FTSE Mib Futures solointraday - Cap. 3

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Francia, perquisita la casa del numero uno del Fondo Monetario, Christine Lagarde - Il Fatto Quotidiano
e finalmente ad uno ad uno stanano la bilderberg
la santarellina tutta fumo e snob non era altro che na troiazza ladra

Ci vorrebbe un bel Grillo anche all'Fmi, alla Bce e al parlamento europeo, credo che ce ne sarebbero di euri da tagliare a tutti quei cervelloni.
La Legarde è scandalosa predica bene, ma prende un sacco di soldi esentasse.

The world waits breathlessly for news on Cyprus

Meanwhile another important vote will take place today. In Washington the FOMC
will meet on setting monetary policy.

Despite recent improvement in labor market conditions and economic data and
despite some growing comment if not concern over the potential costs of
aggressively easy policy it is very unlikely that FOMC will vote to change and
reduce monthly asset purchases anytime soon.

The statement following the meeting, and the updated economic projections, will
come at 2 PM and could be revised to reflect the improved tone of data after
prior meeting noted the "temporary" pause in the economy which produced only
+0.1% GDP growth in Q4.

It will probably also reaffirm the continued and intensified downside risks
that Fed has warned of. These include the sequester impact and upcoming fiscal
debates, news from Europe where seemingly calmer situations have been upended
by Italian elections and Cyprus bailout and Asian economic softness.

With net of these forces will leave the Fed at no change in policy.

At 2:30 Chair Bernanke will begin his press conference and he will probably
justify the FOMC decision by saying that the benefits of QE still outweigh
possible costs and that, though Fed is in uncharted monetary territory, it has
the tools and guidance to safely exit.

The drop in the UR, which has been the guiding light of policy, to 7.7% is
probably not nearly enough to define "substantial" improvement since Chicago
Pres Evans has defined such as below 7% and 200K job growth per month for six

There may be more specific recognition of potential risks of QE because "many
participants" in prior meeting voiced concerns but Bernanke still believes that
the greater danger is halting purchases prematurely
Analisi di medio termine

Molti titoli del fituso sono su supporti secondo me importanti e di una certa valenza

Forse è presto per poter affermare che hanno retto.

Però se ripartono da qui c'è molta strada da fare in alto.

Sono titubante in merito alla ripartenza a causa del livello sempre molto (forse troppo) alto degli indici USA
il famoso legittimo suspiciones
ho messo sul tubbo la canzone di Lucio...............attenti al crudo!!!!!!!!!!
91.98 è spartiacque :lol:


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