cannot be charged on investors with Dutch State taking everything.
Were balance sheets correct or the management, auditor and controlling authority are responsible for abuses?
It is not fair charging investors without havin before checking a responsibilty of the above mentioned parties
- how was it possible that SNS is so at risk to need an expropriation if Dutch National Bank approved the redemption of partecipations Certificates just in december 2012?
- how was it possible that SNS is so at risk to need an expropriation if SNS had passed stress tests and no major negative event occourred both in financial or real estate market?
Waiting an answer,
E provàmo ! Se c'è da provà (thanks a tutti quelli che si adoperano per questo, Zeus, ClaudioBorghi, ecc ecc !! ). Io ho un cippetto da 50k di SNS523
I'm sorry for my english.
I have invested in holland's bank because I had faith in Holland.
Now, for your absurd decision on SNS,
-why didn't the bank use BCE's LTRO as all other banks in europe?
- how was it possible that SNS is so at risk to need an expropriation if balance sheets (audited by kpmg and controlled by Dutch National Bank )were very different from the imminent bankrupcy scenario?
If balance sheets are correct there cannot be need for an expropriation, if balance sheets were false there has been a fraud and cannot be charged on investors with Dutch State taking everything.
Were balance sheets correct or the management, auditor and controlling authority are responsible for abuses?
It is not fair charging investors without havin before checking a responsibilty of the above mentioned parties
- how was it possible that SNS is so at risk to need an expropriation if Dutch National Bank approved the redemption of partecipations Certificates just in december 2012?
- how was it possible that SNS is so at risk to need an expropriation if SNS had passed stress tests and no major negative event occourred both in financial or real estate market?
Why SNS IR never said there was a deadline for a industrial plan?
Why ING, Rabo did'nt put 500 million, knowing that the state would have taxed a billion?
Why senior certificate of the bank was'nt haircutted, if the trouble is in the bank?
Leggendo sui siti olandesi, alcuni di loro ritengono utile scrivere (non per email, bensì per fax o lettera) direttamente al Consiglio di Stato.
Io, almeno per cagargli il c...., gli mando un fax da italiano bello incazzolento: visto che loro m'hanno rotto la uallera per mesi col fatto che i piigs di qua e i piigs di la, adesso gli dico che io sarò anche piigs, ma le mani lunghe ce l'hanno avute loro.... quelli alti, biondi e con gli occhi azzurri.
Forum: perpetuals Steepeners »pericoli legali intorno espropriazione SNS. |
Consiglio di Stato