FTSE Mib Futures solointraday - Cap. 2

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sti figli di putt.ana maledetti, come non li sopporto.
Eric Rosengren, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, called on the Fed to launch an aggressive, open-ended bond buying program that the central bank would continue until economic growth picks up and unemployment starts falling again.

His call came in an interview with The Wall Street Journal ... His decision to speak out forcefully is a sign of the momentum building inside the Fed for a new phase of action.

Mr. Rosengren said the Fed should buy more mortgage-backed securities and possibly U.S. Treasury securities in an open-ended program, and state that it will continue to buy bonds "until we start seeing some pretty significant improvements in growth and income."​
Rosengren isn't currently a voting member, but it does seem like momentum is building for QE3.
Read more at Calculated Risk


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abbiamo il petrolio a 100 dollari nonostante le riserve ai massimi e i consumi ai minimi, per non parlare delle materie prime ecc... e ancora vogliono stampare stampare, cominciano a darmi sui nervi.
Lo sto vedendo in diretta sul canale della federal reserve, sulla piattaforma coolstreaming.
Non sembra tranquillo......
me ne esco e vi lascio il solito

li in alto i livelli dei max potrebbero pure arrivare li a 2755 ma sopra 2800 mi pare asurdo che ci vadano essendo ilmax del quinquenale


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